
Naruto, Be My Son

Synopsis: After the Summit War, once hailed as one of the Four Emperors of the New World and the world's strongest man, "Edward Newgate," believed that today he would rest in peace at the Marine Headquarters. However, when he opens his eyes, he finds himself in a place called the "Ninja World" and encounters a child named "Naruto." "Gurarararara Kid, do you have parents?" Trembling in the presence of the giant-like Whitebeard, the five-year-old Naruto was scared, "N-No, I'm Uzumaki Naruto, and I... I'm an orphan dattebayo" "Naruto, be my son!" "Huh???" Note: This is a Chinese Translation 鸣人,做我儿子吧 Release Schedule: 7 Ch/Week ================== You can support me on Patreon and Read 50++ Chapters in advance pat reon.com/GMadman

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Chapter 274: Kakashi's Social Death! Obito's "Halo" Shattered!

"Hehe... young people are really impatient!" Orochimaru stuck out his tongue and licked his dry lips, he looked at the empty coffin, his eyes showing a bit of thought.

But just then, Orochimaru found his wrist being held.

When he turned his head to look, he saw that it was Tsunade holding his hand.

Orochimaru's smile didn't diminish, "Really? I was just a little free, and you won't let me be free for a while?"

Tsunade's eyes were filled with caution, "You're too dangerous, if I don't take you to Fuushi and have her seal you up in time, I'm afraid you'll suddenly run away."

Tsunade pursed her lips, "You're the kind of guy who runs away, who knows how much trouble you'll cause for the ninja world?"

Orochimaru's eyes narrowed, and the smile on his face faded, "No matter what, we're old teammates, can't you give me a little tolerance?"

Tsunade was unimpressed, "I think the old man should have given you tolerance, right? But you ignored his hints in the village, and became more and more blatant, until the village could no longer accommodate you."

Tsunade paused, then continued, "Do you think you, as you are, can gain my trust?"

Orochimaru's narrowed eyes carried a hint of danger.

Tsunade's presence had always restricted him, making Orochimaru very uncomfortable.

However, Orochimaru also knew that on Moby Dick, he was just a prisoner. Although a rather special prisoner, a prisoner is a prisoner after all, and his say is at the bottom.

Orochimaru dissipated the hidden danger.

A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Can't you believe that I've changed?"

Tsunade retorted with a sarcastic smile: "You might as well believe that I've given up gambling."


On the other side.

Naruto, holding Nohara Rin's hand, walked briskly, while Nohara Rin curiously looked around at the surroundings.

She found that this place was a rather enclosed indoor area, the indoor area was very large, and it was divided into one room after another.

There were no windows in the corridor, and it was lit by oil lamps.

She didn't know if it was her illusion, but Nohara Rin found that the house under her feet seemed to be "moving".

This discovery surprised her.

She thought it was an illusion. After all, how could a house walk?

Thinking about meeting Kakashi soon, Nohara Rin was a little nervous.

She didn't know how long she had been in the underworld, let alone how long it had been in the outside world?

What has Kakashi become?

Is he the same as in her memory?

Or has Kakashi grown up?

The child in front of her, who has golden hair like Minato-sensei, calls Kakashi "Uncle Kakashi", does it mean that Kakashi is now a forty or fifty-year-old uncle?

At this thought, Nohara Rin was stunned for a moment.

If Kakashi is really that old, does he already have a wife?

Or even have children?

As she walked, Nohara Rin saw a person coming towards her.

He looked like a child about ten years old.

"Kimimaro?" Naruto, pulling Nohara Rin, was a bit surprised, then grinned and showed a smile: "How about it? Have you made up your mind to join us?"

Kimimaro shook his head awkwardly, his tone calm: "I just went to the bathroom, don't worry about me running away, I will return to the medical surgery room."

Then, Kimimaro curiously looked at Nohara Rin.

When he saw Nohara Rin's pair of eyes, Kimimaro's pupils couldn't help but shrink.

These eyes... could it be Orochimaru-sama's technique?

"Haha, I'm not worried about that!" Naruto carelessly laughed heartlessly: "No one has ever escaped from Moby Dick, Orochimaru can't escape, neither can you."

After that, Naruto left with Nohara Rin.

After turning a corner, Nohara Rin asked Naruto with a complicated tone: "Naruto.. the white-haired kid just now, is he Kakashi's... son?"

