
My System Wants me To Hoard Treasures/ The Sage of Heavenly Treasures

(Warning: This is a rewriting of a previous work that I dropped.) Henry was a young man who had just finished his third year at the Magic Academy when his parents met an untimely death. Leaving him and his sister, Makayla, to fend for themselves. Henry's time at the Magic Academy was filled with strife and suffering as his low mana levels made him the laughingstock of the whole school, so when his parents died, he decided to drop out to take care of their small shop. However, the declining business and the hefty debts his parents left after their deaths made Henry even poorer. Yet, while he visited some ruins on a nearby mountain one day, he came across an old book inside one of the buildings. This book will forever change Henry's life, as he has obtained a system that will help him do what he has always dreamed of doing. With his newly acquired system, Henry will acquire thousands of treasures!

WrightWater · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Hidden Aces

Isabella looked at the blond boy and grinned. " You can do this, Isabella." She muttered to herself, trying to muster the courage to face the boy. " You just need to hang on for one minute." She knew that even if she gave her best, this still would be hard, but, she needed to do it.

She took a deep breath and held her hand firmly, but, it continued to tremble as the mana followed out it. The top part of the wand shone with deep blue light.

-" O magne Spiritus maris." Isabella closed her eyes as she began to chant her incantation. "Exaudi vocem meam et benedic mihi occasione pugnandi una ex parte filiorum tuorum!" The blue light on her wand flickered a few times and then shot up.

Isabella opened her eyes in surprise, she couldn't help but let out a big smile seeing that her invitation was successful. " I did it! I did it!" Isabela was euphoric as she saw the blue light swirling around the air.

The boy looked at the girl with interest, she could feel that a powerful presence had appeared suddenly, but, this wasn't enough to make him afraid, and he finally let out his spell.

-" Let's see if whatever you brought out can handle this.' The boy was confident in the power of his attack, which was basically a middle-stage fourth-circle spell that one of his teachers had simplified for him.

Isabella's smile was washed out of her face as she saw the attack, and she was about to tell the blue light to go block it, but, the strange light moved without her even ordering it.

Henry watched the blue light in confusion, he even wanted to walk closer to the mirror screen to see if he could see what Isabella had summoned.

-" Don't tell me that this is an elemental!" One of the nobles jumped from his chair as he looked at the battle.

-" For her to be able to summon an elemental in the third circle... Commendable!" Another noble clapped for Isabella.

-" I knew that I recognized her! Isn't she Kylian's daughter?" Another of the nobles commented.

-" Kylian? The one from the Elpest family? No wonder she is so capable."

-" The Elspet family is sure to rise up in power, not only Kylian's oldest daughter is quite talented, it looks like his youngest one is even more impressive."

Henry felt his body relax as he heard the nobles talk, it looked like Isabella had hidden quite the ace. He returned his attention to the mirror screen, he hoped that Isabella could deal with the situation, as he couldn't see Makayla continue to fight.

Waves of energy flowed out of the small blue light, that flew straight into the hurricane. A dark cloud had begun to gather a top of Isabella, and soon enough a heavy rain came down.

Isabella had a faint smile on her face, the power of her elemental surprised even her." It looks way stronger than whatever that stupid group of cacti did." Her face was full of awe as she watched the clash between her elemental and the hurricane.

The light around the elemental slowly dissipated finally revealing his true form, a small human with fish-like features, and on his back two small fairy-like wings.

The small elemental stopped right in front of the hurricane and opened his palm, the water all around the area rose and gathered in front of his palm, forming a gigantic water spear.

The elemental gave one last look toward the punny hurricane and threw the water spear, the hurricane resisted the impact at first, and slowly chipped away the elemental attack, but, it eventually began to lose power as more and more water began to gather in the water spear.

The blond boy watched the water spear pierce his attack with widened eyes, he couldn't believe that his spell had been broken so easily. " How is this even possible?!" The boy looked at Isabella and grinned as he saw the wand that she held." It must be that wand!" The boy quickly cast another wind spear and threw it toward the girl, only for a wall of water to suddenly appear and block it.

Isabella's water elemental looked at the boy and gave another swirl around the air as if telling him to not attack her master.

The boy grinned, there was no way that he was backing out without having the girl disqualified. -" Tsk! So be it!" The boy took out a potion from his spatial ring and threw it in the air. "Let's see how many monsters can this elemental handle." The boy conjured another wind spear and threw it on the potion, which shattered and splashed a strange liquid all over Isabella and her elemental.

-" What is this smell?" Isabella covered her nose, as she looked at the boy running away. " Coward! Hey! Go get him!"

Isabella's water elemental rose up and opened his little palms once again, and this time the water gathered in a small circle and burst out towards the blonde youth.

The boy had an annoyed expression on his face, the wind wings on his back quickly fluttered and the boy jumped, barely evading the water beam. " You shouldn't focus on me right now." The boy was exhausted, his previous spell had taken quite a toll on him. " Careful to not get eaten!" The boy smiled as he warned the girl and returned to run away.

-" Careful to... not get eaten?" Isabella was curious about what the boy was speaking about, she even thought that he was bluffing, however, she finally realized what the boy was speaking about when the ground began to tremble. " Makayla! Let's go!" Isabella turned her body, only to see her friend in a strange state.

The runes that Makayla drew on her forehead were slowly burning away, and her a moon was imprinted on her irises.

-" Makayla?!" Isabella grabbed her shoulders and shook her, but, she still didn't react.

Isabella cursed, she wanted to grab her friend and ran the hell out of the area, but, a group of big worms began to surface.

The pack of Jackals howled in fear as the ground continued to tremble, they were all grouped and snarled toward one of the nearby sandworms.

Isabella's water elemental flew towards her and let out a shirl cry as one of the worms came closer.

-" Makayla! Can you wake up? We need to run." Isabella shivered from fear as she saw the group of sandworms wriggling out of the ground.

Isabella didn't expect an answer to her question and was about to prepare to engage the snd worms when Makayla's voice rang out.

-" I'm done... Thank you." Makayla's voice had an ethereal feel to it, and for some reason, Isabella felt a strange power in it. " I can handle this." Makayla took a deep breath and felt the power following from her veins.

It was almost as if she could control everything around her, she could feel the blonde running far away, and the sandworms deep underground. " Is this how a fourth circle feels?" Makayla looked at her hands and powdered. " No... The spell is also boosting my power." She controlled her breathing and tried her best to control her mana, the feeling of this much power coursing through her body was almost addicting.

-" Are you... fine?" Isabella looked at her friend in astonishment, her eyes transpired with power, and her hair even quivered around from the mana flowing out of her body.

-" I never felt better." Makayla smiled as she tightened her grip over the Star Tainted Sword and looked at the boy running away. " I can handle 15% of the sword power..." Makayla closed her eyes as she activated the sword. " This is more than enough."