
Mother of Darkness

The story takes place in a fantasy world where a woman just wanted to live a normal life, but everything was taken from her. This is a story of a Mother, who became the death itself. It's heavily influenced by Indian and Chinese Mythology. Remark: It is my first writing , so please support me . Thanks

Misty_guy · Fantasy
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20 Chs

The Rat

In midst of this bloodshed various blobs of darkness could be seen in the sky. Along with them , there was a strange low sound , as if someone is whispering something , vaaahhhhssssssss.

One blob landed in front of the "the" woman. It soon changed and slowly took shape of a woman . The woman had medium stature, she was wearing black clothes like an assassin ,her lower half of face was covered in a black mask . She sat down on one knee and said,

Mother , the city has been cleared , all those two faced snakes have been killled .

The woman had still no expressions on her face , yet her eyes conveyed that she was delighted.

She asked , what about that rat , my child.

Mother, sister cui just told me , he is trying to escape through the secret passage . About in 6 mins he should reach the exit door in the tiger caves.

Is that so .......Let him run for now. He may enjoy his last 5 mins as much as he wants. Let him dream that he has escaped , he paid a steep price for it atleast, sacrificing thousands of lives as a distraction to save his own . What a great Citylord he is.....

What about the Yama formation ,child?

Don't worry Mother , sisters have already completed it . It just need a drop of your blood.

Good work my child. These souls is the price we have to pay.

The woman uses one of her own nails and cuts her own finger, soon a drop of pitch-black color blood fell on the ground . As soon as it touched the ground, wind started blowing rapidly, a sinister sound could be heard, kkssssssss , as if heavens are trying to warn people to flee. Soon strands of darkness rose from the ground and started forming an intricate circle around which there were thousands of skulls, it was surrounded by another circle and this pattern grew more and more ,and covered around 10 miles, almost the whole city. Soon some white blobs of light started to come out of the bodies and flew towards the circle . A heart wrenching cry could be heard from them, Aaaahhhhhhhh..... , as if they are scared of this formation but still forced to go in it . Thousands of these strange lights were trapped in the formation. These lights, were souls.

The woman with an apathetic tone said, don't worry children, you will only have peace now, no one will harm you anymore. As a compensation, I promise you, that coward will not have an easy way like you all, he shall see how lucky you were all.

Little Sui, lets' finally meet this man once again.