

What if the 4 emperor of the sea power combine into one. Ryu is an ordinary teenager, he has a loving mother and father of course he has 2 siblings. If you can describe Ryu in a one word that is 'Perfect' but Ryu is not a perfect person. Because he has an unstable mind or mentality. Sometimes he was so kind that he even try to help some girl being rape at the end he was stab by the rapist. But sometimes he become psychopath. His mentality was base on his mood whatever he wants to be a good guy or a crazy guy... *WARNING* The Naruto in this fanfic is AU because why not? Any review auto delete, why? because I wanted to. So don't try leaving some kind of review, whatever it's good or bad imma delete it. My english is bad but i think it's readable. Naruto and the One piece is not mine so credits to the owner.

Baya_baya · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs


Time pass like a shit and It's been a week since Ryu and his self or his clone start practicing their Lightning chakra nature.

*Chirp* *Chirp* *Chirp*

A very loud chirping sound you will hear in the middle of the forest... The chirping sound is like a thousand bird chirping together.

"I finally recreate the infamous chidori in the future" I said as I move my left hand with chidori.

But while I move my hand I heard some *Pooff* sound.

'The fuck with those sound? what is that!?' I thought as I let go of chidori, as I open my eyes I was shocked because there is no one in my surroundings.

'Where are they?' I thought, because before I use the infamous chidori, there atleast 15 clones but they suddenly vanished.

"Fuck, did I killed myself as I swing my hand earlier with chidori?" I said in a disappoint voice.

"So the *poof* sound that I heard earlier is my clone is dying, I forgot that only those who jave Sharingan can properly use Chidori. Should I get myself some sharingan? mehh I don't like that... For fuck sake why I did forgot that I have Observation fucking haki" I said and I start forming a hand sign to form the annoying, noisy Jutsu.

*Chirp* *Chirp* *Chirp*

*Chirp* *Chirp* *Chirp*

*Chirp* *Chirp* *Chirp*

*Chirp* *Chirp* *Chirp*

I close my eyes and start using my haki to perfectly use this damn jutsu that I don't even know if I will have a chance to use it in real battle.

I start running around the forest while piercing almost all the tree I pass by.


After a few minutes of trying my newly annoying jutsu I stopped practicing it because It's so boring to attack something that isn't even moring or fighting back.

MULTI-KAGE BUSHIN JUTSU, suddenly a smoke came out of my surroundings and 30 clone of myself appears.

"Summon all of my homies" I said and Zeus and the other's appeared right in front of me expect of Napoleon while Igris and Tank came out of my shadow and knee in front of me.

"All of you, attack me like your trying to kill me" I said as he close his eyes and use Chidori in his left hand and Napoleon in his right hand.

"But-" Igris said but he was interrupted by me. "No but, just attacked be okay" as soon as I said that I heard Tank roar and attacked me.

(Note: Igris and Tank can regenerate in exchange for Ryu's stamina . Same as roar of provocation of Tank and Telekinesis, Lightning generate of Igris)

'He is fast but at the same time slow' I thought as I evade tank and pierce it with chidori in his stomach but this is still not enough to stop tank, as soon as tank regenerates I kicked him in his chest. Because of my raw power, I made Tank flying with my powerfull dinve dragon chaos omnipotent kick.

After I made Tank flying with my kick, 2 of my clones attacked me but I easily defend my self with Napoleon and chidori on my hand, while I was defending my self, Igris appeared on my back and swing his long sword to me.

'Fuck' I thought as I put armament haki on my left foot and deflect Igris long sword with my feet.

I didn't have time to let my guard down because I heard a loud lightning sound on the sky and a few seconds later a very large lightning came towards me.

"Heavenly thunder" I heard Zeus.

After sensing this I just let it be.


The thunder attack of Zeus hit me but to my surprise I was paralyzed for a few second but I didn't suffer any injuries or even a burn.

Shu and Prometheus didn't let this chance let go, they immediately attacked me with their combination attack which is I didn't also suffer any serious injuries, just a small burn in my skin.

"Not bad" I send to Zeus because I expect of not having any injuries in Zeus attack but I didn't expect that I will paralyzed for a few seconds.

[Konoha's camp]

"Ufufufu, I should take a look where is that lightning came from" Orochimaru said as he leave his tent.

[Back to our mc]

I tuned my head towards Prometheus and Shu even through my eyes are close and said "The fuck you doing? lighting some birthday candles?"

After saying that I heard a loud Roar and I sense someone was above of me. it's fucking Tank.

"Since I kept defending, I should also start attacking, right?" I said and I immediately swing Napoleon. 'IKOKU'

A Pinkish purple energy form as I swing Napoleon and it's coming towards to my clones and homies.

*Poof* *Poof* *Poof* *Poof* *Poof* *Poof*

*Poof* *Poof* *Poof* *Poof* *Poof* *Poof*

I didn't stop attacking, I use body flicker to kill all of my clones using chidori.

*Chirp* *Poof* *Chirp* *Poof* *Chirp* *Poof*

After killing all of my clones, I said "Now I finished cutting all of the canon folders"

Upon hearing this Poseidon attacked by releasing a small fucking tsunami towards me while Shu use his powerful barrier jutsu.

Wind Release: Fujin Trap-Creating a dome of air denser than steel. Enclosing larger areas takes both more chakra and more time, making it dangerous to enclose any area larger than 100 feet. This may also be used to enclose only user targets within the dome, confining them to an area he controls. Due to the nature of this jutsu the entire area within the dome will instantly combust from a fire jutsu.

Upon using Fujin trap, Shu didn't stopped here, he immediately form a two small cyclone.

Zues also use his most powerful attack, "God of Lightning Tenjin (Tenman Daijizai Tenjin)"

Tenman Daijizai Tenjin: Zeus use his lightning to strike through the clouds in all directions, bombarding his surroundings with an electrical thunderstorm. The lightning itself is sentient, and can change direction to strike at targets who are trying to dodge or take cover.(If any of you are reading One piece manga then you know this powerful attack)

Prometheus didn't just stand by, he added a fire on the two small cyclone.

Upon sensing this I smiled "It looks like I am fighting the world it self, maybe in the future I should use it in battle and name it 'God's wrath? Narutal disaster? or world's wrath? ahhh shit I am not really good at naming things" I said as I dodge Zeus lightning and keeping away from the waters and Cyclone. While I am evading the narutal disaster that my Homies created, I also defending my self against Igris and Tank.

[110 feet away from battle]

"Ufufufufu, looks like Ryu-kun is sparring against his summon" Orochimaru said as he watch Ryu's battle.

Orochimaru didn't the only one who watched Ryu's battle but some of the hidden stone spy also watching.

"Ufufufu, looks like I need to kill some rats" Orochimaru said as he started hunting the spy.


Yowww finally we reached top 80 in power ston hunting!!!! next goal is top 70 hehehe! now gime me some power stone.

Also what do you think about this fight scene? is it good or not? give me some tips on how can I make a better fight scene hehe.

This is the longest chapter I created in this fanfic😪

Thank you all for your supports!

Stay safe everyone!

Sorr fo the bad grammar.