
Mother of Darkness

The story takes place in a fantasy world where a woman just wanted to live a normal life, but everything was taken from her. This is a story of a Mother, who became the death itself. It's heavily influenced by Indian and Chinese Mythology. Remark: It is my first writing , so please support me . Thanks

Misty_guy · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Never Believe A Witch

Author's note: Violence and bloodshed in the chapter, skip if you don't like it.

Please let me know whether you liked the chapter or not.


City Lord's son shouted in meantime, Soldiers what are you waiting for, kill this wretched woman.

The soldiers charged forward after receiving the command . Dieeee you witch!!!

Father , Mother , let us all flee while the soldiers are distracting her . The City Lord remained seated on the ground. Son its of no use . You don't know who she is..... ,but I do.

The woman sighed , Like father, like son . Well never mind , let's deal with these nuisances first .

As she was speaking, one of the soldiers attacked her with his spear and and shouted,

Dragon Lightning!!!! Soon a blue dragon appeared and coiled around his spear. It was made of lightning and roared like one.

The woman looked unimpressed, as the spear approached her, she caught the tip of the spear with her two fingers. Is that all? You call this... a dragon?

The soldier was stunned , the other three soldier stopped in their paths.

Let me give you an advice kids , "they" are not worthy of your sacrifice. You are not my match,not even close. Take my advice and Get Lost!!

The soldier with the spear shouted, Witch we don't fear you, we willl........

Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! The woman holding the child shouted . One eyeball fell near her. Different body parts were lying everywhere . A second ago, they formed a man , a man trying to challenge the death and just with a sway of her hand ,the man was blasted into pieces.

Idiots, indeed need a demo to understand the theory . Teacher was right. The woman said with an expression of realisation and understanding.

You three idiots , do you also want to say something or... All three soldiers fled, they ran away as their life depended on it , which was, indeed the case.

You cowards come back , a soldier has to protect his master ,even if it costs his life . The City Lord's son shouted . The woman with the baby was crying heavily , she got behind her husband ,and begged, husband please save me . I am so scared.

The woman , who didn't look like she had just killed someone ,looked towards this weak woman hiding behind her husband , child ,don't you think , you are scared too much .

You witch , do you think everyone is ruthless like you . The son said.

You idiot shut up , do you have no brain , didn't you see what just happened!!! said the old man.

The old man began to hit his head on the ground and pleaded ,Please forgive him , he is just an idiot, please forgive him little Wei.... his voiced stopped in the middle , he was trying to speak but couldn't. He had a terrible feeling. As he looked up , he saw , darkness was covering everything , the woman had dark veins starting from her neck and reaching her eyes, her eyes...were pitch black . She looked like a demon ,ready to slaughter them all.

You dare to take my name..... from that filthy mouth of yours !!!!!!! She no longer had a sweet voice but a voice that neither belonged to a man nor a woman.

Seeing this everyone fell on their knees and started begging her . Please forgive us , we were wrong , please forgive us oh great goddess. Darkness subsided , black veins vanished from her face , and her voice reverted back to it's sweet self.

Get up everyone , I am not a bad person you see , I just get a little angry sometimes . Everyone was looking towards each other . Noone believed what she said . Get up, or do you want my help.

No No , we can get up on our own. Everyone said in unison.

Old Cao , I am a very understanding person , so if you return the Naag Stone , I will let you and your family leave . He was surprised .

Don't act like this , I know you have it . Give it quickly.

Fine, I will give it to you ,but you have to promise me in the name of the heavens , that you will not hurt us .

I promise in the name of the heavens , If you return the stone to me , I will not harm you and your family. The old guy seemed happy , he quickly put his finger in middle of his eyebrows. Soon , along with a white light came a stone , with a snake pattern on it . It flew towards the Woman .

The Woman had a smile on her face , Little Cui , begin .

Grrrrrccchhhhh!!!! Everyone looked towards the source of the sound . A hand could be seen coming out of a chest , it had a heart in its grasp . Soon , The City Lord's son fell lifeless on the ground with a hole in his chest. His eyes, still showing the shock he felt . The hand belonged to the scared , weak woman , who was wailing heavily and hiding behind her husband . She was no longer scared or crying but smiling deviously, seemingly happy with her action.

Old Cao , what did you learn...? You should never believe a Witch.