
Miss Wayne

Hi everyone, my name is Una Wayne. When I was little, I expected to have a lot of family. This wish came true after many twists and turns. I now have an old father, three older brothers, a housekeeper, and a younger brother who will appear at some point and doesn't seem to be easy to get along with. The family is harmonious as father and son, brothers and sisters respect each other, and they are all city vigilante superheroes. I am very touched. ...If I hadn't killed the clown wearing the shell of the boss of the evil force organization This is a translation of the original book. All credit goes to the author. Thank you The novel is completed.

Queen_world_1001 · Movies
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123 Chs

Chapter 79

Batman's eyelids twitched, feeling that the boy in front of him was planning something bad.

In fact, after sorting out the information and reasoning just now, Dazai Osamu already understood what happened.

This world is different from his. Superman, whose normal identity is Clark Kent, has a wife named "Lois Lane", and they also gave birth to a child. In his world, the relationship between Kent and Ryan is very normal, and there is no sign of it yet.

Because Batman's will was too strong and could not be destroyed, the Joker temporarily changed his target and focused on Superman. The Joker is undoubtedly a terrible opponent. He revealed Superman's identity and designed him to kill his wife, children and the city with his own hands.

After that, Superman killed the Joker and became more and more out of control, even showing signs of dictatorship, violence, and intimidation.

If he guessed correctly, Superman now has the blood of other superheroes on his hands.

Yuna could understand such a tragic experience and what he did later. After all, not everyone has such strong willpower, and not everyone has iron laws and codes that are almost curse-like.

But he touched other innocent people, touched Batman, and indirectly killed Nightwing.

...When Dick died, did he not realize that it was his brother who killed him?

Fortunately, Yuna's emotions have been used to ups and downs over the years. At this moment, she is so calm that she is separated from her emotions, which allows her to think quickly and have enough emotion to carry out revenge.

The godfather who is in charge of Gotham's underground world is not a good person at all. What she is best at is repaying her evil deeds tenfold.

After going through the plan, Dazai Osamu raised his head again and raised a smile that seemed to have been accurately calculated even in its arc: "No one can restore Superman's ability to move except me. Haven't you made a decision yet?

" ..."

Batman's steel blue eyes stared at him and suddenly said: "Yuna?"

At that moment, Yuna felt like her hair was exploding uncontrollably!

The Batman of this world made her truly feel the difficulties faced by her brothers.

The kite-colored pupils shrank, and the young man smiled and said: "Although I just showed you Yuna Wayne, you can't just

recognize people randomly?"

"Although you didn't directly answer this question with 'yes' or 'no' , a smart response - but the attitude is wrong." Bruce Wayne said calmly: "You should continue to follow the personality, or you should ask 'why do you think so'." ... What he meant was that he acted like

Not abnormal enough?

"Eh - you can't be so sure, right?" The young man's smile remained the same, but his iris-colored eyes darkened a little: "Is Mr. Batman doubting my sincerity? I never said a word of deception! I'm super honest. "!"

Faced with this kind of person, even if he has been exposed in his heart, he cannot cut off his retreat without direct evidence. As long as the matter is not finalized, there will be countless comeback opportunities for him to reverse the situation.

Batman calmly analyzed: "Exquisite word play. You have never said directly that you are not Yuna, but through language, you have formed a

hint in other people's minds that 'you and Yuna are two different people'." Coupled with the completely opposite genders and photos of the same frame, no one will immediately suspect that you are actually the same person. And the fact that you are not lying will not only allow you to deal with the temptation of abilities similar to the Truth Lasso, but also help you in the end. It leaves room for recovery."

After all, everything is what other people "take for granted."

"The photo is too staged," Batman sorted through the tiny clues he got from the photo in his mind, and then connected them into a line, "Besides, I won't let you take that kind of photo up close. If It was taken by Alfred, and he would not give it to just anyone, let alone you."

Under the premise of "really having a daughter," Una Wayne, who looks soft and fragile, will Making Batman more vigilant about anyone or anything approaching her, and at the same time becoming more suspicious.

Not to mention that Dazai Osamu made him feel dangerous intuitively, and his actions were even more chaotic and evil. There were faint hints of mafia habits and styles in his actions. As long as he was not crazy in that world, he would not let Dazai Osamu exist, let alone Don't say trust and accept him.

Even if he is not thrown into prison, it is probably a choice after weighing the pros and cons, not his initial decision.

Then, it is very possible that the photo came from Una Wayne.

It was impossible for Yuna not to know how to be on guard.

No matter how close Dazai Osamu was to her, there was no reason to ask for a photo of father and daughter together. Under the influence of Bruce, if she and Osamu Dazai were two people, they would definitely be wary. And in Wayne Manor, if there is artificial intelligence doing small tricks, it is impossible to hide it from Batman's eyes, and Osamu Dazai will look even more suspicious - what's the point of taking a photo secretly?

Most of the possibilities have been ruled out. Either Osamu Dazai's abilities and methods are stronger than he predicted, or he is Yuna herself. There is no conflict between the two results, but in fact, comparing the two results, he prefers the latter one.

Batman is cautious and bold, and such a small or even unclear evidence can fully support his tentative utterance of the name "Yuna". No matter what Dazai Osamu's subsequent reaction is, it is a clue that he can use and analyze to the extreme.

Dazai Osamu's analysis is correct. As long as he doesn't admit it, based on his ability, the conclusion that "he is Yuna" has a chance of being reversed. But his subsequent reaction told Batman the correct answer.

And...in fact, he heard the first time the other party whispered "Father". He was not in a coma, it was just a disguise.

All Dazai Osamu's actions are under his observation.

"Ah..." The young man also fully understood the cause and effect, and said lazily with his chin propped up: "I was tricked. Sure enough, you will have to pay back sooner or later if you come out to fool around." He asked curiously: "

You won't doubt that my reaction later will be the same. Disguised? The purpose is to make you think of me as your daughter?" "

First, you come from another world. The daughters I have in that world are all what you said. Even if you have photos, it is difficult to guarantee them. Authenticity."

He had been wary from the beginning, and Dazai Osamu also knew his character and would not do anything like this to aggravate his own suspicion but currently saw no benefit.

"Second, you didn't control your micro-expressions well. Is it because of the special disguise props?"

Batman is also very good at disguise, but it's not as natural as if he had just changed his head. The superpower is the ability to disguise oneself, but changing one's face will naturally have an impact on the expression.


Osamu Dazai laughed.

In the next moment, he raised his hand and easily

tore off the mask on his face, revealing an extremely familiar and delicate face that made Batman take a breath.

She moved closer to his face, and the two pairs of eyes that looked very similar, with only subtle differences, looked at each other.

In an instant, the connection of blood pulsed in his veins.