
Naruto, Be My Son

Synopsis: After the Summit War, once hailed as one of the Four Emperors of the New World and the world's strongest man, "Edward Newgate," believed that today he would rest in peace at the Marine Headquarters. However, when he opens his eyes, he finds himself in a place called the "Ninja World" and encounters a child named "Naruto." "Gurarararara Kid, do you have parents?" Trembling in the presence of the giant-like Whitebeard, the five-year-old Naruto was scared, "N-No, I'm Uzumaki Naruto, and I... I'm an orphan dattebayo" "Naruto, be my son!" "Huh???" Note: This is a Chinese Translation 鸣人,做我儿子吧 Release Schedule: 7 Ch/Week ================== You can support me on Patreon and Read 50++ Chapters in advance pat reon.com/GMadman

Ginormous_Madman · Anime & Comics
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282 Chs

Chapter 275: Confused Obito!

"Obito... how could he do these things?" Nohara Rin felt very unbelievable, she looked at Kakashi in front of her, "Does he... have any difficulties?!"

Kakashi shook his head and said, "I don't know, I tried to ask him, but he didn't want to communicate with me too much."

He paused, and continued, "And, I believe that no matter what difficulties a person has, they should not do such things."

Kakashi's words were relatively mild, giving his once close friend a face.

If a stranger were to judge Obito's actions, they would definitely make a series of sharp comments.

Nohara Rin fell silent, if what Kakashi said was true, then Obito had indeed become someone they both didn't recognize.

What happened?

What happened during this period?

Nohara Rin was a bit at a loss.

She found that during the eight years she had been dead, too many things had happened in the ninja world.

Everything that was once familiar has become so strange.

In Nohara Rin's memory, Obito is a kind-hearted, cherishing partner, naive, optimistic and lively Uchiha.

Such an Uchiha, placed in the Uchiha clan, is definitely considered an oddity among oddities.

The shortcomings of Obito in her memory might be that he is too impulsive, sometimes a bit blindly confident, and often late.

Perhaps Obito was a bit petty, he could remember some small things for a long time.

But compared to his advantages, the disadvantages behind him are not that much, right?

But why would such an Obito become a stranger like the one Kakashi described?

The Obito in Kakashi's mouth could only remind Nohara Rin of a few words - cunning, scheming, cold-hearted, afraid of death...

As if it gathered all the characteristics of the villain characters in some storybooks.

This strong sense of disconnection made Nohara Rin not know what to say.

The whole room suddenly fell into silence, and the two looked at each other without words.

In the end, it was Kakashi who broke the silence: "So... I want to find Obito, confront him face to face and ask him why he did this. Ask him face to face, why he became like this."

"His behavior of hurting others without reason will make him fall into an endless abyss, and he will never be able to climb out."

At this point, Kakashi sighed: "The Nine-Tails incident back then was related to Obito, and the deaths of Minato-sensei and Kushina-sensei may also be related to Obito."

What he said was already very tactful. Not saying the four words "Obito killed the teacher" is already Kakashi deliberately controlling the anger that surged in his heart.

Nohara Rin clenched her small fists, she bit her lip and said: "Kakashi... please be sure to change Obito!"

Kakashi gave a bitter smile and sighed: "Obito is already an adult, it's not so easy to change an adult's mind."

Nohara Rin's eyes met Kakashi's dead fish eyes: "If Obito doesn't want to change, or has fallen to the point where he can't change."

She took a deep breath: "Then... please kill him!"

Kakashi was stunned, Rin's words were a bit unexpected, but on second thought, they were within reason.

If Obito really falls into darkness and can't climb out, death is also a kind of relief for him.

"Rin, you haven't changed." Kakashi sighed: "Every time we are about to go to the crossroads of life, you will always pull us back on track."

If there is anyone in the ninja world who is considered more perfect, perhaps Nohara Rin is one of them.

"Rin, do you think me leaving Konohagakure Village and joining the Whitebeard Pirates is going down a different path?" Kakashi asked.

Nohara Rin shook her head, although Obito's matter made her mood not so good, but she still showed a smile: "No!"

Nohara Rin explained: "Obito's path is to become Hokage, Kakashi's path is to seek redemption. Now you, haven't you been redeemed?"

