
Naruto, Be My Son

Synopsis: After the Summit War, once hailed as one of the Four Emperors of the New World and the world's strongest man, "Edward Newgate," believed that today he would rest in peace at the Marine Headquarters. However, when he opens his eyes, he finds himself in a place called the "Ninja World" and encounters a child named "Naruto." "Gurarararara Kid, do you have parents?" Trembling in the presence of the giant-like Whitebeard, the five-year-old Naruto was scared, "N-No, I'm Uzumaki Naruto, and I... I'm an orphan dattebayo" "Naruto, be my son!" "Huh???" Note: This is a Chinese Translation 鸣人,做我儿子吧 Release Schedule: 7 Ch/Week ================== You can support me on Patreon and Read 50++ Chapters in advance pat reon.com/GMadman

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Chapter 273: The "Bond" between Kakashi and Gyuki, and the Resurrecting "Nohara Rin"

As time passed, the relationship between Kakashi and the Eight-Tails, Gyuki, did not improve, and their daily interactions were very limited.

Usually, it was Kakashi who woke up early in the morning and greeted Gyuki in the sealing space.

Then, the ill-tempered Gyuki would just snort at him as a response.

These days, their exchanges were limited to this.

Kakashi also felt quite helpless about this, but Pops had high hopes for him, and Kakashi knew he couldn't let Pops down.

But for a while, it was a bit too difficult for him, Kakashi, to think of a way to get along well with Gyuki.

Kakashi had no choice but to return to his old habits, pick up a book called "Icha-Icha Paradise", and pass the time.

This book looked quite old, obviously, it had been read by Kakashi no less than twenty times.

But classics are classics after all.

Even if he read it for the twentieth time, Kakashi still thought that the novel written by Jiraiya-sama was very exciting.

Especially the interspersed descriptions that made people blush and their ears turn red, which made Kakashi, who was very interested in this, linger on.

Every time he saw these descriptions, Kakashi couldn't help but sigh, Jiraiya-sama's nightlife is really rich!

Presumably, Jiraiya-sama is out "collecting material" almost every day?

Kakashi read about ten pages with a red face.

Just as he closed "Icha-Icha Paradise" and started his special training for the day.

Suddenly, a loud and irritable voice startled Kakashi, "Hey! White-haired kid! Open the book! Did you hear me? Damn kid!"

This is...

Kakashi was surprised to find that this was actually Gyuki's voice.

Kakashi asked in his heart, "You... are you saying let me open 'Icha-Icha Paradise'?"

"Is there something wrong with my description, or is there something wrong with your little devil's brain, can't you understand what I'm saying?" Gyuki's temper is indeed quite irritable and not very polite.

Kakashi thoughtfully opened the book in his hand again.

Gyuki clicked his tongue and found it interesting, "The things you humans write are quite interesting, human reproduction behavior can be written so detailed, and there are so many emotional foreshadowing."

Kakashi's eyes widened, "You also think this book is well written?"

Whitebeard Pirates's crew didn't read Kakashi's "Icha-Icha Paradise" book.

Because Kisame has no interest in this book at all, and even said that it's unexpected that the dignified Sannin would write such a lowly thing.

Pops even bluntly said, he would give me some moneyto go for a drink and experience it in person?

Tsunade-sama said, this book only has fifty percent of the content is serious, the rest of the fifty percent are all lewd garbage.

Iruka said, as a teacher, he should not read this kind of book, otherwise it is easy to teach bad students.

Fuushi was curious and took a few glances, then blushed and threw "Icha-Icha Paradise" back to Kakashi, and ignored him for several days.

This made Kakashi a little doubtful whether his taste had gone wrong?

But the book written by Jiraiya-sama is a bestseller!

Until today, Kakashi found that there was finally someone on the pirate ship who was interested in "Icha-Icha Paradise" like him.

"The only drawback is that the author's taste is problematic." Gyuki snorted coldly, and said in a deep voice, "Hmph, what's so good about the legs, feet, chest, waist, and buttocks of female humans?"

"The real aesthetics should be a female tailed beast, it has dozens of slimy and smooth tentacles, each tentacle can change into different shapes..."

When Kakashi heard this, his interest in Gyuki was greatly shocked.

But in an instant, he remembered something.

"Wait! Wait a minute."

Kakashi returned to his room, turned over the wall and pulled out a book.

