
My Bachelor

I was just a normal overworked assistant before I got sucked into the whirlpool called Most Eligible Bachelor. Now I'm searching for the love I never knew I wanted. Fighting against schemes and whatnot, it does take a lot to get love. Will I find the love I never knew I wanted or will I just fade away ♡~**~♡ He's handsome, no beyond handsome. He looks like he came straight out of a painting, so regal, noble, majestic. "Hello, I'm George King" He introduced with a melodious voice gesturing at me to sit. "I'm Charlotte Queen" I said. "*laughs* I'm a King and you're a Queen. Well, this King is pleased to meet this beautiful Queen" He said. I smile and he smiles back, this might just turn out to be fun.

Tayo_S · Urban
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7 Chs

1 - Mr Bachelor

My heart beated fast, badum badum. I felt so nervous, why was I even doing this. I calmed my nerves and put a smile on my face as I waited for the host to make an announcement.

A man dressed in a fiery red suit, oozing loads of sex appeal walked in slowly with a mesmerizing smile on his face.

"Ahhh, my favourite audience, how you guys doing. It's the moment you've been waiting for, welcome guys to a new season of Most Eligible Bachelor. This evening, the sexy, delicious, handome, you name it George King will choose the woman of his dreams, the woman he's going to marry, his bride"

"Fingers crossed, I hope he picks me" I thought.

~*4 weeks ago*~

"Ughhh, why are you so careless Charlotte, my keys, ughhhhh, where are they" I shouted at myself in my head.

I quickly rummage through my apartment, searching every corner for the keys of my rusty, beaten down car.

"Finally!" I exclaim.

How did I not see it, the keys were just literally on the centre table. Ughhhh, I'm just too disorientated these days.

Shit, I'm late, Quincy's going to have my head, ughhhhhhh today's just not my day.


An angry looking blonde man paced around his office, whomever was the object of his anger would surely not have a good time.

"Where's that assistant of mine? Charlotte or whatever her name's called, where's she?" He shouted at his secretary.

"Bunch of useless people" He shouted before walking off.


"Welcome viewers, this is Most Eligible Bachelor, it's still your lovely host, Derrick. Hehehe, you all will be stunned this season. I'll not let the suprise out of the bag yet, let's just give you a little sneak peek of what's going to happen"

"This season we're upping our game, our eligible bachelor who you won't find out till he hits the screen will definitely wow you. He breaks all the records we've set and might I say once he hits the screen many girls will swoon all day long"


I parked as quick as I could and hurried into the office, I could just imagine Mr Quincy's face at the moment.

"Charlotte! Oh the gal of you, to keep me waiting, to come at this time, who do you think you are" He screamed at me, his blonde hair rising up.

He continued to shout and I just stood there with my head lowered, absolutely filtering everything he was saying. I've been working on this set for a year now and might I say it's been anything but smooth.

I don't even know what Mr Quincy's on about, I was late for five minutes, just five minutes, talk about making a mountain out of a molehill.

"You all are just useless, head over to styling and get feedback from Natasha" He said.

I'd take any chance to be away from Mr Quincy right now, he sure woke up on the wrong side of the bed today.

"Lottie the Hottie, how're you? Hope Quincy's not giving you a tough time, heard he's out of it this morning" Natasha said giving me a hug.

"Meh, nothing I can't handle, it's all part of the joy of being an assistant" I replied.

"Hehehe, I've got some exciting news" She said trying to sound and look mysterious.

"Oh, spill" I said.

"George King's the bachelor, that super hot ceo dude" She squealed.

"Hold your horses, it's not like we're contestants" I said.

"I know but we get to meet him and see him up close. Also, I've been assigned to be his stylist, Ahhhh, I can't believe it I'll be styling *swoons*" She said full of excitement.

"I can't wait to meet him and the other contestants" She continues.

"Roll the camera" Quincy shouts.

And that's my que, I've to go, I'm his assistant after all, I give Natasha a hug and run to the set.

"Welcome to Most Eligible Bachelor, Hope you're excited guys cause I totally am. Today ten girls will be competing for our bachelor's heart and this bachelor ain't no small fry. As usual, we have 5 heiresses and 5 run the mill average girls. We've had different kinds of bachelor's but we haven't had one up to his level. Ladies and gentlemen, drum roll please, this season of Most Eligible Bachelor we're pleased to present the amazing, handsome, sexy George King as our bachelor"

*screams* *squeals* *screams*

"Welcome with me to the stage, Mr George King, a songwritter, businessman, billionaire, who's looking for the woman of his dreams"

"As usual, there's a twist this season, Mr King will not be alone in choosing his bride his family are by his side so ladies you've got a lot of pleasing to do"

"Mr King, let me ask you, why did you decide to join this show" Derrick asked.

"Well, I've always wanted to settle down but I've never just found the right person, then my friend, the owner of this sure, gave me the idea of joining the show and I just felt you never know until you try, the one for me might just be on the show so here I am" George replied.

"We all face challenges in love, you're quite brave Mr King, not everyone can do this for love"

"I'll ask a total of three questions, for the second one, Mr King why did you decide to add your family to the mix"

"Well, my family has always been in the mix. At the end of the day, whoever I marry still has to get approval from my family so why not include them from the onset" George replied.

"Lastly, Mr King is there anything you require from your woman?"

"Well, I want my woman to be true to herself, to not change anything because she wants to be with me. She can be girly, a tom boy, as long as she's true to herself and shows me the real her" George replied.

"Aww, that's heart touching Mr King"

"You've met George King now my lovely audience, hope you loved him. You'll be meeting the contestants next, we've got some awesome girls these season, we'll be back after the break"