
Naruto: the gamer system

When Naruto became 6 years old a mysterious system called the gamer system integrated with his soul, now, Naruto has all the chances to become an OP ninja, let's see how this goes. *Warning* some things will be AU since this is a fanfic.

Washuru · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 36: Samehada

Naruto looked at the sword inside his inventory, Samehada, the name of the weapon simply rolled off his tongue as if it was made for it.


Rarity: Legendary

Description: Samehada is part of a seven-part sword series, it is known to be the strongest of the seven legendary swords and is made of an unknown material that makes it look like the fangs of a shark, the weapon is partially alive as the chakra it absorbs shapes its personality, it is coated in a natural poison that it once absorbed many years ago, it can absorb chakra and change shape according to the users will, currently it is laced with a large amount of Hoshigaki Kisame's chakra, to take ownership of the sword you must replace all of Hoshigaki Kisame's chakra and lace it with your own chakra. If the sword is charged with enough chakra it is possible to evolve the sword.]

Naruto was amazed by the sword, it seemed like the sword simply clicked within his mind, all he needed to do was remove all of Kisame's chakra and the sword would soon be his, he grinned with a childlike smile as if he had found a long lost toy.

It had been a little over 5 minutes since the medic-nin had stabilized his condition to their standards, he expected to get some visitors soon.

As if they had heard his thoughts a few knocks rang on the door, he told them to come in.

He smiled when he saw who came in, he wasn't using his chakra sensing as he couldn't be bothered to use it at the moment.

The Hokage along with the Uchiha, the two Aburame, and Guy-sensei entered his hospital room.

Naruto's heavily bandaged arm brought concern to the others but Naruto waved their worries away.

"So why are you guys visiting me?" Naruto asked while tilting his head.

Itachi walked up to Naruto and hit him on the head, "OW!" Naruto exclaimed but smiled looking at the face of the others.

"It seems you realize it now." Itachi nodded and walked back to his previous position.

"We were worried about you, Naruto." The Hokage said.

The others nodded along, they started talking about the stuff that happened the past day and stopped when it came to Samehada.

"So, Guy told us that you took Samehada from Kisame but we are still quite confused about that," Fugaku said.

"Ah, it's not that big of a deal, to be honest, it's simply a jutsu that I created, it allows me to create a sort of separate dimension out of my mindscape since the Kyuubi is stored in there as well it allows me to put a bunch of different things in there," Naruto said while pulling out a pack of instant ramen from his inventory, he had stacked up quite a bit of it.

Shino chuckled, "Somehow it doesn't surprise me that you store instant ramen in there."

The others nodded as well, "So can you show us Samehada?" Hiruzen asked.

Naruto smiled "Sure if you guys want to be attacked by a sentient sword that has stored an entire Bijuu's worth of chakra in itself." this quickly stopped the others from asking Naruto to take Samehada out.

Exhaustion seemed to have caught up to Sasuke and Shino, the past day had been extremely taxing, being blasted with the killing intent of an S-ranked shinobi was extremely tiring for them so all they wanted to do right now was go home to their beds and sleep knowing that they weren't being chased by an S-rank shinobi.

Everyone quickly headed back to where they came from while Guy went with the Hokage to make an official report, being attacked by Hoshigaki Kisame while being in the land of fire was a serious breach of security and was a political blunder that the Hokage wouldn't be able to avoid.

Naruto had one more visitor left.

"You can come in you know?" Naruto said.

"It seems you have gotten better at sensing presences." a figure said.

A masked Anbu walked out from the darkness of the room in front of the window that was illuminated by the light of the moon, it revealed the figure to be Dog.

"So will you someday tell me your identity or will you just keep me guessing forever?" Naruto asked.

Dog chuckled, "I am in the Anbu, I can't reveal my identity to anyone, not even close friends."

"Aww, you consider me your close friend?" Naruto smirked.

Kakashi smiled under his mask, he was starting to enjoy talking to Naruto more and more over the year, the smarter Narut became the more he resembled his parents, which brought both good and bad memories to Kakashi, but recently he had been starting to get better.

The constant pestering of Naruto allowed Kakashi to relax and allowed him to reconcile with the past, and even get over some things.

Although some things were unchangeable, such as his duties to the Anbu.

"I'm afraid we'll have to cut our meeting short, I'll come to visit you some other time." Dog said to Naruto.

Dog then shushined out of the hospital room leaving Naruto by himself.

Naruto was thinking of the future, 'I've realized that reaching Kage level will be harder than expected, I will have to go into the IDs more from now on.'

ID create and escape had reached level 60 allowing him to enter a couple more types of IDs but he hadn't really been using IDs efficiently, he could have become a higher level if he simply entered them every day but because of his early graduation he hadn't leveled up as much as he would've liked but that would soon change.

With a renewed determination to become a Kage-level shinobi, Naruto decided to sleep for the first time in a long time.


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