
Miss Wayne

Hi everyone, my name is Una Wayne. When I was little, I expected to have a lot of family. This wish came true after many twists and turns. I now have an old father, three older brothers, a housekeeper, and a younger brother who will appear at some point and doesn't seem to be easy to get along with. The family is harmonious as father and son, brothers and sisters respect each other, and they are all city vigilante superheroes. I am very touched. ...If I hadn't killed the clown wearing the shell of the boss of the evil force organization This is a translation of the original book. All credit goes to the author. Thank you The novel is completed.

Queen_world_1001 · Movies
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123 Chs

Chapter 78

The Batcave was very quiet for a while.

The voice of the soul cannot be heard by other people, but Dazai Osamu turned a blind eye to those screams, and even maintained a smile. As soon as his hand was loosened, the gun fell to the ground with a "clack", and then He slowly crushed it with the soles of his shoes.

The sound of being crushed was slow and full of scalp-numbing pressure.

"If Superman disappears, others will definitely come looking for him, right? After all, they are such important companions~" Superman in the

soul state suddenly raised his head when he heard his words, his eyes were covered with red bloodshot eyes, and he never looked back. Returning to Chang's pure eyes, she stared at him.

Osamu Dazai smiled even bigger: "Ah, don't be nervous, I'm just an ordinary human being, I just happen to have a little kryptonite in my hand. I really want to know what it would feel like to be killed by a demigod... ...Experience it."

"Let your companions come to me, and then try your best to kill me~"

He squatted down, and the bottom of the suit jacket draped over his shoulders fell to the ground, and he got closer Superman whispered something like this in his ear.

"..." Neither Superman nor Alfred said anything.

The young man quickly stood up straight again, his expression was lifeless and indifferent, as if the person who had just done that was another personality.

He turned around and said to Alfred: "There must be a cell for Superman in the Batcave. Put him in it."

"You..." Alfred opened his mouth, but chose to swallow it. It's better to deal with the current matter first, and you can postpone other questions.

Seeing him dragging Superman's body into action, Osamu Dazai set his sights on Batman again.

He helped him sit up and took off his mask, revealing an almost indescribable face like a blue rose and the Aegean Sea.

Although still handsome, this face is obviously more mature than the one in her world. As time goes by, it has gained some other qualities that are not annoying.


The young man called out with an expressionless face, but in a very soft voice, which was as unreal as the song of a siren.

Alfred, who was once an agent with keen senses and had already walked away, paused and looked slightly startled.

Alfred took care of Superman, and the boy was no longer in the Batcave, not even Batman.

With alarm bells ringing in his heart, he quickly returned to Wayne Manor and headed toward the master bedroom based on his instincts. When he opened the door, he found that the young man was examining Batman's old injuries with his eyes lowered.

The light in the master bedroom is a little better than that in the Bat Cave. It doesn't have the cold smell. On the contrary, today is a good weather, and the light that comes in is soft and bright.

The fabric on the boy's shoulders was a little wrinkled. It would take some effort to carry a person as heavy as Batman to the master bedroom.

But I didn't know that the young man could teleport up directly, but he didn't choose to do so.

Taking down Batman is a good choice, at least he won't ruin your mood or ruin your affairs. But if you throw the parties involved aside and deal with the whole matter according to your own will, you will be just an outsider after it is dealt with, and they will still have to bear the consequences.

He wouldn't do such a thing.

Although he

really wanted to rush to Superman's base camp right now and chop off the heads of all those who participated in this plan, those who stirred up dissension, and those who came up with random ideas.

The young man calmly brushed those terrible fatal scars with his pale and slender fingers, but Alfred felt an inexplicable chill in the room.

Naturally, he would not simply attribute this to the cool weather today.

The butler walked forward without changing his expression. Before he could speak, the young man took the initiative again and asked, "Where is Nightwing?"

Ah Fu suddenly paused.

...When did he? Why did you suddenly ask about Master Dick...?

However, the young man had raised his head and looked directly into his eyes.

"Where is Ye Yi?"

A sour feeling suddenly came up, and Ah Fu closed his eyes to hide the moisture in his eyes: "...Young Master, he... was killed in battle."

Osamu Dazai asked calmly: " How did he die in battle?"

"Killed by Damian accidentally."

"Damian..." The young man narrowed his eyes and said, "Friday"

should be a little rougher.

The world is already broken.

"Friday is at your service, Mr. Dazai."

A cold female voice sounded.

"I want information on all events that occurred within a year."

"Keyword search has been automatically enabled for you, and 458,376 pieces of relevant information have been retrieved." "Refining

and screening are in progress."

"Integration completed, a total of 1,373 pieces of information, you can search at any time Check."

Alfred didn't find anyone else present. Thinking of Cyborg, he chose the most likely answer: "Is that artificial intelligence, Mr. Dazai?"

because he heard the artificial intelligence call him that. , the butler who currently doesn't know the boy's name can only call Dazai Osamu this way.

