
Mother of Darkness

The story takes place in a fantasy world where a woman just wanted to live a normal life, but everything was taken from her. This is a story of a Mother, who became the death itself. It's heavily influenced by Indian and Chinese Mythology. Remark: It is my first writing , so please support me . Thanks

Misty_guy · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Meeting Old Memories

Author's Note: The poem used in this Chapter is , "Falling Flowers" by Li Shangyin.

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Somewhere deep underground, 12 people were running through a dim light corridor of a cave . Two men in the front, looking like soldiers, were wearing deep blue armors, possibly spirit grade armors . Right behind them was an old guy , having grey hair and long beard. He was followed by a middle aged man and a boy, probably in his teens. They were followed by 3 women two old and 1 young. The younger woman was carrying a girl , probably 3 years old . At the end were two more men wearing the same blue armors . The old man shouted,

All of you move faster , that crazy witch must have already slaughtered the whole city and must be searching for us by now. God knows why is she attacking an isolated city like us .

The middle aged man with a nonchalant tone said , Father , don't worry , we are already far away from the city , and no one knows of this secret passage except for our family members. We are already safe .

You shut up fool , you good for nothing idiot ,the worst thing a person can do in a war is to underestimate his enemy and our enemy is that black witch , even the Palace doesn't take her lightly .Sometimes I even doubt whether you are my blood or not.

One of the old woman interrupted, Husband , please don't get angry , let's focus on our escape right now .

Second woman gave a smile and said , sister, Husband is not wrong, Jun is no longer young and should understand these things.

The city lord had a terrible expression , both of you quiet, even in this situation you are having these petty fights.

In meantime , the soldiers in the front stopped , in front of them was a big gate . In front of the gate , there was statue of a tiger, around the same height as City lord. He cut his palm with a knife and threw some of the blood in the mouth of the statue. Soon the statue started to glow and became golden in color . The doors tremored and slowly opened . Everyone let's go.

The four soldiers were the first ones to head out. They checked the surroundings. One soldier said, City Lord , everything looks fine . Everyone else came out of the cave , but suddenly a voice could be heard ,seemingly coming from every direction, it was weaker in the beginning but gradually ,it was growing louder and louder. The soldiers got into position. City Lord and his family were in the center, surrounded by these soldiers. They voice sang,

The guest has left my tower high,

My garden flowers pell-mell fly.

Here and there over the winding way

They say goodbye to parting day.

I won't sweep them with broken heart,

But wish they would not fall apart.

Their love with spring won't disappear,

Each dewdrop turns into a tear.

The City Lord was stunned , he was sweating heavily, he said in a very low voice ,

How is this possible , no no no no , it can't be . She clearly died . Impossible .

Husband what happened ,are you ok ,the wives asked.

She must have died . She can't be alive . she can't be , City Lord was maniacally repeating these lines.

In meantime, strands of darkness could be seen coming towards them , with its touch , grass and trees withered , birds and beasts ran away , It felt like every living thing wanted to avoid this sinsiter existence. From this fog of darkness , emerged a woman , still having some blood left on her clothes.

Long time no see , old Cao. You have not forgotten me ,have you?

The City Lord fell on his back . His face completely blank .

She tilted her head and with a mocking smile said, What happened old Cao , what are you so afraid of, did you see a ghost or something. Well, it's really your bad luck that it's not a ghost you saw , but something even worse. The smile faded away, leaving a scary cold face.