His face was a little red.

Because... two years ago, out of curiosity, he bought a similar little book. The cover of the book was very explosive, placed in a bookstore, it definitely couldn't be displayed openly.

On the cover of the book, there were a few artistic characters written in a line, "The Tentacle Fantasy of the Fallen White Muddy Shrine Maiden (Volume One)".

He wasn't sure if it was Kakashi's illusion.

When he took out this book, he seemed to hear the Eight-Tails Gyuki inside him, snorting heavily from his nose.

"Damn kid, why didn't you take out such good stuff earlier!" Gyuki cursed in his mouth, but his tone was not so irritable.

Kakashi's expression was a bit strange.

He seemed to have found a way to get along with the Eight-Tails.

But the angle of the method was a bit strange.

But this method just happened to hit Kakashi's best area.

To be honest, Kakashi's room was full of a large box of these strange little books.

This large box of strange books, he usually didn't dare to take them out in front of others, lest others would look at him with strange eyes.


He seemed to have found a "kindred spirit".



In a secret room in the cabin of the Moby Dick.

The Moby Dick could accommodate thousands of people, but the total number of people on the entire ship was only about a hundred or two hundred.

The most numerous were the sailors who drove the ship, followed by the survivors of the Uchiha clan, then the captives captured by the Whitebeard Pirates, and finally Whitebeard and his sons and daughters.

A hundred or two hundred people couldn't even fill half of the rooms on the Moby Dick.

There were too many spare cabin rooms that could be used.

"You... what do you want to do?"

In the secret room, a lonely coffin stood in the middle.

Inside the coffin was a woman who was tied up.

The woman's face showed a bit of panic and a bit of fierceness, "Do you know who I am? Who are you guys? Do you know what the consequences of kidnapping me are?"


Orochimaru chuckled sinisterly, "Of course I know who you are, a black market dealer who sells organs and people! If I didn't know your identity, I wouldn't have captured you."

The Whitebeard Pirates naturally allowed Orochimaru to use some forbidden techniques, after all, pirates didn't have such high moral standards.

As long as Orochimaru's actions didn't go too far beyond the "human" bottom line.

"Orochimaru, are you sure this 'Edo Tensei' works?" Naruto was also here, because the woman tied up in the coffin was the one he and Orochimaru had worked together to capture.

"Don't worry, I've done experiments before." Orochimaru laughed, "It's okay if it fails, just find another sacrifice!"

"Tsk, it's indeed an evil forbidden technique, I don't know why the Second Grandfather invented this kind of forbidden technique." The one who made this complaint was Tsunade, she was also here.

Although she said so, Tsunade was indeed very interested in Edo Tensei.

So she wanted to see for herself if Orochimaru could really do Edo Tensei.

She also wanted to see if this forbidden technique could really bring the souls of the underworld back to the real world.

If it really could, then wouldn't Dan and Nawaki...

For some reason, perhaps because she had been with the Whitebeard Pirates for a long time, Tsunade's moral bottom line seemed to have been lowered a bit. 

Some of the pirates' habitual thinking was subtly influencing her.

After all, before this, she didn't even want to touch something like Edo Tensei.

"Let's start..." Orochimaru laughed, "Before I left Konohagakure, I secretly took away a little bit of the body parts of many corpses in the Konohagakure cemetery... Although it's a bit immoral to do so, the dead didn't express any opinions, which means they all tacitly allowed me to do so."

This crooked theory made Tsunade's mouth twitch slightly.

Can the deceased express their opinions?

Orochimaru pointed at the woman's lips with the tip of his index finger, a line of black curse sealed the woman's mouth, making her unable to make a sound.

Orochimaru's smile is enough to arouse the greatest fear in her heart.

Orochimaru completely ignored the plea in her eyes.

He gently closed the coffin and slowly made hand seals.

Tiger - Snake - Dog - Dragon!

Orochimaru clasped his hands together, the frivolous expression on his face finally became a bit serious, he hoarsely shouted: "Ninjutsu·Edo Tensei!"

An invisible cold wave spread from the coffin, blowing everyone's hair gently.

The next second, the coffin lid collapsed with a sound of explosion!

To everyone's surprise, the woman in the coffin turned into another look, her height shrank by several centimeters.

From a mature woman, she turned into a tender girl.

The girl has a head of deep brown short hair, each cheek is painted with a light purple oil paint.