This question almost burned Naruto's brain.

Naruto turned back in astonishment: "Ah? Uncle's Kakashi son? Does Uncle Kakashi have a son?"

Naruto's counter-question actually answered Nohara Rin's question.

After hearing this, Nohara Rin, for some reason, breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that Nohara Rin didn't continue to speak, Naruto didn't bother to ask anything.

His face was full of joy, and he quickened his pace with great interest.

When he arrived at Kakashi's residence on Moby Dick, Naruto rudely kicked the door open without any hesitation.

"Uncle Kakashi! Happy birthday! Hahaha! Did you forget your own birthday? No worries, we remembered!"

Naruto shouted boisterously, "We've teamed up today to prepare a big birthday surprise for you!"

Kakashi's actions froze instantly, an inevitable sense of panic emerged, and he quickly closed the book in his hand.

The combination of nervousness and panic made Kakashi feel embarrassed and angry.

"Naruto, can't you knock on the door!" Kakashi wished he could give Naruto a flick on the forehead.

Luckily, he was just reading some mysterious little books with the Eight-Tails.

If Naruto suddenly barged in while he was doing his craftwork.

Kakashi felt that he could just hang himself today.

Kakashi, with his dead fish eyes, looked back and saw the wooden door that Naruto had kicked open.

And then there was Naruto, full of enthusiasm.

Kakashi noticed that there was another person standing behind Naruto.

His gaze moved upward and found that it was a girl about the same age as Izumi.

Speaking of which, she looked quite like Rin, and her face also had the same paint, as if they were carved out of the same mold.

"Naruto, is this what you said..." Kakashi hadn't finished his sentence when a thunderbolt flashed through his mind, and he was completely stunned.

He couldn't help but lift the headband covering one eye, and his two eyes were firmly locked on the very familiar face of the girl!

Kakashi was dumbfounded.

Kakashi was stunned.

He instinctively pinched his thigh, then rubbed his eyes.

Kakashi put his hands together and shouted in a low voice, "Release!!!"

The Genjutsu was released to no avail, the scene in front of him remained unchanged.

He instinctively wanted to stand up, but the excessive shock made him lose his balance.

His left foot tripped over his right foot and he almost fell headlong to the ground, the book in his hand was thrown out.

The indescribable book fell on the ground, slid a few meters on the wooden board, and just slid to Naruto's feet.

"Uncle Kakashi, we've prepared a birthday gift for you, but you're hiding here reading novels?"

Naruto complained, squatted down to pick up the book, and read the title on the cover of the book, "What's this 'Fallen White Muddy Shrine Maiden's Tentacle Fantasy'? Volume One? What a strange title!"

Saying that, Naruto turned back to Nohara Rin and asked, "Do you know what this title mean?"

Nohara Rin looked at Kakashi, who had a bewildered look on his face, with a bit of amusement. Seeing that Kakashi was still relatively young, she understood that it might be seven or eight years after her death.

It seemed that Kakashi must have recognized her.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be so shocked.

And, does this mean that Kakashi still misses her?

Kakashi's Sharingan should be Obito's eye, right?


She hadn't seen him in the underworld, and she didn't know why.

Nohara Rin put aside her thoughts and took the book from Naruto, she helped Naruto to clarify, "This character is read as 'fallen' and this character is read as 'muddy', together they are — 'Fallen White Muddy Shrine Maiden's Tentacle Fantasy.'" 

As soon as Nohara Rin read out the title of the book, she felt something was not quite right.

Why is this title a bit strange?

Why is this cover so revealing?

Nohara Rin was stunned, she curiously flipped open a page.

"Wait! Wait!" Kakashi's eyes widened, trying to stop her.

But it was already too late.

Nohara Rin's eyes, unique to Edo Tensei, gradually widened. If she were in a truly living form now, her face would definitely be very red.

If the exposure level of the cover is only seventy percent, then the exposure level of the illustrations inside is one hundred percent!

Nohara Rin was just a thirteen-year-old girl when she died!

Where has she seen such a "big world"?

"Ka, Kakashi! You..." Nohara Rin looked at Kakashi in shock: "How can you read such literature!?"

"Ah? What's inside?" Naruto curiously tiptoed.

As a result, Nohara Rin quickly closed the book and quickly put the book on the table next to her.

