
My Bachelor

I was just a normal overworked assistant before I got sucked into the whirlpool called Most Eligible Bachelor. Now I'm searching for the love I never knew I wanted. Fighting against schemes and whatnot, it does take a lot to get love. Will I find the love I never knew I wanted or will I just fade away ♡~**~♡ He's handsome, no beyond handsome. He looks like he came straight out of a painting, so regal, noble, majestic. "Hello, I'm George King" He introduced with a melodious voice gesturing at me to sit. "I'm Charlotte Queen" I said. "*laughs* I'm a King and you're a Queen. Well, this King is pleased to meet this beautiful Queen" He said. I smile and he smiles back, this might just turn out to be fun.

Tayo_S · Urban
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7 Chs

3 - The King meets the Queen

I keep calm, nahhhh, I'm trying to keep calm as I walk into the house and meet an extravagant party.


"That's all the contestants, now before we switch to the mansion let's do a little recap for those who missed some contestants"

Contestant 1 - Cassandra Darling

"Hi, I'm Cassandra but everyone calls me Cassie, I'm just over the moon right now, I can't believe this is happening"

Contestant 2 - Ayla Fisher

"Hello, I'm Ayla *twirls* Hope you guys love me, mwah"

Contestant 3 - Zoe Moon

"Hi, I'm Zoe"

Contestant 4 - Tammy Wilson

"You should already know me it's the one and only Tams"

Contestant 5 - Rory Anderson

"Hi, I'm Rory and I'm very roary *laughs*"

Contestant 6 - Peace Love

"Hello, I'm Peace Love and boy do I love Peace and Love *snorts*"

Contestant 7 - Cindy Law

"Heya, I'm Cindy and I can't believe this is happening"

Contestant 8 - Desire Murphy

"I'm Desire and I'm sure you all will soon understand the meaning of my name *smirk*"

Contestant 9 - Paula Steve

"Hey, I'm Paula"

Contestant 10 - Charlotte Queen

"Hi everyone, I'm Charlotte and I um.. I'm nervous as you can see *laughs* I'm just so filled with excitement, I can't believe this is actually happening like *squeals* *blushes*"

"Those were our contestants, now let's head to the mansion and see our the girls are mixing"


Everywhere was quiet, well except for the classical music in the background and the loud beating of my heart. The girls weren't been all buddy buddy like you'd want to expect, they no we were all competitors after all.

The room's pretty nice, it's glamorous and all that if you like that style. To me it just looked extra, I preferred minimalist looks.

I quietly sip on the wine that was passed to me by a waiter as I wait for Derrick to come, that was next was it not?

"Evening ladies" Derrick said popping out of nowhere.

"You all must be super excited to meet the bachelor *chuckles* well, before that we have to do a draw. Ladies, you'll be picking cards with numbers on them that'll the order in which you meet the bachelor. Also, you each have only ten minutes. There's a twist though there will be five blank cards and if you get one you won't be meeting the bachelor" He continued.

He gestured at someone and a box appeared in our eyes. He opened the box and showed it to the camera to prove it was empty then he wrote the numbers 1 to 10 on some plain cards and placed them in the box along with five plain ones before locking it then vigorously shaking it.

"Shall we begin, Cassandra"

Cassie went forward with a smile and rotated a knob or whatever it's called on the side of the box then a paper came out of the box. Cassandra picked the paper and read the number out with a smile.







"Blank! Wtf! How's mine blank"












I walk forward with a smile, I hope I get a blank card let's end this whole farce.

"1" I said trying to maintain a smile as the colour on my face tried to run.

"Tammy and Cindy, you won't be meeting the bachelor today, someone will guide you to your rooms shortly. To the rest of you ladies, good luck, you'll be meeting the bachelor at the garden behind the mansion. Charlotte, as you've drawn, you go first, good luck"

I smile and walk out of the room then the mansion, heading to the backyard garden. There's a table and two chairs set up, a man who's definitely the bachelor is sitted and when I look up I'm stunned by the sight in front of me.

He's handsome, no beyond handsome. He looks like he came straight out of a painting, so regal, noble, majestic.

"Hello, I'm George King" He introduced with a melodious voice gesturing at me to sit.

"I'm Charlotte Queen" I said.

"*laughs* I'm a King and you're a Queen. Well, this King is pleased to meet this beautiful Queen" He said.

I smile and he smiles back, this might just turn out to be fun.

And it did turn out to be fun, he made me laugh and I made him laugh too. I know it's too early to judge but I felt peaceful with him, relaxed.


"Did my Georgie just laugh? *eyes wide open*" George's mum, Sandra asked.

"He sure did, a real one at that" George's father, Xavier replied.


"Times up" An alarm sang.

"Ten minutes felt like just a few seconds huh" I said.

"It sure did" He said with a smile.

I smile too then head back into the house, as I'm off I meet the next person, Desire and nod at her.

Within no time, we had all meet George and were waiting for Derrick's final instructions.

Derrick walked in once more, with George this time.

"Ladies, I trust that you all had a good time. Hehe, well I have some news for you. Anywho, I'll have you know that the blank cards were a kind of immunity as one of the remaining eight of you will be going home today"

"Mr King, you'll be voting out the contestant you had the least fun with"

"Take your ti-

"Desire" George said.

"That was quick, Mr King's a decisive man, that's nice. Desire, your time on the show as come to an end, this is goodbye"

Tears welled up in Desire's eyes as she sniffled and nodded then walked out.

"Well, it is what it is. Good night ladies, sweet dreams, dreams of our bachelor though *laughs*. That's the end of our first episode, good night" Derrick said then walked off with George.

~ 70 minutes ago

Desire walked towards George hips swaying side to side. When she got to him, she blew him a kiss and sat.

"Hello, I'm George King"

"I'm Desire, can I be the object of your desire"

Needless to say, the ten minutes with Desire were more than enough for George as she made him completely uncomfortable. Starting with light sexual remarks to unwanted touches she truly made him uncomfortable.


"Not to slut shame but this woman's an absolute slut" Sandra said.

"Who touches someone like that and says those kind of rubbish *scoffs*" Sandra continued.

"You know our son, this woman is definitely not lasting long on this show" Xavier said.