
Naruto Godly Talent (Completed)

Author: kamidemond
Anime & Comics
Completed · 1.4M Views
  • 46 Chs
  • 3.4
    19 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is Naruto Godly Talent (Completed)

Read ‘Naruto Godly Talent (Completed)’ Online for Free, written by the author kamidemond, This book is a Anime & Comics Fanfic, covering REINCARNATION Fanfiction, WEAKTOSTRONG Fan Fiction, ISEKAI Fanfiction Net, and the synopsis is: I always had been a great fan of Naruto. But that's not real, right?I can't be a shinobi right?Well that all changed whe...


I always had been a great fan of Naruto. But that's not real, right? I can't be a shinobi right? Well that all changed when a Random Godly being sent me to the world of Shinobi but there is a catch. This is not the Naruto I know. For starters, there is no Hashirama here. There is no Senju here. How will that change the world. I do not own Naruto or any other character name I use in this book besides my main character and the one I created. Join my Patreon and get 20+ chapters ahead of Webnovel updates. patreon.com/Kamidemond

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Reencarnando como un Uzumaki

Ray Uzumaki hermano gemelo mayor de Kushina Uzumaki, nació con una constitución débil, jamás se dio por vencido y entrena día a día. En su cumpleaños numero 4 mientras entrenaba en el bosque se golpeo la cabeza, no solo gano un gran golpe si no también recupero los recuerdos de su vida pasada. En ella había nacido con una cuchara de plata y donde fundo una empresa multimillonaria siendo el CEO de su propia compañía siendo respetado y venerado como un rey ya que no solo tenia un gran atractivo físico, si no también un gran talento en diversas áreas. Al acabar de volver de los recuerdos, su postura se corrigió, su carácter se hizo mas elegante y su aura era majestuosa como la de un rey que acababa de resurgir. Con ojos decididos y una voz un tanto infantil, pero a su vez atractiva y magnética dijo: -Yo Fuu Takami, no... yo Ray Uzumaki renací para dominar. Ahora que estoy de vuelta, el mundo Shinobi conocerá el nombre de Ray Uzumaki- dijo para comenzar su entrenamiento diario, cuando de pronto una voz rebotica se hizo notar. -Se han cumplido los requisitos para la adquisición del sistema Naruto... iniciando sistema.... sistema en espera.... comenzando la sincronización con el anfitrión... sincronización al 25%.... sincronización al 79%... sincronización completada, el sistema iniciara la mejorando de la estructura del anfitrión... tiempo para la finalización 1 hora...- la voz rebotica menciono asombrando a Ray y este soltó una sonrisa después de reflexionar... Tiempo de actualización: Un capitulo por semana, cada dos meses se deja de actualizar y se retoma a la tercera semana. Gracias por leer y que disfruten la lectura. Me encuentro en Wattpad como Smervazquezmata donde encontraran trabajos míos anteriores y actuales, seguro les gustaran. Su Autora -Smer Actualización de capítulo: Sábados 18:00, hora de México.

Smer · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs


有句耳熟能详的话,男儿当自强。 那么女孩呢? 结婚!生子! 这世上哪来这样的道理?答案是,在农村这就是真理! 从小怀揣航天梦,柯念只想投身航天领域探索宇宙奥秘。 只是高三这年,因她的弟弟家逢变故,柯家决定保儿舍女。 三姑六婆们积极献策,有的建议让她辍学,有的忙着为柯家介绍金龟婿,有的干脆劝她认命。 悠悠众口中,她差点就相信了这是命运,女孩们必然的归宿。 可这时,有个男人告诉她,女性的智商不差男性,她们有她们的高光。 只要她不放弃,他愿做抵消重力产生升力的转子,助她追逐科学梦,奔向她的天空。 接着,她的父母拿到一笔钱,与所有操碎心的吃瓜群众一起,眼睁睁的看着她被那个男人带走…… 她就这么被一个男人拐走了?不算! 如果没有他,她在18岁这年就能看清自己一辈子的光景。 退学,嫁人,生子,淹没在人潮中。 正因为有他,她的人生才能重新启程,通往诺奖的天空。 19岁,她发现特殊脉冲信号,四颗系外行星,一颗超大地球,成为天文界最年轻的科学家。 20岁,她研究出精确的脉冲导航系统,开启夸父号探日之旅,成为科学界最耀眼的巨星! * 本文又名《诺奖的天空》,《季总为续约忙破头》,请支持科技夫妇携手筑梦!

馨可儿 · Urban
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158 Chs
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Volume 1


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🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐I don't understand. kakashi hayate, there are only Hayate Gekkō and Kakashi Hatake. After this, the desire to read disappears.


Reveal spoiler


is this a chinese novel?I haven't read it but from the synopsis, it reminds me of Chinese novels


I understand the part where he is a Fuinjutsu master and a genius but mastering them at a very young age until the part where he can even make a jutsu same as the Hyuga's foundation technique is already unreasonable due to the fact that author-san is just making the Hyuga an enemy and hello it's boring because everything is too fast. The MC is already OP in someways, there is no proper development at all. All I see is the MC desperately show off his genius brain while putting himself as the NUMBER 1 target. That needs to be squash to oblivion before another Hashirama and 4th Hokage emerges....


I don’t like romance, I like that he behaves like a Chinese mc pedophile who loves small children, I like that the story takes so long to do a time skip, I want to read it for an endless childhood, mc is weak and has no right to even think about opposition, for this you need to have the strength to suppress the entire country and only then talk about the opposition


bro chapter got deleted i am so sad return them plz




this is the rewrite? the grammar is terrible.


No es malo el FF, pero no es de mi agrado, me resulta muy aburrida la línea de tiempo de Naruto, hubiese sido mejor la de Kakashi, Minato, Tsunade o inclusive Madara.



The chapters especially after the start of the Chunin exams have started to feel like its written by AI. Like when the fic describes how Team 7 was able to beat the Forest of Death round how it describes how Sasuke's Sharingan and Hinata's Byakugan helped them in the exams


bro, update the story........................


good fan fic ...........................


i like the concept about Uchiha ruling konoha


I didn't expect anything special in this story, but you surprised me! I hope you will continue and not abandon this masterpiece, which will be in my library! P.S. If I wrote with errors, then I apologize, I use Google translator


Interesting, because it's interesting I give it five stars. But it would be more interesting if you stopped by my place and found the same thing too!


What a suprise! How in the world did the Uchiha clan manage to destroy the Senju clan, and kill HASHIRAMA SENJU! Let's be real, eternal mangekyou Madara has no hope against Hashirama.


im really liking this story it has potential to be a good naruto ff


The story has a lot of potential, good job author san


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