Recalling the explosive content and illustrations inside, Nohara Rin quickly explained: "Na... Naruto, you... shouldn't look at this kind of thing. This kind of book is not healthy, and it's not good!"

"The voice, and Rin are exactly the same..." Kakashi's emotions were constantly wavering between shock and social death.

He couldn't help but ask Nohara Rin: "You... you are Rin, right?"

Kakashi asked this question very carefully.

His tone was even a bit humble.

Because, he was a little afraid that she would shake her head.

In response to his question, Nohara Rin nodded.

"You... you're not..." Kakashi's brain became dull.

Naruto interjected and explained: "This is the Edo Tensei technique!!"

"Edo Tensei!" Kakashi realized.

So the Nohara Rin in front of him is the real Rin.

"...Naruto, this is really an unexpected birthday gift for me!" Kakashi's expression was not ordinary complex.

"Haha!" Naruto gave Kakashi a thumbs up: "I told you, you will definitely be surprised!" "Then I won't disturb you old classmates reminiscing! Oh! By the way!"

Before Naruto left, he added: "You absolutely can't miss your birthday party tonight!"

After that, Naruto turned and left.

But just a few steps after he left, like magic, he suddenly had a book in his hand.

Naruto curiously looked at the cover of the book: "Why is the girl drawn on this wearing so little? What are these sticky tentacles? Are they tearing her clothes?"

Naruto felt that as a pirate, he must be rebellious.

Books that are not allowed to be read, he just has to be curious to take a look.

"Hehe, let'ss find Sasuke and them to watch together!" Naruto felt that since there was "good stuff", it should be shared.


Now, in Kakashi's room, there were only two people left, and a Eight-Tails inside Kakashi.

"Hey hey hey, kid!" The Eight-Tails was very annoyed: "Why did you stop reading halfway? Who is this kid?"

Kakashi answered in his heart with a complicated tone: "This is my... dear friend."

After answering Gyuki's question, Kakashi ignored this tailed beast.

"Rin... it's been eight years." Kakashi's gaze was too complex to describe in words: "You... haven't changed."

"Has it been eight years already?" Nohara Rin's dark face also eased a bit.

She said: "You have changed a lot."

She looked Kakashi up and down: "Kakashi, you've grown up a lot."

"And..." Nohara Rin said: "I didn't expect that you have developed that kind of interest."

This sentence made Kakashi's eyes widen: "No, No! This is a misunderstanding, that's not what I wanted to read!"

"But this is also quite good, isn't it?" Rin smiled gently: "At least now you should have come out of the shadow."

Kakashi was silent.


He has indeed come out of some shadows now.

And Kakashi is clear, the reason he could come out is inseparable from Pops.

"Can I sit?" Nohara Rin asked.

Kakashi immediately helped to pull up a chair, "Yes!"

The two of them, one sitting on a chair and the other sitting back on the bed.

A young man and a young girl, looking at each other.

"Kakashi, happy birthday."

Nohara Rin said a birthday blessing, "I'm sorry, I missed your birthday eight times."

"...Me too." Kakashi sighed softly.

He unconsciously looked at Rin's chest, where there was nothing.

But the scene of lightning piercing through the chest has always been lingering in his mind.

Suddenly, Kakashi thought of something, he said, "Rin, I have a piece of news that I don't know if it's good or not, I want to tell you."

Nohara Rin was surprised, "Huh?"

"Obito is still alive!" Kakashi said shockingly, "But, he seems to have changed into someone I don't recognize."

"You must be curious about what happened in these eight years?" Looking at Rin's astonished expression, Kakashi sighed and asked.

Nohara Rin thought for a moment, she nodded her head.

She was indeed curious, especially when she found out that Obito was alive.

Knowing that Obito was still alive, Rin didn't rejoice, because she saw the heavy look in Kakashi's eyes.

Did something happen to Obito?

"After you died..." The appearance of Nohara Rin made Kakashi open up.

He told everything he knew, as well as some things that happened.

Including but not limited to "Obito controlling the Nine-Tails to cause the Nine-Tails chaos."

"Minato-sensei and Kushina died at the hands of the Nine-Tails."

"Obito and Uchiha Itachi caused the Uchiha massacre."

"I defected from Konohagakure and joined the Whitebeard Pirates."

Rin's brain almost crashed.

Because the amount of information was too much.



(End of Chapter)

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