When the girl slowly opened her eyes.

She found that her pupils were not quite the same as normal people.

Orochimaru chuckled, the serious look on his face faded away: "It seems to be successful, although I haven't used this technique for a while, but now it's still quite proficient!"

As soon as Orochimaru's voice fell, Nohara Rin looked around in confusion, she felt as if she had come to a very strange place from the underworld.

The group of people in her eyes are not the same as her own souls, she found that these people in front of her seem to be alive.

Nohara Rin was stunned, she couldn't help but look down at her own hands.

When her hands were slightly clenched, she found that her body was solid, but not quite the same as a living body.

She couldn't explain this strange feeling clearly, she now seemed to be at the balance point between death and survival.

She seemed to be stabilized at this balance point by a strange technique.

"You... you are..." Nohara Rin's gaze fell on Orochimaru, she opened her eyes in shock and exclaimed: "You are the Sannin, Orochimaru-sama!"

Orochimaru was one of the commanders in the Third Ninja War, Nohara Rin who had participated in the Third Ninja War could not fail to recognize Orochimaru.

"Hehe... hello, Nohara Rin." Orochimaru greeted with a smile, but this smile in Nohara Rin's eyes made her shudder.

Tsunade curiously walked up, rudely pinched Rin's cheek: "No body temperature... but the cheeks are as soft as a living person, like a living corpse."

"Kid, can you move freely?" Tsunade asked Nohara Rin.

After hearing this, Nohara Rin tried to control her body.

But she found that her body could only move slightly, talking, nodding, grasping these small movements can be controlled.

But she couldn't make the action of striding.

"Hehe... The people of Edo Tensei can only be manipulated by the caster, because the caster holds this authority."

Orochimaru explained: "However, if the caster is willing, he can give this authority to anyone."

"I don't know if I can give control to the dead who are Edo Tensei, because I haven't tried it." Orochimaru smiled: "Today I can try it."

He also walked in front of Nohara Rin, took out a Kunai with a talisman from his hand.

But he didn't stick this Kunai into Nohara Rin's back of the head.

Orochimaru thought for a while, he stuck the Kunai into Rin's abdomen.

In the end, Orochimaru's fingers slightly bent, and he pressed a palm down.

"Sealing Technique·Five Elements Unseal!"

Nohara Rin's eyes suddenly widened, she covered her abdomen with her whole body, and uncontrollably knelt down.

Although she didn't feel any pain, she just couldn't control this action.

But the next second, she was stunned again.

She couldn't help but stand up.

She tried to take a few steps forward.

"I... I can move on my own" Nohara Rin was shocked.

She was clearly already a dead person, her soul had already reached the underworld.

But now she was in a strange form, back in the world of the living.

This made Nohara Rin feel a bit dreamlike.

She even doubted whether she was in the underworld, under someone's Genjutsu?

Looking at Nohara Rin who could move freely in front of her, Tsunade's beautiful eyes flashed with a complex look.

Kakashi's dead teammates could be "resurrected", could her own brother and former lover also be "resurrected"?

Although this form of resurrection is very different from real resurrection.

But she really wanted to see them again.

Even if it's just to see them once, to say a few words, she would be satisfied.

"This girl is Uncle Kakashi's 'childhood sweetheart', right?" Naruto stroked his chin, constantly looking at Nohara Rin, "She does look quite cute."

Nohara Rin caught a keyword from Naruto's mouth.

She immediately looked at Naruto, "You... you just said Kakashi?"

Naruto grinned, explaining, "We discussed bringing you out with Edo Tensei, just to give Uncle Kakashi a big birthday surprise!"

Nohara Rin was a bit stunned, she still didn't quite understand what was going on.

Naruto continued, "Today is Uncle Kakashi's birthday, Uncle Kakashi even forgot his own birthday, but we all remembered it for him."

Naruto chuckled, "Don't you... want to see Uncle Kakashi?"

"...Uncle Kakashi?" This kind of address made Nohara Rin's expression a bit strange.

But she had to admit that she did want to see Kakashi.

In the underworld, Nohara Rin had no concept of time.

She didn't even know how long she had been dead.

Has everything outside changed beyond recognition?

How are Kakashi and Minato-sensei?

"Let's go, I'll take you to see him!"

Naruto casually grabbed Nohara Rin's cold little hand.



(End of Chapter)

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