Under Kakashi's mask, a smile also appeared.

"Sure enough, it's still you!"



The Whitebeard Pirates welcomed a birthday party, this was a birthday party for Kakashi.

When Kakashi and Nohara Rin walked onto the deck of Moby Dick, they found a huge cake on the deck.

Kakashi looked up in astonishment, and found that this cake must be as high as a floor.

"Gurarararara!" Whitebeard's loud laughter also rang out: "Stupid son, you've been sticking with your childhood sweetheart for several hours, are you willing to come to the birthday party?"

"Ah? Eh..." Kakashi's eyes widened a bit, he hurriedly defended his relationship with Rin: "Pops, we are just close friends and teammates and classmates!"

Nohara Rin's face turned a little dark, in her memory, she once wanted to tell Kakashi that her feelings for Kakashi were the same as Obito's for her.

At that time, as soon as she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Kakashi.

Now, it seems no different from that day.

The gentle smile on Nohara Rin's face was a little forced, she looked up at the "Whitebeard Pops" in Kakashi's mouth.

Is it such a man that finally led to Kakashi's self-redemption?

Nohara Rin saw for the first time that someone could grow so tall, like a giant.

She had never seen such a tall soul in the underworld.

"Are you Whitebeard?" Nohara Rin tried to make eye contact with Whitebeard.

But the somewhat elusive pressure emanating from Whitebeard made her gaze dodge a bit.

Whitebeard glanced down at Nohara Rin, "Gurararararara! In the ninja world, there should be no second Whitebeard besides me!"

Nohara Rin sincerely bowed to Whitebeard, "Thank you very much for everything you have done for Kakashi. During my absence, it was you who led Kakashi onto the right path."

"Also, thank you very much for your lessons to Obito. Obito has done many wrong things, he has fallen into darkness, he has become someone we don't recognize. This may have a lot to do with me."

"Perhaps it's because of my absence, there was no chance to take good care of him, which led to Obito not being on the right path, I sincerely apologize to you here!"

Whitebeard was amused, "You little brat who crawled out of heaven, why do you like to take all the responsibility on yourself?"

"Gurarararara! In the ninja world, a selfless little brat like you is really rare!"

Whitebeard laughed heartily, "Little brat! Are you interested in joining Whitebeard and becoming my daughter?"

The praise from Whitebeard made Nohara Rin a little embarrassed.

The invitation from Whitebeard made Nohara Rin stunned on the spot.

"...Huh?" Nohara Rin looked at Whitebeard in astonishment, the shock in her heart made her immune to the pressure emanating from Whitebeard for a while.

Nohara Rin didn't expect to hear this sentence from Whitebeard's mouth.

With this astonished expression, she looked at Kakashi next to her.

Kakashi explained to her, "This is a small hobby of Pops. As long as Pops thinks someone is pleasing to the eye, he wants to adopt them as his son or daughter." 

He paused, and continued, "That's why I call Pops as Pops, I joined the Whitebeard Pirates as Pops' adopted son and became a member of the pirate group."

Nohara Rin suddenly realized.

So there are people in the ninja world who have this kind of hobby!

Indeed, the world is so big, there is nothing strange.

"By the way, I almost forgot to introduce you..." Kakashi pointed to Naruto not far away and said to Nohara Rin, "This kid is called Uzumaki Naruto, he is the child left by Minato-sensei and Kushina."

Nohara Rin's eyes widened again.

The child of Minato-sensei is the blond-haired kid?

She was naturally not unfamiliar with Naruto, because it was Naruto who brought her to Kakashi's room.

"No wonder... I always feel that he has a strange sense of familiarity, it turns out that he looks a lot like Minato-sensei."

After Nohara Rin suddenly realized, she was a bit confused, "But why doesn't he have the surname Namikaze, but Uzumaki?"

Kakashi was taken aback, he hesitated, "This..."

"What's so hard to say about this? Isn't it just the old man's decision?"

Tsunade's voice came in from the side, "If Naruto had the surname Namikaze, the village would have been discriminated and ostracized Naruto...

"He was discriminated against and bullied."

"discriminated? bullied?" Nohara Rin was a bit confused.

Helplessly, Kakashi had to describe what happened to Naruto in simpler terms.

