
My overprotective boyfriend | WOOSAN

A story in which a shy and frightened young boy Jung Wooyoung transfers into a new school, and Choi San, for some reason, can't seem to get him out of his head. Changbin and his friends bully Wooyoung every day at school, but San is unaware of it. Wooyoung is quiet, rarely talks, and is nervous about going home and to school every day. Until San discovers the truth. San piques Wooyoung's interest, and he's determined to find out if San's the ray of sunshine in his otherwise bleak life...

Korean_BigMinion · Celebrities
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10 Chs

06 | The protective friend

The bell rang, signaling the end of the school day. San has basketball practice, so he hurried down to the locker room to change into his athletic gear.

I walk to the end of the corridor to put back my books into my locker, my gaze falling on the paper that the teacher had given us earlier. For this project, we have to design and conduct a small-scale sociolinguistic study in the context of South Korea, and then we have to present it to the class.

I personally don't like presenting in front of people, I have speech anxiety.

Just as I was about to turn to my locker, I bumped into a hard chest, my books almost fell.

I look up, my eyes widening a bit. I can see Changbin standing there right in front of my eyes with his arms crossed.

"I-I'm sorry, Ch- Changbin-" I whispered, "I was t-trying to g-get to my locker."

I felt a presence behind me, and when I turned around, I saw Hyunjin standing there. His golden hair is pulled back into a ponytail, and looks very intimidating and scary.

Just as I was about to get to my locker, Changbin grabbed my arm and pushed me back. I winced in pain, and tears welled up in my eyes. I looked up at Changbin and I saw him scoff as he let out a laugh.

"Getting hurt that easily?" He chuckled and grabbed my arm again. The exact same spot he did before. The exact same spot where I got abused.

I whined in pain more, a small yelp escaping my lips as I yanked my arm back.

"S-stop it..."

"Why? it hurts?" He laughed.


"Then why are you crying?" He sniffed a little with contempt. "I think it's funny. Look at you." His quick steps ate up the space between us. "Coward. As craven as you are ugly. And half-moron besides, I hear. And your face, hideous. My friends quite agree, even the girls in our class agree."

"Well? What do you say?" His arms were folded.

Anger flashed over his face "Answer me!" he spat at me. "I-" he slapped me.

His hand carried surprising force. It turned my head to the side roughly. The skin stung, and my lips throbbed sharply where he had caught it with a ring.

"I- I'm sorry" I said.

"Why? you're sorry for being ugly?" he laughed, making Hyunjin laugh too.

He grabbed me by my neck this time. "Your neck is short. You're fat. Your greasy hair so freaking disgusting. Do you even shower?" He gestured at me with disdainful fingers. "And your chest-"

"Let go of him!"

I turned to face the person who had yelled. Tears welled up in my eyes and began to trickle down my cheeks. San rushed over to me, shoving Changbin away. "For once, Changbin, leave him alone," he growled as he drew my trembling body to his chest.

Changbin scoffed at the sight. He dug his hands into his pockets, scanning us two. He started to walk away dragging Hyunjin with him.

Choi San's POV

I stepped towards Wooyoung. He gave a small sigh, like a sleepy child, and drooped gratefully into the circle of my arms. He was shivering, like something just born. I held his waist and felt the warmth from his body as his tears seeped through my basketball attire. His body as soft as a child's.

Wooyoung's face, hot as if with fever, pressed against my chest. All I could see of him was the top of his head, the whorl and tangle of his shining blonde hair, the pale scalp beneath. After some time, his sobs subsided, and he drew me closer.

He looked up at me. "Please-" he whispered. "Please do not leave."

I cupped his flooding face with my hands. "I won't leave, Wooyoung"

Wooyoung was crying. He wasn't just shedding a few tears; he was sobbing uncontrollably. I got worried. I'm not going to forgive Changbin for what he's done to him. He went too far. I got hold of Wooyoung's wrists and took him to his locker, taking his books from his hands. He told me the password, so I opened it and placed all the books inside.

