
My Bachelor

I was just a normal overworked assistant before I got sucked into the whirlpool called Most Eligible Bachelor. Now I'm searching for the love I never knew I wanted. Fighting against schemes and whatnot, it does take a lot to get love. Will I find the love I never knew I wanted or will I just fade away ♡~**~♡ He's handsome, no beyond handsome. He looks like he came straight out of a painting, so regal, noble, majestic. "Hello, I'm George King" He introduced with a melodious voice gesturing at me to sit. "I'm Charlotte Queen" I said. "*laughs* I'm a King and you're a Queen. Well, this King is pleased to meet this beautiful Queen" He said. I smile and he smiles back, this might just turn out to be fun.

Tayo_S · Urban
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7 Chs

2 - Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, I'm on the show!

Like the silly girl I am, I got lost on the set, I've been here for a year but I got freaking lost, ughhhhhhhhh. Mr Quincy's fuse is definitely going to blow up, ugghhhhh.

Said Mr Quincy's fuse was quite far from going off, intact he was doing an happy dance at the moment.

"The show's ratings are double that of last season hehehe, Mr King sure is a the best bachelor, since he came on stage the ratings have been steadily increasing" Quincy said to his self.

I walked around, trying to find Mr Quincy. Ughhhh, finally, there he is. Huh? He doesn't look angry, something's definitely going right, finally.

"You, Charlotte go get me a Cappuccino" He said.

Ughhhhhhhh, I just got here. Borrow yourself a conscience would ya.

"Yes Mr Quincy"

"Stop dawdling, off you go" He said.


"Cameras rolling, we're live people" Quincy shouted.

"It's time to introduce the girls to you, hope you won't be wowed too much. Looks like our first contestant is here"

"Hi, I'm Cassandra but everyone calls me Cassie, I'm just over the moon right now, I can't believe this is happening" The first contestant said.

"Well, you gotta believe it cause this is happening" Derrick said with a smile.

Cassie smiled back then walked along a beautiful path, she was off to the house.

The cameras switched from them and a short recording was played.

"Hi, I'm Cassandra Darling and I'm 27. I've had it really rough with love, faced a ton of heartbreaks. When my friend recommended this show to me I was recovering from a broken heart but I said why not and here I am"

The lights dimmed and the cameras were back on Derrick.

"Just as you've guessed, the adorable lady beside me is our second contestant"

"Hello, I'm Ayla *twirls* Hope you guys love me, mwah"

"Hey, I'm Ayla Fisher and I'm 21. Um, I'm not quite experienced in love, I've got just one ex boyfriend. I don't want to waste time, I just want to find the one for me and live happily ever after so here I am"


"Ughhh, this is taking forever why's the coffee place so far from set, it's taking forever to get back, Mr Quincy's good mood will be gone by now" I groaned.

"We're here" The driver said.

"Finally" I said then paid the bill.

I hopped off the taxi and as I walked towards the set I laid my eyes on one of the contestants, she looked so gorgeous. This season was going to be tough, poor girls.

"Dios mio, the last contestant cancelled. The gal of her, it was so last minute, there's no replacement" Quincy said as he paced around.

I approached Quincy to give him his coffee and was shocked by what he said, this was bad. He snatches the cappuccino from me and gulps it all down.

"We're at the seventh contestant already, what're we going to do" He says.

"Can we replace with someone on set sir" His secretary asked with a sparkle in his eye.

"Yes, bingo, Styling come dress up Charlotte pronto" He said.

Wait, what?! Dress up who? Me?

"Charlotte darling, treat this as an assistant duty, you still want this job don't you" Quicy said with a smile.

Of course I wanted this job, I needed it badly

"Yes sir" I replied.

"That's great"

"Natasha! firstly we have to do a recording, so some light make up and a homely dress, pronto" He said.

Before I knew it, Natasha had pulled me into a room, done make up for me and changed my dress and I was sitted behind a wine background in front of a camera.

"Hi, I'm Charlotte Queen and I'm 21. I haven't got much expectations for love, I just want to experience the feeling. I've never met someone who's been able to move my heart and make me yearn for them. I had a wild moment and just thought why not go for this show, what's the worst that could happen, I find love? We all have to go crazy sometimes so here I am going crazy *laughs* see you guys on the screen *laughs* I mean you'll see me on the screen, bye" I said with a smile.

"That was fabulous Charlotte, Natasha! Redress for show" Mr Quincy said.

I'm back in Natasha's styling room and Nat is going full glam on me.

"You have to cherish this" She said while putting my makeup on.

"Ughh, I can't believe this is happening" I said.

"Best believe it dear, this is so exciting" Natasha said while putting finishing touches.

She did light make up on my face as I was going for a simple look. She then dressed me in a light pink flowing gown and had my hairs in an elegant twist. I stood before the mirror and couldn't believe this was me, I looked so.. elegant, marvellous, gorgeous.

"All done?" Mr Quincy's asked while knocking.

"Yes sir" Natasha and I replied.

He came in and gestured for me to come with him.

"Just try to minimise your presence and all that, don't worry you'll be out in no time" He said.

I kept quiet and in no time we reached a garden, this was the set.

"Stand here, when he calls for the last contestant you'll go forward" Mr Quincy said then walked off.

"Hey, I'm Paula Steven and I'm 30. I've only been in one relationship, it lasted seven years and I was cheated on, humiliated and lost hope for love. Recently, one of my friends talked about this show and I just thought I can do this, I won't let anyone hold me down, please take care of me, mwah"

The cameras switched to Derrick and he gave a big smile.

"My darling audience, we're gradually coming to the end of today's episode as I introduce our last contestant"

I take a breath in and out and with a smile walk to the stage.

"Hi everyone, I'm Charlotte and I um.. I'm nervous as you can see *laughs* I'm just so filled with excitement, I can't believe this is actually happening like *squeals* *blushes*" I said then walk towards the house.

"Aww, isn't that cute" Derrick says before the cameras switch to the recording.

"Hi, I'm Charlotte Queen and I'm 21. I haven't got much expectations for love, I just want to experience the feeling. I've never met someone who's been able to move my heart and make me yearn for them. I had a wild moment and just thought why not go for this show, what's the worst that could happen, I find love? We all have to go crazy sometimes so here I am going crazy *laughs* see you guys on the screen *laughs* I mean you'll see me on the screen, bye" I said with a smile.