
Miss Wayne

Hi everyone, my name is Una Wayne. When I was little, I expected to have a lot of family. This wish came true after many twists and turns. I now have an old father, three older brothers, a housekeeper, and a younger brother who will appear at some point and doesn't seem to be easy to get along with. The family is harmonious as father and son, brothers and sisters respect each other, and they are all city vigilante superheroes. I am very touched. ...If I hadn't killed the clown wearing the shell of the boss of the evil force organization This is a translation of the original book. All credit goes to the author. Thank you The novel is completed.

Queen_world_1001 · Movies
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123 Chs

Chapter 77

However, before he could react, the boy calmly placed his hand on Batman's forehead, his fingertips lightly touching his eyebrows, and then - a

strange light mixed with green, blue and silver suddenly appeared. The light that burst out from his fingertips was not dazzling, but had an extremely cold and solemn feeling, and in the strips of light, there were densely packed mysterious runes that could not be seen clearly.

Alfred couldn't help but opened his eyes slightly, looking at this scene in disbelief.

——The blood on the ground quickly returned to the man's body.

It was as if the area where they were was torn apart, and time was being played with and rolled back in the midst of applause. The tragic scene was like a video played in reverse, returning step by step to the final scene at a speed that the naked eye could not respond to. starting state.

The strange light belt of flickering runes retracted the moment he returned to its original state, condensed on his fingertips and dispersed invisible. The sending and receiving were swift, powerful and silent, making people's scalp numb and blood surging.


He murmured somewhat uncertainly.

Can anyone really... control time so easily?

After doing this, the boy remained expressionless. At the same time, after the time reversal ended, a hand knife struck Batman on the back of the neck.

There was no holding back at all, not to mention that at this time, even Batman had to obediently fall unconscious.

Alfred: "!"

"Don't move."

The boy said this immediately.

Although the words were spoken very quickly, he still made people feel dead and desolate inexplicably. It was a slowness that was almost languid, and it continued to lengthen in people's minds.

Alfred had never encountered such a person in the past few decades.

But he knew that the young man saved the master and even controlled Superman. Before he really made his position clear, he must not push the other person to oppose him.

But when he saw Batman's spine being broken by Superman in front of him, his sanity almost exploded.

The current situation was better than before. He must seize the opportunity. Otherwise, no one here could stop the young man from doing anything he wanted to do.

The butler, who was always calm and elegant in the British style in the past, seemed a little embarrassed for no reason at the moment. He calmed down his breathing and

stood there with restraint without moving.

"Thank you very much for your help." Mr. Butler said calmly and bowed to him. He didn't care about the person he bowed to, who was a teenager who looked like he was underage.

The black-haired boy didn't react to his words. He just stood up slowly, his whole body extremely quiet, and cast his gaze on Superman.

Weapons made of kryptonite are very useful to Superman. At least now Superman is restrained. He is covered in cold sweat in pain. He is struggling with all his strength and cannot even speak a complete sentence. Now he can barely maintain a look that is not too rude. His willpower is already amazing.

Kryptonite is a deadly weapon for Superman.

He had just landed in this world and saw Superman seriously injuring Batman to the ground. He did not care about who was righteous or evil between the two, and he used such a heavy weapon against Superman even though there were other ways. In his original idea, It's not going to happen.


the fact is that reason cannot always be dominant. The moment he saw the scene, all he could think about was-

kill him.

He just threw the chain over and was very, very rational and restrained.

Also, he was so anxious to check on Batman that he had no time or thought to care about what happened to Superman in this world.

Superman should be thankful that he has the means to undo an injury like this that can ruin a person's life.

The housekeeper heard the young man speak calmly: "This is the Batcave. Superman broke in. He had a dispute with Batman. A dispute involving human lives." His speaking speed was slightly fast, but very steady, as if he had started

from the beginning. He has been so stable from the beginning to now, but it makes people feel nervous for no reason.

The kite-colored eye he exposed seemed to collect all the clues with just one glance.

"The person Superman protected is dead, who? His relatives?"

The young man's gaze remained calmly on Superman's face, never leaving it in the slightest, and a sense of oppression filled the entire Batcave.

"No. Lover?"

"Superman's lover was killed by Gotham criminals. He did not stick to the bottom line and took action. He made mistakes again and again, gradually approaching the dangerous threshold. Batman did not agree with his approach and used his own Intervention in the usual style, intervention failed."

He suddenly laughed softly.

Alfred observed him,

his eyes were clearly dead and there was no smile at all.

He said slowly: "No, there is a loophole. Superman alone would not have reached this point. There is someone behind him, adding fuel to the fire." "

Who could it be?"

The smile on his lips widened: "Let me guess. Guess - could that be a demigod?"