Wooyoung was still clinging onto me. So I locked his locker and wrapped my arms around him, and he instantly hid his head into my chest.

"Do you get hurt a lot?" I asked him cautiously.

"No," he shook his head.

I knew it was a lie, why is he trying to hide the truth.

I lifted his sleeves up to see if he got any more bruises. He made to step back but I held his arm too tightly. He has to tell me, and this time I'm not going to give up. He's in pain, I must do everything I can to keep him safe.

I lifted up his sleeve and I could see a black and purple bruise, when I turned his arm slightly to reveal other parts of his arm, I could see dried blood on his elbow.

"Wooyoung, who did this to you?" I asked.

"N-no one, I f-fell" he tried to lie again, I knew what he rambled on about wasn't the truth. I tried to sustain my anger.

"Have you got any other bruises?" I asked.

"No," he said dishonestly.

I forcefully lifted his other arm's sleeve and there were even more bruises than the right arm, smaller ones but more.

He pulled his arm from my grip "Sorry, I have to leave, my uncle— he will kill me— nononono... he's going to kill me" Wooyoung was panicking now.

I took a step towards him, but he shoved me away and ran, I followed him from behind. I got a hold of him easily.

"Wooyoung, you know I will always be there for you. I need you to be honest with me and if you are honest then I can help you. Do you understand?"

He shook his head "I'm sorry, but I can't. I need to go home and cook dinner for my uncle." His voice broke on his uncle's name and I stepped forward. I stopped when he took a step back in defence.

Tears streamed down his cheeks and he fell to the ground. He sank to his knees and sobs choked his throat as he wrapped his body with his hands. People were starting to stare at him now. He flinched when I placed my arms around him.

"Wooyoung, I know you're lying because I saw the bruises, and Changbin isn't the only one who assaulted you. He's with me the majority of the time. Tell me what happened, who did this? and I'll help you." I said, as gently as I could.

"I don't need help," he argued.

"Why are you lying?" I asked.

"I'm not. I just want to go home and keep my worthless abusive life a secret!" He froze. He has just admitted to have been abused and now he knows that I know.

He started to panic. "I have to go home, my uncle will kill me."

"I won't allow you to go back." I said.

"Why not?" He snapped.

I looked at him for a moment "I don't want you to get more hurt, or worse... die. I can't let you to go back to a dangerous environment willingly. I will not allow anyone to harm you."

"I have nowhere else to go," he replied.

"Have you turned eighteen yet?" I asked.

"Yes, why?" he looked at me, confused.

"Would you like to move in with me? I need a companion anyway." I asked him calmly.

He blushed. "Um- wouldn't I be a huge burden to you?"

"Of course not," I tried to assure him.

"Wouldn't your family mind?" he queried.

"I live alone in a loft apartment, my parents work abroad."

"Oh," he mumbled, thinking. "Can I have time to think?"

"Uh— I think you have to decide now. Your uncle is probably waiting for you, if you're smart enough, I don't think you would want to go back." I said.

"I'm scared— once he finds out where I am, he will kill me right on spot, and besides I think I'm putting you in danger. I can't drag you into this mess with me." He spoke haltingly, his voice thick with panic.

"Wooyoung— Wooyoung listen to me, you're not putting me in danger, neither are you putting yourself in danger, in fact you're protecting yourself against that beast. You hear me? And as long as you're with me, I'm not going to let him hurt you. I will protect you." I cupped his face with my hands "I promise." I said.

"What if my dad calls the police?" he said, panicking.

"Wooyoung, you're an adult now, you don't have to stay with a guardian anymore, you're free to leave." I tried to assure him.

"My uncle... I'm scared..." he said embarrassed, looking down.

I lifted his chin. "Wooyoung, he's not here and I won't let him hurt you ever again. All you have to do is come with me, okay?" I tried my best to sound sincere.

He nodded.

I led him towards my car, helped him get in the passenger seat and I sat in the drivers seat. I noticed that his hands were fidgeting, so I held his hand and began driving.