

What if the 4 emperor of the sea power combine into one. Ryu is an ordinary teenager, he has a loving mother and father of course he has 2 siblings. If you can describe Ryu in a one word that is 'Perfect' but Ryu is not a perfect person. Because he has an unstable mind or mentality. Sometimes he was so kind that he even try to help some girl being rape at the end he was stab by the rapist. But sometimes he become psychopath. His mentality was base on his mood whatever he wants to be a good guy or a crazy guy... *WARNING* The Naruto in this fanfic is AU because why not? Any review auto delete, why? because I wanted to. So don't try leaving some kind of review, whatever it's good or bad imma delete it. My english is bad but i think it's readable. Naruto and the One piece is not mine so credits to the owner.

Baya_baya · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs


"Send a 50 ninja to this location," the commander said.

"But commander our defense in this area will weaken if we send 50 ninjas," Some random ninja said.

"I agree with that, he is just a kid so why bothered sending a 50 ninja just to kill him, 10 will be enough" Random mob said.

"Shut up, who do you think I am? I'm the one who is in charge in this area right?" The commander said to the mobs.


"It doesn't matter if our defense here will be weakened because we send 50 ninjas on that location, It's gonna be worth it if we can kill that brat," The commander said.

"Then we're gonna send 5 jonin, 15 chunin, and 30 genin?" some random mobs said.

"Yeah but before that, we need to report this matter to Tsuchikage-sama so he can send some reinforcement here," Random mob said.

"I agree"

"I agree"

"I agree"

"I agree"


[At tsuchikage's office]

"Hmm, what do you think about this, Akasuchi?" the third tsuchikage also known as Onoki said to his assistant.

In the front of Tsuchikage you will a large and imposing man, with dark eyes and black hair that spikes out at the back from underneath his bandanna-styled forehead protector. He also has large cheeks, and a plump nose which give him an overall look of constant joviality. He wears the red Iwagakure uniform which has both its sleeves, underneath his flak jacket, and accentuates it with a yellow scarf which he wraps around his neck.

"Tsuchikage-sama, I think this is a wise strategy, Charlotte Ryu is only 8 years old but his strength is equivalent to a jonin, also acording to the report not only he is proficient at using a katana and scythe but also his summoned beast is very powerful" Akasuchi said to Onoki as he look at the picture of Ryu.

"I envy Konoha... That's right we can't let Charlotte Ryu to grow or else we will have a very powerful enemy in the future, also how powerful is his summoned beast?" Onoki said as he sight in envy at Konoha... He envy Konoha because Konoha has many talented young one.

"Tsuchikage-sama, I think you should read all of the report according to Ryu" Akasuchi said to his Tsuchikage. "Haaaa! just say it"

"Well Charlotte Ryu has seven summoned beast and-" Akasuchi said but before he can finish on what he was saying, Onoki interfere him "WHAT!? HE HAS SEVEN SUMMONED BEAST?"

"Yes, Tsuchikage-sama and please let me finish" Akasuchi said. "Ohh then go on"

"One of his summon beast is a flying cloud that can control lighting at his will, his name is Zeus. The second one was also a flying summon but this time it's not a cloud but a fire or some people say it's a sun, this summon can control fire at his will, his name is Prometheus" Akasuchi explained to Onoki. 'Shit I am having a headache just listening to it' Onoki thought as he listened to Akasuchi.

"Then his third summoned is not a flying summoing beast, this summoned is made out of water and it's appearance is a snake, this summon can control water at his will, his name is Poseidon... the next one is another flying type jutsu, it's appearance is small tornado, this summoned beast can control Air at its will, the name is Shu"

"Now the last three can't not control any elements but this three summoned is very strong physically..." Akasuchi continues to tell at Tsuchikage abouts Ryu's summoned beast.


Yowww we now entered at top 100!! thank you all!! now next goal is to enter top 80 in powerstone ranking so... GIVE TONS OF POWER STONE!

Stay safe everyone!

Sorr for the bad grammar.