"Dazai Osamu." He didn't answer another question.

Ah Fu immediately realized that this was his name. His name sounds Japanese, and his appearance is obviously Asian, so he must be Japanese.

When did you ever have a Japanese woman? Even in the years when he ran away from home and traveled, the boy's age did not match. And looking at his methods and his familiarity with the Batcave and Wayne Manor...

it's all so weird.

Dazai Osamu slumped back in the chair, his legs crossed carelessly, his black hair slightly messy, and his suit jacket wrapped around him. He looked extremely casual, but his eyes were quickly and focused on the large and small half-and-half that appeared in front of him. passed over the transparent light screen.

Those messages flashed very fast, but he just kept up with them.

Batman was about to wake up. In fact, if Osamu Dazai hadn't thoughtfully wanted him to rest a little longer, he would have woken up in the Batcave.

It's just a hand knife, and it's nothing to Batman.

Osamu Dazai ignored the bat that was about to wake up and continued to collect information and data about the world. After a while, when he thoughtfully closed the light screen full of technology, Batman also sat up. .

The young man turned his head at this moment, and their eyes collided.

He curved his iris-colored eyes and smiled: "This is the first time we meet, please take care of me, Father~"

"...Father?" What he just said was suddenly blocked back, and Bruce, whose voice was still a little

hoarse , frowned slightly and repeated Again.

The boy looked nothing like him. He looked completely Asian. What was the purpose of calling him that?

"Father, don't worry." The young man said with a smile. Regardless of

what Batman had exchanged with the butler just now, he stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers with a smooth and beautiful gesture.

The next moment, a light screen with a photo of the girl appeared in front of everyone.

The girl in the photo has black hair and blue eyes. Her long hair is braided loosely behind her back. She is wearing a quiet haze blue dress with the hem covering her legs. She is sitting in a wheelchair and is helplessly reaching out to get out. The book in the boy's hand.

The young man with black hair and wild eyes sat on a higher wall, his legs resting casually and restlessly. His suit was not well worn as always. He draped it on his body, holding his chin in one hand and holding the "Complete Suicide Manual" in the other. , with a smile on his face, raised his eyebrows slightly, and deliberately put his hand in a place that the girl seemed to be able to reach but couldn't reach. It was very bad.

The light hit the two people, giving them a soft and holy platinum edge.

Dazai: "..."

Dazai: "Ahem, I put it wrong. Please don't pay attention to these details. Friday!"

That photo was deliberately taken like this to tease the old bat.

Bruce Wayne: "..."

He has discovered that the girl in the wheelchair is very similar to himself when he was young.

Friday is the name of the young artificial intelligence. He told others openly and openly that he had a powerful artificial intelligence. He didn't have enough confidence to not be afraid of others. He just trusted the few people present.

Bruce is definitely the former, but maybe a little bit of the latter.

Another photo was released, now with a different character, and Bruce saw a younger version of himself.

He is holding the little girl's hand, the smile on his face is no longer fake, and the girl is tentatively walking forward a little nervously. Her left leg is expensive and specially made to be more beautiful. A prosthetic leg with normal leg shape.

Smooth and beautiful, with a bit of metallic sharpness, but such beauty should not appear on an underage girl.

"As you can see, Mr. Wayne," the young man smiled, "This is your daughter, but your daughter from another world." "

As the person closest to your daughter, of course I have to call you father. Got it!" Dazai said confidently.

"Are you from a parallel world?" Batman ignored him, but asked coldly and ruthlessly: "Are you here for her?" "

After all,

Nana loves her father. As her closest person, of course I We have to share the worries." The young man chuckled twice: "I didn't plan to work for nothing, but after seeing the scene here, I reluctantly helped to deal with it -" "Otherwise, if

Nana knows I will definitely feel bad, how can I still have the heart to invite her to die for love~"

If Batman and Superman in the original world knew about this, it would cause a lot of trouble. It was enough for her to know, there was no need to make her father more nervous.

Now that she has chosen to take responsibility, she will not drag others

into the trap .

Bruce was silent, seeming to be thinking about the amount of information in his words, and then said: "Give me a reason to trust you."

Just saving him doesn't mean anything, and if he really had ulterior motives, then it means His plans are great.

"No reason." He said: "You have no choice, Batman."

"You are a smart man, and you naturally know what will happen if this continues. Superman is hopeless. You can predict it, right? As long as it is He will not hesitate to kill anyone who disagrees with him, no matter how loyal the person was to him before. Even now, there are not many heroes who are willing to stand by your side, right?" "

Bat Xia, what are you going to fight with him for? Your life, plus the lives of thousands of people?"

His iris-colored eyes darkened.

"That won't work. But since so many people have already sacrificed, let's play it rough this time."

Kill them, and then let the entire world go back in time, back to the moment it all started.