Betrayed by his trusted friend, Lee is so down and feeling so low but that betrayal that crush his whole world becomes his greatest opportunity and it is up to him on how he would seize it.
"Quit the Guild and leave this place immediately". A deep voice rang at Lee's ears, He just smile, though he feel pained in his heart, and started to walk through the door without saying a word, but before he could open the door of there fortress.
"Stop!", someone shouted. When Lee turns around he saw one of his guildmate named Jake, "Guild leader what is the meaning of this? please explain why you wan't Lee to leave our guild". Jake said. "We all know that he is a good person and done a lot of achievements for our guild, he even recruited a lot of good and trusted guildmates", Jake added. Jason expressions darkened and his eyes dulled with frost as he shouted. "Are you questioning my order! do you have the right to speak with me like that?!".
"No Sir but I think we should conduct a meeting, and let the guild members decide whether he stays or leave". Replied Jake with a trembling voice, obiously he is afraid with there Guild Leader but still Jake feels like he should say what is needed to be said. "we all have the right to know everything so that we can have a peace of mind, that you would not kick us out, if you feel that you don't need us anymore", Jake added.
Before Jason could rebut, "Well said I will call all the members and let us have a meeting regarding that issue". A large handsome male appear and both Lee and Jake salute him and said "vice leader Orlan".
"Go ahead". Said Jason with his brows furrowed, he realized his plan has been ruined and should think of something else to kick Lee out of there Guild.
Orland called all there members and after a few minutes, the members started to arrived one by one and started to talk to one another, asking what is the purpose of the meeting.
Lee is still calm, it's not that he is not affected by all of this, he is also wondering the reason why suddenly he is being treated like a trash by his trusted Leader, but he accepted the fact that he is just a member and he couldn't do anything about the situation, his just thankful for those who supported him.
He has just arrived from his last mission and very happy for he obtained a great loot and only came to report the matter, but before he could say anything his Guild leader told him that he wants him out.
After an hour all the guild members has arrived. Jason is at the middle front and he spoke, "Let's start the meeting".
The hall became silent, and only a breathing could be heard. "I want Lee out of our guild". Jason casually mention.
After a moment of silence the crowd stared to whisper from one another and look at each other wanting someone to ask why but before someone could asked, Jason added "Lee messed up he offended a member of a high middle class guild and if we don't kick him we will be implicated with him, it is for the best for our guild.
He talked emotionless and cold it's like it is nothing to do with him, his just doing his job and what he think is the best for there guild.
A long moment of silent came and Lee is ready to leave, without any explanation on his part. He already knew that guild that he have offended, and he to also don't want to implicate his guild.
Before he could stand up, one of his friend which he recruited a year ago stand up and spoke. "Guild Leader I Nick joined our guild because I believed that if I offended someone I have you all to rely on but I guess what I thought was wrong...therefore I am also leaving".
After Nick speech 40 over 190 members also stand up, They all wanted to leave the guild without voicing there thought.
Lee was speechless he feels a mix of emotion he was happy yet at the same time he feels a bit of guilt, he knows that those members don't want him to be kick out of there guild.
Lee did not say anything but everyone could only see a clear expression of calm on his face.
Lee started to leave with his supporters "Stop!!!", Jason shouted. "Are you all going to rebolt!!? Lee do want this to happen?!" Lee turns around with a weary smile and said, "it has nothing to do with me it is there decision".
"Ok then...all of you lets make a bet", said Jason. All the members who joined Lee stopped there movements and look at Jason, before anyone could spoke.
Jason added "I'll battle him one on one if he wins, you all stays in our guild, and let us fight whoever is willing to attack or bullies us after all we are mid middle class guild even if we can't defeat them we still could crippled them but if I win he will leave and you all stay!".
Lee look at the members who joined him and met Jason's eyes without blinking as he said, "As I have said earlier it has nothing to do with me, it is there decision to leave and I can't do anything about it".
After he finish his sentence he is again started to walk and he is about to reached the door when Nick shouted "Yes he will battle you".
Lee look at Nick and to all the team members who have joined him and they all nod in response.
They all trusted him. They know how great he is when it comes to battle and strategy, they also believe that he is the most powerful person on there guild, its just that he don't care about political power so he doesn't ask for it.
They also know how powerful there leader but Lee surpass him in every aspects long time ago. "Are you afraid", said Jason with a smirk, Lee didn't think anymore and he shouted "Challenge accepted!!!".