
Miss Wayne

Hi everyone, my name is Una Wayne. When I was little, I expected to have a lot of family. This wish came true after many twists and turns. I now have an old father, three older brothers, a housekeeper, and a younger brother who will appear at some point and doesn't seem to be easy to get along with. The family is harmonious as father and son, brothers and sisters respect each other, and they are all city vigilante superheroes. I am very touched. ...If I hadn't killed the clown wearing the shell of the boss of the evil force organization This is a translation of the original book. All credit goes to the author. Thank you The novel is completed.

Queen_world_1001 · Movies
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123 Chs

Chapter 50

Of course Yuna really fainted.

Jason did it himself, and she was very close to him. Yuna would not bet that if she cheated, she would be beaten by this person who had been crawling around in crime alleys since she was a child, single-handedly singled out several underground forces, and was even beaten by a bat. Discovered by the young man who was carefully taught by Xia.

It's not time to be exposed yet.

And...she also really wanted to know what it would be like when she opened her eyes.

...Or maybe all of this was just one of the few sweet dreams she had at night.

The first thing your body feels is the aroma.

The aroma of food lingered on the tip of her nose, and it seemed to be her favorite taste.

Because of the particularity of her identity, and also because of her own vigilance, any of her preferences cannot be exposed casually. Only in an absolutely safe environment can only very trusting people - such as the Avengers and Professor X - find out. What are her preferences.

Even so, with little gathering and frequent separation, and two real top agents in the team supervising her, there were very few times when she could actually touch these things.

Moreover, in most cases, she only eats to replenish the minimum energy her body needs. She can eat well if she can press her head, but she can't press her head every day.

It sounded quite unhappy, but she actually didn't feel anything. In her opinion, her own preferences and tastes can be ranked at the bottom of the queue.

Only the guardians care about this.

——So Yuna, who had been back in Gotham for so long, was stunned for a moment when she smelled such delicious food that she liked for the first time.

She lowered her eyes and temporarily suppressed the emotions in her heart, maintaining her mechanical rationality.

She needs to think.

There was no one around, and Jason didn't know where he went. Yuna, who didn't feel there was a camera in the room, observed the surrounding environment.

This is a very cold looking room. It's not appropriate to say it's cold and hard. Rather, it's more like a temporary safe house than a place to live.

——Yes, safe house.

Jason knocked her unconscious and took her away. He would definitely not go back to Wayne Manor, let alone the home where they lived together before. The safe house was highly concealed, so coming here was indeed the best choice.

This room should be just a small room in this safe house. It is very clean and makes girls feel very comfortable staying here.

Then, there were blood stains on his body.

There was some blood on her clothes, part of which was inevitably spread during the banquet - when a person's aorta is injured, the blood can really splash far away.

When Jason grabbed her throat, the dirt on his hands was naturally rubbed onto her skin. However, now she couldn't feel any trace of dirt, as if someone had carefully wiped it bit by bit.

Wipe it very clean.


Really, if her clothes weren't intact and there was no trace of being touched, she would have been a little frightened at that moment.

After all, I haven't seen him for nine years, and my brother has changed a lot.

The most intuitive thing is...he still cooks for himself, but he can't find him when he wakes up.

Yuna glanced at the neatly arranged food on the small table next to her. She couldn't tell what she was feeling, but she quickly raised the corners of her lips and put the food into her mouth.

The taste is far different from the one in the memory, or in other words, the taste in the memory has been almost blurred.

But the taste is different, but the people who make it are the same.

Yuna ate with great care and rarely finished everything on the table.

——Jason did not forget her. In fact, she could not suppress her emotional fluctuations and cried, and it was not because Jason "didn't recognize her."

He writes birthday wishes to himself every year, so there's no way he wouldn't recognize his sister. Since she could recognize him at a glance, he must be able to, too.

Judging from Jason's reaction at that time, it was obvious that... the identity of "Yuna" had been consumed and used too many times.

She just felt bad for Jason.

She knows what despair feels like, and how maddening it is to wait without knowing the outcome. Naturally, she has also experienced the feeling of being full of expectations, only to end up with nothing, or even being deceived.

Using "Yuna" to deceive Jason is tantamount to stabbing him to death over and over again.

Yuna gently raised the corners of her lips, but this time, it was an unusually cold smile.

As long as anything is done, there will be traces left behind.

Since they made this choice in the first place, they should know that sooner or later, this fire will burn them.

Jason may not necessarily clean up all the rats, but she will patiently pick them out one by one.

She cleared away the things on the dining table, then pursed her lips and realized that her wheelchair was not in the room.

