
My System Wants me To Hoard Treasures/ The Sage of Heavenly Treasures

(Warning: This is a rewriting of a previous work that I dropped.) Henry was a young man who had just finished his third year at the Magic Academy when his parents met an untimely death. Leaving him and his sister, Makayla, to fend for themselves. Henry's time at the Magic Academy was filled with strife and suffering as his low mana levels made him the laughingstock of the whole school, so when his parents died, he decided to drop out to take care of their small shop. However, the declining business and the hefty debts his parents left after their deaths made Henry even poorer. Yet, while he visited some ruins on a nearby mountain one day, he came across an old book inside one of the buildings. This book will forever change Henry's life, as he has obtained a system that will help him do what he has always dreamed of doing. With his newly acquired system, Henry will acquire thousands of treasures!

WrightWater · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
43 Chs

Makayla Tenacity

Makayla clenched her teeth and braced herself as the boy sent another wave of wind toward them. " This fucker!" She quickly began to conjure runes with her hands, and a small shield of fire covered Isabella and her.

-" What should we do now?" Isabella looked at the boy in rage, she didn't expect the tables to turn so quickly.

-" Should we try to break through?" Makayla tightened the grip on her dagger and prepared to fight.

-" And turn our backs to those... things?" Isabella frowned as she saw the hideous teeth of the jackals. " I think we should forfeit."

-" No, not yet." Makayla didn't want to go down without a fight. " I will take the front line, cover me and beware of the boy." Makayla took a deep breath and conjured another spell.

Small embers lightened up around Makayla's arms and quickly grew to envelop her entire arms, making armor of fiery flames.

Makayla gazed at the incoming monster and dashed towards them, her left hand never stopped conjuring runes, while she wielded her dagger with the other one.

She traversed the desert with enormous agility and dexterity, rapidly approaching one of the Jackals and finking her dagger deep into its nose.

The Monster howled in pain and tried to jump back in instinct, however, Makayla had no thought of giving them any space and finally released her spell.

-" Blast Wave!" Makayla shouted, her voice full of emotions as a scorching heat began to flow out of her dagger.

The Jackals contorted in pain, the feeling of having the inwards of his face melted by the heat was too much for it to endure, and it fell down on the ground moveless.

The boy watched as the girl dealt with the first jackals and grinned. he didn't think that the girls would choose to fight. " Oh? It's more fun this way, Isn't it?" The blonde youth laughed maniacally and prepared another spell. "Let's see how long can you two keep up."

Isabella had just thrown a spell toward the pack of jackals when she heard the man and quickly turned around to face him. " Knock it off!" She took out her staff, which instantly lightened up and a barrier of water materialized between her and the man.

Makayla's face was covered in sweat, she had to keep moving around, or she would be encircled by the monster, and even still she had quite a difficult time guarding against the onslaught of the pack.

With her dagger in hand, she quickly paired the claws and bites of the jackals and used her left hand to dish out quick punches, which barely injured the monsters.

Even if she had plenty of mana potion, she still wanted to preserve her mana as one second of carelessness could be dangerous.

Henry's heart raced as he watched the battle, he hoped that Makayla would forfeit before she was hurt, but, he knew that there was little chance of her giving up.

-" Hahahaha, it looks like I made a good bet." Hugh noticed Venerable H's anxiety, but, he thought that the man was regretting betting on the girl;

-" I must congratulate Mister Hugh on his insight." Marcius had a venous smirk on his face, watching Abel lose was always a good time. " Not only did the boy you choose is going to eliminate two of his competitors, but he is also even taking advantage of this and getting a few points."

Abel looked at the man and shook his head, he had a strange calmness to it, as if he wasn't even worried about the girl. " I would rule Makayla out yet... She still got some hidden cards."

-" Hidden cards?" Henry was curious about the hidden card that Abel spoke of, he wondered if Makayla still had the sword he had gifted her, but, even so, she could barely use it.

-" Soon enough you will all see." Abel smiled as he looked at the mirror screen where Makayla's fight played.

Makayla duked as one of the jackals pounced on her, and with a quick slash, she opened the beast's belly whole, and without stopping she quickly somersaulted as she finished casting a spell.

