
My overprotective boyfriend | WOOSAN

A story in which a shy and frightened young boy Jung Wooyoung transfers into a new school, and Choi San, for some reason, can't seem to get him out of his head. Changbin and his friends bully Wooyoung every day at school, but San is unaware of it. Wooyoung is quiet, rarely talks, and is nervous about going home and to school every day. Until San discovers the truth. San piques Wooyoung's interest, and he's determined to find out if San's the ray of sunshine in his otherwise bleak life...

Korean_BigMinion · Celebrities
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10 Chs

05 | Lunch with San

"It's nearly lunch, we should get going." He said as he stood up. He grabbed my wrist, making me wince as he touched a bruise. "Ah- Wooyoung I'm sorry, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, it's nothing really."

"Let me see."

"What? No, it's okay, I just fell" I pulled away my arm.

He exhaled sharply, like he did not believe me.

I guess I'm such a bad liar, even new students would know I'm lying.

He placed his arm around my shoulder and led me through the hallways and to the cafeteria. I forced San to stop, his dark-brown eyes coated with confusion as he turned to face me.

"I can't go in there. Changbin and his friends are there." I explained to him.

His eyes softened at my words and he grabbed both my hands. "He won't say anything to you as long as you're with me."

"No, I'm not really hungry, you can grab a lunch for yourself, I'll wait for you outside." I said.

"You're not hungry?" He repeated, losing his kindness for a second and anger came out. "Your stomach is growling with hunger, Wooyoung. Do you not care about your health?" He exhaled. "You don't have to go in there. Just wait for me outside the bench."

I nodded as he entered the cafeteria.

Did I make him angry?

What did I do?

Should I go back to him?

No, I think it's better to stay, it's weird to go back.

Oh no, what if he never comes back to me?

What if he brings Changbin along with him and bully me altogether?

I sat frozen on the bench and some time later I felt someone throw his arms around me from the back. I stiffened, his arms released me. "I got something for you to eat."

"You didn't really have to." I said to San, who was staring at me.

"I do. You're all skin and bone! You need feeding up."

I flushed crimson as he stared at me.

I'll never tell him about my personal life, it's too embarrassing for me. I wish I was a bright student, I wish I could be more confident and could hold conversations. Unfortunately, this is not the case. In reality, I'm a filthy, smelly person who flunks at school and is a really boring person. I don't have good looks either. I can't even run away, I have nowhere else to go. I tried running away once, but my uncle found out and he "taught" me a lesson. He punched, kicked, and smacked me like a doll, until I couldn't move an inch.

I thanked him when he gave me the lunch box. It's been a long time since I have eaten spicy kimchi stew. My uncle only lets me eat plain rice with beans.

My face flushed with genuine generosity.

I opened the lunchbox with him and we ate together.