
Chapter 27

The molten lava went on like a river, while dark-ashy rocks formed the uneven ground. There weren't any trees in sight, all of it was lava and rocks. Toya couldn't see the sky, he was inside some kind of cave. Yet the whole place was illuminated with red lava. Heck, he was pretty sure this was a volcano with how much lava there was.

"System, where the hell did you bring me?" Toya questioned as he gulped down the bottle of water. It was his third one, and it hasn't been ten minutes. Luckily the water bottles took five minutes to refill, if not Toya was as good as dead.

'This dungeon was chosen for you to gain full control of your fire resistance. And…' But the system was cut off.

"Yeah, yeah…" Toya said as he walked. "But I have been walking for quite a while now. But I didn't see any monsters…"

He couldn't finish the sentence when the lave pool in front burst open. And a creature came out of it. First came the hand, then the upper body, before the creature fully pulled himself of the lava.

Toya saw it, the creature could only be described as a lava-golem. But he used his Appraisal to see the creature's status.

[Creature Name: Pyronite

Rank: 5

Description: Pyronites are a humanoid plasma-based species that are composed of a bright inner plasma body covered by dark red, brown-yellow, orange, or red rocks. As fire-based entities, their bodies radiate high amounts of heat. Their feet have a slight oval like design with only two toes and one back toe. They are usually around the 2 meters in hight.

Even though they look like humans. Their mentality is that of a beast. Strong ruling over the week. It is also the reason why they move in packs, to hunt their prey.

Very aggressive in behavior, attacking anything that is not one of their own.

Their Natural Enemies are Crabdozer.

Weakness: They are weak to water and ice-based elemental attacks. Strong against fire.]

Toya cursed his luck, this guy was his natural enemy. It was almost resistant to fire. Heck, it was strong against it.

The area was at least wide, so Toya was a bit confident in avoiding unknown dangers. Still, with lava pits hanging around in few steps, it would be hard to move. But his opponent didn't care.

The flaming skull of a golem was a bit taller than him, and now it was charging towards him. With flames out in its hands, it pushed out yellow flames towards the Todoroki.

Toya countered it with his own blue flames as both yellow and blue flames struggled in a battle of superiority.


Enji Todoroki didn't know what to feel at this moment. At first, he was happy to see the youngest Todoroki use the flame side of his quirk. The boy was using his flame side for quite a while now. But he was hiding it.

The only reason the flaming hero knew about his son's use of fire was because of the few burned-up places in the training grounds.

But when Enji learned the reason for his change, he became unhappy. The Todoroki twins Natsuo and Fuyumi Todoroki were training their quirks, they wanted to join the UA.

The thought of it made him frustrated. But when he saw Shoto using the fireside of his quirk to help out his siblings, he had to stop himself.

He didn't want to those twins or his first son to represent the Todoroki name. But at the same time, he knew if he pushed it too much, Shoto might even stop himself from being a hero.

He remembered the incident that happened three years ago. It was a bit after when Toya left home. Enji at the time was training Shoto. And he was a bit too harsh on him.

Things happened and Enji snapped giving the young Todoroki his red scar on the left side of his face. It was from then, he stopped using the fire side of his quirk. And the ice side of his quirk grew stronger.

But now seeing the young Todoroki using his fire side, Enji didn't stop him.

At the same time, when looking at the Todoroki twins Enji felt a bit of pride in them. Even though they didn't inherit his fire, they were strong enough with their ice quirks. Creating massive hills of ice with ease.

And unlike their mother, they didn't suffer from her ice-related disease. Or unlike Toya, they didn't suffer from any inherit weakness related to their quirks.

So for this time, Enji would allow the twins to take part in the UA exams. At the same time, he didn't want to repeat what happened with Toya. It was better for them to be a part of the Todoroki family than to join the Hero Commission.

Thinking about that brat made his mood even worse. He was just waiting for him to mess up. And if given the opportunity Enji would take care of Toya himself.

But it also made him a bit cautious, what if the Hero Commission gave Enji's secrets away to Toya. That boy was reckless… what if he wanted to expose him. That would destroy all of his ambitions.

No. If Enji was right, then Rei still had contact with Toya. And as long as Enji didn't do anything too extreme the boy wouldn't expose him. That brat was a fool with a heroic dream after all. He made him that way.

Even though Toya was one of his bad apples, Enji needed to be careful from now on. If possible then get rid of him.