Superman was greatly shocked, his pupils shrank uncontrollably, and he even briefly ignored the tremendous pain he was experiencing at this moment.

Facing this young man, he felt heavy pressure and suffocation for the first time in a long time, as if the young man opposite him was a god who controlled life and death from above, while he was just an ant or fish that he could wipe out with a wave of his hand.

This god doesn't care about the life and death of the ants.

"It's her."

The young man confirmed in a very soft tone.

"...Wonder Woman, Diana." Alfred added with a dry throat.

The young man in front of him suddenly appeared, but now he acted like he didn't know anything - no, he had already deduced most of the information in just a few minutes.

As a former agent, the housekeeper could naturally see that the young man's abilities in formulating, observing, and interrogating had reached the pinnacle and were so terrifying that no one would be able to lie in front of him. If you want to prevent him from seeing the clues and infer information and secrets, it's probably best not to appear in front of him.

Even when he said "could it be a demigod?" Alfred couldn't even confirm it. Was he saying that because he was sure, or was he just making a confirmation, or was he simply deceiving Superman? .

Either one is possible. Does the following sentence "It's her" have any special meaning? Was he doing it on purpose?

The sense of oppression brought by the young man was too strong, and he was once an agent, so it was difficult not to think too much about it.

If you don't

understand it, you can only draw one conclusion.

——You must never be an enemy of such a person unless you have no choice but to do so.

After asking this question, the young man fell into silence again, as if he was thinking about something quietly.

Then he raised his head, took two steps forward, walked up to Superman, and struck him in the chest with a palm -

Alfred wanted to say that Superman was a body of steel and could not be shaken by a palm of flesh.

——Superman's eyes suddenly became distracted.


Alfred: "...??"

Where he couldn't see, Superman's soul body suddenly left his body with that palm, floating in the sky not far behind his body, and there was no reaction for a moment. come over.

The next second he realized that his soul... was separated from his body?

Alfred couldn't see him.

But when he shifted his gaze to the young man, he found that he was the center of his gaze and he had been looking at him calmly for an unknown amount of time.

The line of sight was empty and dead, lacked focus, and had no highlight. In the dim shadow blocked by broken hair, the color of the kite was as dark as blood.

"..." Superman instantly realized what "creepy" meant.

Alfred also understood something. He looked at the young man for a long time and guessed that there might be something there, maybe it was Superman's consciousness.


thought the butler.

This ability is really amazing.

"This way I won't worry about you slipping away or causing me some unnecessary trouble." The young man smiled like a normal person, but with the black suit and aura, the smile became extremely weird: "You can only use this A polite way... I think you will forgive me, right? After all, I have my own difficulties."

Superman: "..."

Although, is it more polite to release kryptonite without saying hello than this? And the way he phrased it... doesn't make people feel relieved or forgiven at all, does it? !

Superman, who had just been stunned by the killing, calmed down a little at this moment. After all, there was nothing he could do if he couldn't calm down. In his current soul state, he was like a dog being held in the hands of the young man, and there was no possibility of resistance.

After breaking free from that state, even Superman was a little stunned and frightened when he thought of what he had just done.

That had been his comrade, companion, and partner for many years, and he actually...

- No.

Batman is no longer his partner and comrade-in-arms.

The blue eyes were filled with gloom again.

They had parted ways. It was Batman who refused to listen to his advice and insisted on meddling in his business. It was Batman who chose to leave him and betrayed him.

Batman even tried to kill him, but all he did was break his spine so that he no longer had the ability to meddle in his own business. He didn't kill him, did he?

Seeing such a superman, the faint smile on the young man's lips disappeared.


pulled out a pistol in his hand, looked at Superman's soul, and raised his arm slightly to his side to aim at Superman's body. He completed a series of beautiful and smooth movements in a dazzling way, and started shooting without moving his eyelids. .

"Bang bang bang bang!"

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

Silent screams came from the mouth of Superman in the soul state.

Alfred's chill shot straight to the sky, making his hair stand on end.

Green kryptonite bullets penetrated Superman's body one after another, steadily and accurately, without even looking, but they penetrated into different joints without any mistakes!

This method is simply a method of abuse and torture!

Different from the crazy scene, the young man's eyes were calm, as if the behavior going on at the moment was just a farce that he was tired of.

Jingle, jingle.

Shell casings kept falling to the ground.

At this point, all the kryptonite bullets have been consumed.

The young man lowered his head and seemed to calm down his breathing before looking up at the extremely miserable state of Superman's soul and body, with an expression as innocent as a child's.

He said: "I didn't want to kill you, Mr. Superman~"

He laughed like a child.

"I just made you lose the ability to bite people randomly~"