Five fireballs lightened up on her hands, and she quickly threw them in the direction of the pack, who faced the spell without cowering, yet, Makayla didn't lose her composure.

She knew that her fire spells would do little damage to the beast, and only wanted to buy some time to finish the wounded jackal, Makayla landed on top of the bleeding monster and quickly severed his head.

-" Isabella! How long can you hold on?" Makayla gritted her teeth as she faced the pack, who had commenced their onslaught once again.

Isabella's face was pale, the boy was stronger than her, and she could only defend against his relentless attacks. " I don't know..." Each of the boy's spells made weakened her defensive spells evermore. " But not for long." Isabella felt like she was a burden, Makayla was facing the large pack alone, and she couldn't even stall the annoying boy.

Makayla was tense, her body was already feeling the weariness and she now had a difficult time handling the jackal's attack. The fire armor around her arms had long been extinguished, and she was filled with claw marks.

She returned her attention to the pack, who already was closing on her, and sidestepped to dodge the lung of one of the jackals, only to notice that two of the beast had encircled her.

Makayla twisted her body, and pierced the underjaw of one of the jackals with her dagger, but, unfortunately, she had no way to defend herself against the second one.

Makayla shivered as she felt the beast gnawing on her left shoulder, she mustered her strength to push the monster away, but, even her right arm could barely move.

-" Makayla!" Isabella quickly turned around and waved her wand toward the monsters, trying her best to save her friend.

-" Tsk! We are in the middle of a fight!" The boy shouted in excitement as he saw the monster finally wounding the girl. " Don't turn your back to me!" The boy opened his arms, and a big gust of wind began to gather around him.

Isabella felt the wind blowing her hair, and hurried to finish her spell. " Good Lord! Can't you stop?" Isabella was almost crushing her bracelet, she feared that if they didn't forfeit soon, Makayla would become food for the pack of monsters.

-" It was you two that chose to not join me." The blonde boy had a devious smile as the wing began to create a small tornado around him. " And now it's too late to regret it."

Isabella swung her wand towards Makayla and three jets of water shot out from it, hitting the jackal straight on its body. -" Makayla! Let's forfeit!" Isabella didn't stop conjuring spells and ran toward Makayla.

A few more beasts were prowling around Makayla, who fell to her knees. -" I can't." Makayla's voice was so faint that it barely came out. " Henry is watching." Her vision was burly, and all she could see was the jackals slowly approaching her.

Isabella quickly swung his wand again, and made all the jackals back away from her friend, " What are you talking about! Look at your body." Isabella gritted her teeth, she was about to crush Makayla's bracelet, however, she was stopped by her friend.

-" I can't lose..." Makayla held Isabella's arms and looked straight into her eyes. " Henry is watching.."

-" Henry? Your Brother?" Isabella was confused, she thought that her brother had died long ago. " Oh my god! Are you even hallucinating?" Isabella shook her arms away and grabbed Makayla's bracelet.

-" Isabella.." Makayla took out two potions and drink them. " I'm serious... My brother is watching."

-" Your brother? Didn't he die a few months ago?" Isabella was too tense to hear her friend's crazy thoughts.

-" Just listen to me." Makayla's vision finally began to recover as the potion began to heal her. " I need to qualify." She quickly got up using Isabella's body as a crutch. " Can you buy me one minute?"

-" One minute?" Isabella was full of sadness as she looked at her friend, her whole body was littered with wounds. " What are you thinking about?"

-" I Didn't want to use this now..." Makayla took a deep breath and took out the Star Tainted Sword that Henry had given her. ' But, it looks like I have no choice."

-" No! Don't use this! You can't handle the sword!" Isabella's eyes widened in shock as she saw her friend taking out the magical sword.

-" Just block that spell for me." Makayla looked at the incoming hurricane and grabbed a bit of the blood from her shoulder. " I need to finish this." Makayla began to draw a rune on her forehead with the blood, her eyes were full of resolve as she faced the monsters around her.

Isabella sighed, she knew how obstinate her friend was, and decided to do what she had asked. " Okay!" Isabella took a deep breath as she slid her fingers through her wand. " This fucker is getting on my nerves!" Isabella's wand shone brightly as she aimed at the hurricane." Come!"