
Miss Wayne

Hi everyone, my name is Una Wayne. When I was little, I expected to have a lot of family. This wish came true after many twists and turns. I now have an old father, three older brothers, a housekeeper, and a younger brother who will appear at some point and doesn't seem to be easy to get along with. The family is harmonious as father and son, brothers and sisters respect each other, and they are all city vigilante superheroes. I am very touched. ...If I hadn't killed the clown wearing the shell of the boss of the evil force organization This is a translation of the original book. All credit goes to the author. Thank you The novel is completed.

Queen_world_1001 · Movies
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123 Chs

Chapter 80

The girl in front of him looked very much like him.

In Alfredo's words, he looked like a member of the Wayne family at first glance.

Surrounded by Batman, he also fell into a brief stillness at this moment.

——There is a high probability that he is his daughter and a person from a parallel world suddenly came to this world and saved him from the blackened Superman. He can reverse time. He also specially put on a vest and wanted to cause big things. His words and deeds are full of words and deeds. The taste of black mud is indeed a bit informative.

"I should have thought of it earlier," the girl in front of her who had obviously fallen off her horse muttered regretfully at this time, "since the father of this body is older, it will definitely be harder to deceive. Next time, we can't do it because It's a parallel world, so I subconsciously let down my guard."

Batman: "..."

Batman keenly grasped the key point: "'I' in that world didn't know about your disguise?"

"It can't be said that I didn't know, "Yuna blinked, "I guess I just made it up in my head."

"..." Batman fell into a long silence.

What can Yuna do? Yuna is also helpless. She doesn't want to use the identity of "Yona Wayne" because she considers the Bruce Wayne of this world. She doesn't know what the situation will be. After all, the world has collapsed like this. Who knows what Batman will become?

This can obviously avoid a lot of embarrassment and unnecessary trouble. Who knew that this Batman was so sharp, and she really let herself go a little bit, and she was stripped of her vest directly, and she couldn't even survive a day.

In this case, there is no point in pretending, so she might as well reveal her identity.

Cleverness was misled by cleverness, and I lost money this time.

But it's not without its benefits. For a person like Batman, the results he infers are often easier for him to accept than what others tell him.

The black-haired girl lowered her eyes, her long black eyelashes covering most of the emotions in her eyes: "...I didn't mean to lie to you."

In short, in short. No matter which world the Batman is in, as long as his core remains unchanged, he is still the Bruce Wayne she recognizes. And she has always been tolerant and doting on her father (?). For now, let him try not to be so nervous -

Batman frowned and

said, "What's wrong with your voice?"

Suddenly he was Yuna was stunned when she was interrupted.

The next moment, her father, who was a bit more mature and older than the people she was familiar with, stretched out his hand to hold down her choker. His steel blue eyes sank slightly and said, "Speak." "


He laughed so hard that he couldn't say anything at all. come out.

She smiled, "I'm sorry, father."

"I lied to you again - I'm mute."


Batman withdrew his hand.

He had encountered criminals who used chokers as voice changers before, so when he saw chokers later, he subconsciously paid more attention and wondered whether it was also a voice changer. The distance was relatively close, so he noticed something strange just now.

Yuna took off the choker, revealing the shocking scar that had been covered up before, slicing across her throat. Even though it had grown back, it was extremely hideous: "In my world, they all think that I wear the choker to block this." ,

although my usual persona is just that of a mute, so I won't be discovered if I don't use a sounder."

Batman suddenly found it difficult to speculate on what Yuna had encountered in another world.

Putting that aside, one of the things that made him suspicious of Dazai Osamu's identity was the boy's questioning and attitude towards Dick. But now I know his identity...

...How will she feel when she hears the news of the death of her eldest brother who may have been taking care of her?

So Batman remained silent for the moment.

And Alfred's eyes were already filled with pity involuntarily.

Feeling that Batman's doubts and temptations seemed to be temporarily hidden, Yuna put on the sound generator again, took advantage of being very close to Bruce and rubbed herself into his arms, burying her face into his bandaged chest, acting like a spoiled child. Said: "I really didn't mean to lie to my father. I just felt that something was not right in this world before I came here, so I put on a vest just in case. And if my father saw me like that, I would But it will be very sad."

"I fought... I was afraid of hurting my father when we were sparring, but when I first came here, the first time I opened my eyes, I saw your spine broken and lying in a pool of blood... You Do you know

what I was thinking at that time ?"

The arms around my waist slowly tightened, perhaps because of the mechanical pronunciation. The voice was as sweet as ever, with a coquettish tone, but at this moment it was filled with endless biting chill.

Standing in the middle of the murderous aura, Batman calmly rubbed the girl's head as if he didn't feel anything.

——And make sure that if she does anything extreme, she will be stopped immediately.

"If I didn't have those magical abilities, if you really had a problem... no matter who hurt you or how important he was, I would kill him." "

Just like I killed the Joker."

"But this time I learned from my experience last time. I didn't attack Superman directly or kill Superman. I just temporarily paralyzed him. After all, his soul told me that he was just trying to get you to The thought of never being able to fight or move freely again."

Endless malice poured out from her words, and Batman believed that she would really do this.

It's not just talk.

So, in her world, the Joker is dead?

...Then Superman will no longer turn dark.

It's just that I don't know how "I" will handle this matter. With different experiences, the way I choose to deal with the matter will naturally be different - although it seems that "I" still don't know that it is the clown that Yuna killed. .

"Superman is in the Batcave now. Wonder Woman and the others will definitely figure this out and take a series of measures to get Superman back." For some reason,

Batman chose to drop this topic. He looked at the girl's red eyes and remembered her heart-wrenching "Father" when he was pretending to be comatose. For the first time, he wanted to postpone all the things that should be considered and interrogated clearly.

So he started the analysis directly.

There was a smile in Alfred's eyes. In his opinion, it is the best thing for the master to have a child by his side now.

If there really is a God in this world, then please stop inflicting suffering and loneliness on such a good person.

Don't let the children under his wings stay away from him one by one.