"..." Good guy. How should she get out?

Yuna pondered for a second, then used her arm strength to match her personality, and forcefully pushed herself out of the bed. The next second, she fell vertically due to insufficient strength -

a strong wind ->

blew by, and she She heard the sound of the door being suddenly opened, and then a pair of hands caught her and brought her firmly into her arms without letting her bump into her at all.

She suddenly remembered the words recorded in the Bible: God will send his angels to protect you and prevent your feet from touching stones.

"...Why did you wake up so early?"

A slight "tsk" sounded, followed by the young man's seemingly unhappy question.

He didn't seem to need the girl in front of him to give him an answer.

Yuna blinked.

To be able to hold her up before she fell at such a fast speed, Jason had been waiting silently outside the door...how long?

Yuna's canine teeth unconsciously bit the tender meat in her mouth, and she felt a slight sting, which made her feel like she was in the human world.


This was a particularly peaceful silence.

Jason's embrace was not soft and warm, it even seemed cold and hard because of his clothes, but it gave people a great sense of security, even if this sense of security was accompanied by the ominous smell of gunpowder smoke and a full nine years of separation. .

Yuna didn't want to get up for a moment, but fortunately the other party didn't seem to have any intention of putting her down.

Finally, Jason said calmly: "Want to go back? Wayne Manor."

After saying this, he became a little more irritated, almost visibly. The young man who had just come back from the dead was not very able to control his emotions, making them somewhat sharp.

Back to Wayne Manor? That is of course impossible.

Not to mention that she still wants to stay with the normal Jason as "Yuna" for a while. With her current personality, it is absolutely impossible for her to go back immediately after she wakes up and sees Jason. of.

As for why Jason was sure that she was not a fake -

first of all, her level of restoration was completely unlike what a fake could achieve. After seeing the scar on her neck that could not be re-inflicted and very few people knew about it, and his intuition, he should have been convinced.

Then Batman came for him again - it was bound to happen. Batman would not let Tim, a minor who had just become Robin, face something like this that seemed to be a bigger conspiracy. And this matter involved his adopted son and biological daughter. Even the adopted son died a few months ago, and he buried it with his own hands.

Batman will definitely appear in person to verify the authenticity.

Apart from the above reasons, he would not choose to let his daughter fall into a trap.

- Now Jason has apparently "talked" with Batman.

Yuna shook her head, indicating her answer to Jason's question: "No reply."

The stagnant atmosphere in the room was wonderfully relaxed.

The young man seemed to be in a better mood again.

He put Yuna back on the bed, and his eyes couldn't help but glance at her mutilated left leg. His eyes were dim for a moment, and then he immediately hid it.

He had already roughly understood Yuna's situation after "chatting" with Batman, but every time he saw her like this... he still felt short of breath.

Asking was a must, poking Yuna's wound was something Jason would never want to do.

So Yuna sensitively noticed that Jason's mood turned negative again.

Yuna: "..."

What, why is my brother's thoughts so elusive now.

——Then she also saw her mutilated leg, was stunned for a moment, and hid it in her clothes with some guilt.

After all, she cut off the leg by herself.

But Yuna subconsciously ignored it. Jason would not blame her for breaking her leg, but would find it even more difficult to accept and heartbreaking.

How desperate and helpless do you have to be to be so ruthless that you can cut off the part of your body that connects flesh and blood with your own hands?

When Jason heard Batman say this, he almost broke the barrel of the gun he was cleaning in his hand.

After Batman left, he felt that his hands had been shaking.

Trembling without even realizing it.

In the end, they didn't fight completely because Yuna was here, and one of them was Yuna's father and the other was Yuna's brother.

If any one of them is injured, she will never feel better, let alone if they kill each other, life and death.

Yuna's appearance interrupted his extreme plan.

And he let Batman go easily. He really paid a lot for this girl.

But it's worth it.

In front of her, the clown who had killed her was forced to move to the back. How could the clown be as important as her lost sister?

Therefore, even though he had not yet decided how to face Yuna, Jason still did not return the person to Wayne Manor, nor did he leave half a step away. He was always listening to the movements inside, so that he could stop the person before he fell. In one second, he used his trained reflexes and speed to catch her.

He thought that Yuna would wake up in two hours at the latest, and Jason, who gave himself more time to prepare, said: "...Why did you wake up so early?"

- He hadn't figured out how to explain why he saw Yuna. Instead of kissing, hugging and holding her up, Na immediately pinched her neck and said, "Who are you?" This kind of suffocating behavior!