
Naruto: the gamer system

When Naruto became 6 years old a mysterious system called the gamer system integrated with his soul, now, Naruto has all the chances to become an OP ninja, let's see how this goes. *Warning* some things will be AU since this is a fanfic.

Washuru · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 35: Escape

Since Sasuke and Shino weren't able to run that fast on such short notice they had slowed down by a lot, when Naruto felt Guy's chakra signature approaching them he felt as if an invisible weight was lifted off of his shoulders.

"Guys, everything's fine now, Guy-sensei is about to catch up with us." Naruto told Shino and Sasuke.

Shino sighed in relief and Sasuke visibly deflated, it seems that both of them were worried for their sensei.

In just a minute Guy had caught up with them and he was happy to see that his students were alright, save for Naruto.

"My youthful students!" Guy shouted, "I am glad that you guys are alright, but we will need to hurry back and heal your arm, Naruto." Guy said in a worried tone.

Sasuke and Shino were visibly shaken, this had been their first interaction with evil and corrupted chakra, while Naruto didn't realize it in the heat of the moment Kisame had actually blasted them with a wave of killing intent which was something that Sasuke and Shino had never felt before so they were extremely shaken up.

Another thing that Naruto ignored was the notifications of the Gamer System.

[You have completed the quest; C-rank Mission.]

[You have gained: 5000 EXP, you can collect 2500 Ryo from the mission center.]

[You have received a new quest.]

[Survive Kisame

Description: Hoshigaki Kisame is extremely angry at you, escape or kill Hoshigaki Kisame to complete this mission.

Rewards: 100.000 EXP, Silent Killing skill book.

Failure consequence: Death.]

This was the first time that the system had given a failure consequence so Naruto was glad that he managed to get away, otherwise he would've most likely died.

He managed to reach level 65 with the completion of this quest and was halfway to level 66, but the best thing he had gotten out of this was the weapon of Kisame.

Samehada, a legendary blade wielded by the seven swordsmen of the mist, it was the strongest sword out of the seven legendary swords and its user would become strong even by just fighting weak shinobi and absorbing their chakra.

Before Naruto could look at the weapon his teammates started moving and they were once again moving towards Konoha although at a more moderate pace, while his arm was hurting like a bitch it would take quite some time to heal it.

[HP: 36890/68500]

[CP: 80050/123600]

[Samehada has absorbed your chakra, the blade was laced with chakra poison, your healing has been slowed down to 10% of your max regeneration.]

A single hit from Kisame took down more than half his HP and took around 36000 chakra, while the rest he had used to enhance his body and to use Shushin.

He regenerated 6950 HP per hour, but with the poison affecting his body he only healed 695 HP per hour, in total it would take him around 2 days to fully heal from the damage he had received, which to be honest was a lot faster than others would heal, most people would already have died of blood loss but his body healed fast enough to create a sufficient amount of blood to somewhat clog the wound up.

They managed to return to Konoha in a record time of 10 hours where Guy carried Sasuke and Shino in turns while Naruto used the Kyuubi as an excuse to not be carried.

When they arrived at the gates of Konoha it was already late at night and the Chunin guards were shocked to see them, but they didn't have much of a chance to say anything as a squad of Anbu inspected the group.

They were swiftly taken care of, they were taken to the emergency ward for wounded shinobi and were healed of any wound they might have received, except for Naruto.

The poison that was in his body was extracted and secured as a team of medic-nin started healing his arm, somewhere during the process Fugaku, Mikoto, Itachi, and the Hokage had arrived in the medical ward, each more worried than the other, when they were informed that team 9 had returned injured they became extremely worried, fearing for the safety of Sasuke and Naruto the Uchiha and Hokage quickly arrived.

Shino's father had also arrived, perhaps even earlier than the others.

When they saw Naruto's injury they were all shocked, they only knew of 1 weapon that dealt such damage so they interrogated Guy as if he was the perpetrator.

"Guy, what happened, it was only supposed to be a simple C-rank mission." The Hokage asked Guy.

Guy sighed and started explaining, "Everything was going according to plan until the very end, we were about to attack the bandit camp Naruto sensed the arrival of a humongous chakra signature, comparable to his own, as he said. We were then attacked by Hoshigaki Kisame, I defeated him but he managed to almost shave off Naruto's arm, luckily Naruto managed to somehow take Kisame's sword away which made my job easier."

The Hokage nodded in understanding while the Uchiha family and the single Aburame were shocked, they had never heard of a Genin being able to steal a Kage-level shinobi's sword.

"So what you're saying is that Naruto is currently in possession of Hoshigaki Kisame's sword?" Fugaku asked Guy.

Guy nodded while sheepishly rubbing the back of his head "Well I don't know where the sword is but Naruto should have it."

The Hokage chuckled, "Naruto recently showed me a jutsu of his, it allows him to seal something that touches him inside his mindscape, quite a good jutsu for stealing as Naruto just demonstrated." He said with a smile.

After an hour of waiting they were finally able to go and see Naruto.


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