
My last name is Shameless

The Game World become silent after Lee shared the video. It is very unusual specially the game just started.

Prayers didn't care about it, they didn't even noticed what is unusual, specially those who has a guild that has the video.

Playets wanted to brag about it and share it to there teams. On the Golden Plate hide out Golden Hawk organized a meeting and attendance is a must, all the members attended it excitedly, After all almost all of them had something to share so they were all pump up.

Golden Hawk arrived at the center and started a speech, Good day every one I gather you all for a simple propose, I just want to gave you all a gift as a sign of my sincerity in our guild.

Someone shouted and praised him and said "the real leader shares, the most valuable share deserved to have a good position."

The one that shouted has plans on his own, it looks like he is praising Golden Hawk but actually he has hidden message from hisword.

Everyone nodded in responced, All of them almost has the same video and they think that it is the most valuable information anyone could share which makes them qualified for a promotion after all position is more important at the military.

Those guild membercthat doesn't have to share browsed the internet using there auto connect to youtube which is located to there right right wrist, they tried there luck searching something related to the Game World.

They may not be able to share best things atleast they shared something. Golden Hawk continued speaking. "today I want to share a video that would make our life here in Game World easy."

Golden Hawk clicked his right wrist and a monitor appeared then video of Lee fighting the goblin appeared.

Golden Hawk has a huge smile on his face and a proud look could be seen in his eyes but suddenly an "ehh.." sounded and everyone is dumbfounded. One of them say "I also has that video."

Almost everyone enters on a discussions saying they also have that video, they looked at one another and said "we are being scammed."

Someone shouted "fuck!!! i just both it for three hundred thousand dollars." another one says "damn I bought it for five hundred thousand dollars." then suddenly they looked a Golden Hawk.

Golden Hawk, who has a proud look on his face instantly stiffen and turned ashen one. One member asked him, "Leader how much did you pay for the video." He was silent for a moment then he said casually "I just offered him ten thousands."

"Oohhhh... we envied you" said by those members who offerred higher amount. Some says "Your very wise you only offering a small amount."

The back of Golden Hawk's head was sweating, He was so angry that he wantrd to blast the head of Lee for conning him. If anyone knows he offered ten million dollars just to make sure he'll have it.

Golden Hawk sure got what he want, but it was not just him who have the video, also a lot of his follower got the same vedio, what hurt him most is that many players also has it.

Golden Hawk said in a serious tone "even it is a small amount he should pay the price for conning us I will never forgave him for playing us."

"If he want to share the video he should share it to all rather than selling it to every individual" Golden Hawk added it in a righteous tone.

Golden Hawk wanted his revenge and wanted to encourage every member but suddenly A member shouted "Si..si...sir." "What replied Golden Hawk in an angry tone.

The one that shouted said in a low voice. "look at the youtube." then all of the members started to view a post that has a title "First Kill."

Members of Golden Plate saw the same video, The one that the have paid!. "Damn!!" a lot of them voice there anger and curse Nameless but Golden Hawk looked even gloommier than before.

He wanted to end the meeting as soon as possible so that he could contact Lee. He will asked Lee for a refund or he will threaten him for his life when Lee won't return his money.

Golden Hawk said "let us just end our meeting and lets make use of Nameless strategy as soon as possible before other guild could. Everyone nodded and bids there farewell.

After Lee send the video to his buyers, he posted it on youtube. He does want the rich and Big guilds monopolized the Game World.

He thought that it is better to share the video to all. After all even if they watch the video it is still hard to master his moves and the video would incouraged more players, and more fans for him.

After sharing the video, Lee continued killing goblins, he killed another 9 then his (LVL) reached level 10. Another level points was added to his (AGT). His speed increased by ten and it is now sixty.

When Lee was moving, his movement could be compared to a running mouse, he needed this (AGT), to complete his strategy to get the Axe and the skill book.

After assigning the level points, Lee was getting ready to do the next phase of his plan, when suddenly he got a call from through his mind. when Lee saw that it is Golden Hawk he just block the him and the others who attempted to reached him he knows that they are angry and wants a refund.

Lee viewed his post and saw a lot of comments some are thanking him specially those solo gamer and those who haven't conned by him.

They say that he is like Robin Hood that robs the rich people and petites the poor. Also a lot of players cursed him, calling him shameless and many more.

Lee doesn't care of what they say, but he wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to have a high views on his post and earned more so he made a statement saying "I can post what ever I want to post after all when I sold the video I didn't mention that I won't sell it to others and I can't remember saying that I won't post it, if you think I am shameless then you are right, my Last name is SHAMELESS."

Lee added "This moves are done by Nameless the shameless, enjoy watching please like and share support Shameless gaming." then he post it together with the video he made killing those 9 goblins he titled it "Shameless Gaming."

Every videos he post got more than 100 million views so he become instant celebrity but no one knows his real identity, for his fans they called him Robin Hood and for his bushers they called him shameless.

The arguement on the comment section become hotter and hotter but all in all he is the one who earns a lot, thanks to his supportes and to his bushers became instant millionaire.