Hearing this, Nohara Rin was dumbfounded: "Third Hokage-sama, how could you do this? This is Minato-sensei's child! And Kakashi, you also said that Minato-sensei become the Fourth Hokage of Konohagakure."

"Why... why treat the orphan of a Hokage like this?" Nohara Rin expressed great incomprehension: "Just because he is the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki?"

"Who knows what the old folks in the village are thinking?" Tsunade casually criticized those old men: "Maybe they've been in high positions for too long, and their brains have gone dead!"

She didn't give them any face at all.

"Who is this..." Hearing Tsunade's tone of not putting the Hokage in her eyes, Nohara Rin herself felt that this female ninja should not be an ordinary person.

"She is Tsunade-sama, your idol!" Kakashi hinted.

Nohara Rin was instantly stunned: "Tsu... Tsunade-sama?"

How come there are not only Kakashi but also Orochimaru-sama and Tsunade-sama in the Whitebeard Pirates?

Tsunade generously smiled at her: "Hello there! Kakashi's childhood friend."





"Eh? Eh? I originally just wanted to find out where the missing 'companion' was, but it seems like I've made a big discovery!"

At the same time, on a mountain peak a kilometer away, there was a White Zetsu, overlooking Moby Dick.

This is also a White Zetsu clone.

Although there are many White Zetsu clones in the ninja world, few have disappeared over the years.

Every time a White Zetsu clone disappears, it will attract the attention of the main body, so a group of White Zetsu was dispatched for investigation.

The missing White Zetsu clone, its task was to keep an eye on Orochimaru, Sasori, Uchiha Itachi, and Biwa Juzo who were on a mission.

Its disappearance is definitely related to the Whitebeard Pirates.

So this White Zetsu was sent here, it would observe the Whitebeard Pirates in secret, thus wanting to find the clue to the "companion's" disappearance.

As a result, it didn't see the missing companion, but instead saw a person it didn't expect.

White Zetsu's clone and the main body have a certain memory sharing.

Nohara Rin's face was instantly by White Zetsu clone.

It slowly put down a telescope stolen from somewhere, muttering to itself: "Although it's dark, the fire on the ship still allows me to see clearly, I definitely didn't recognize it wrong."

Indeed, only Tobi is the most special one in the White Zetsu clone, but this does not mean that other White Zetsu can't use Ninjutsu.

This White Zetsu clone casually grabbed a relatively flat stone slab next to it, immediately clapped its hands, and quickly formed a seal: "Ninjutsu·Visual Imprint Technique!"

Then, both palms were slapped on that stone slab.

The scene it saw with its own eyes was quickly etched onto a stone slab, forming a rather unique "engraved photo".

Then, holding that stone slab, it slowly merged into the mountain, its body disappearing from sight.

This was the "Mayfly Technique" that every White Zetsu clone could perform, allowing their bodies to merge with the earth and vegetation.

This allowed them to achieve ultra-high-speed movement, second only to the Fourth Raikage's Lightning Release Chakra Mode.


The Land of Thunder was not ordinarily far from this country. Even at White Zetsu's speed, it took a non-stop run of a full ten days.

A White Zetsu clone, holding a stone slab, emerged from a tree. Underneath the tree stood a man with a Duy mask and a white humanoid creature.

"Huh? Obito, Obito, he's one of my 'low-level colleagues'!" Tobi's quirky tone rang out.

Obito, with a dark face, scolded, "Idiot, how many times have I reminded you! Don't call me by my real name, call me Uchiha Madara!"

Then, Obito looked up at the White Zetsu clone above and asked, "Is there any information?"

The White Zetsu clone holding the stone slab jumped down.

It handed the stone slab in its hand to Obito. Obito was a bit puzzled.

When he took the stone slab, he saw a picture carved on it.

At this time, the White Zetsu clone explained, "This is what I saw when I was observing the Whitebeard Pirates on their ship. This is a true recording of the scene, I think you would be interested in this information."

Obito, holding some doubts, frowned and took a closer look.

The next second, the expression on his face froze.

He saw two familiar people, two people turned to ashes, both of whom he knew.

One was Kakashi, and the other was Rin.

In the picture, Rin showed a gentle smile, holding a piece of cake, and handed it to Kakashi.

Obito's hands were trembling.



(End of Chapter)

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