
Miss Wayne

Hi everyone, my name is Una Wayne. When I was little, I expected to have a lot of family. This wish came true after many twists and turns. I now have an old father, three older brothers, a housekeeper, and a younger brother who will appear at some point and doesn't seem to be easy to get along with. The family is harmonious as father and son, brothers and sisters respect each other, and they are all city vigilante superheroes. I am very touched. ...If I hadn't killed the clown wearing the shell of the boss of the evil force organization This is a translation of the original book. All credit goes to the author. Thank you The novel is completed.

Queen_world_1001 · Movies
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123 Chs

Chapter 51


Jason cursed.

Then he raised his eyes and saw his Nana's expression asking "Did my brother just say bad words?"

Jason: "..."

Jason: "Shit. You heard Nana wrong."

Yuna: "..."

Just to make a joke, the kind of change between them was caused by the long time and nine years. , and the rising feeling of unfamiliarity and alienation suddenly dissipated.

Jason's hands were itchy and he didn't intend to endure it. He rubbed the top of Yuna's hair and coughed lightly: "If you don't go back to Wayne Manor, I won't have anything good here." "

No, Jason is the best. ."

The same answer as when they were children, as if they were still nine years ago, Jason had never died once, and Yuna had never lost her left leg.

"..." Jason's words rolled on the tip of his tongue and then swallowed back into his stomach.

He seemed to have considered his words for a long time before he said, "...it's not that I didn't recognize you."

Yuna tilted her head without interrupting, waiting for his explanation.

Jason: "...It's nothing."

Yuna showed an expression of "Sure enough."

Jason had an even bigger headache, but no matter how bad the headache was, he would never say the words "There have been countless people pretending to be you and trying to take your place."

This is a very gentle concern and care.

When a young man wants to consider other people's ideas, he can always be extremely considerate.

Even though he had countless questions to ask and a lot to say, in the end, the young man just rubbed his black hair mixed with white hair to cover up the complicated expression in his eyes.

...Almost all his hesitation, patience and hesitation were given to her, thinking that his reputation as Robin the First had really fallen on her.

No. Now he's not Robin.

He has only been dead for a short time, and yet he has brought in a new person to take over, and he is worthy of being your old bat.

Jason glanced at Yuna and touched the tiger's teeth with the tip of his tongue.

"Have you guessed my identity?"

Yuna blinked and smiled.

She obviously didn't reveal any abnormality. It was entirely because Jason understood her so well. It was a foul.

Like Gin, Jason knew her very well, and even though they knew her a long time ago, she had many overlapping qualities in the two periods.

——For example, sensitivity and insight.

Jason has always known that she is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

"What about Old Bat and the others?"

Yuna rubbed her face against his jacket, trying to be cute.

Jason: "..."

Good guy.

Gotham's vigilantes really don't even have their underpants left.

When he described his sister to Bruce - who would say something unpleasant when missing his missing sister - he focused entirely on how cute, well-behaved and lovable she was.

The words, as I think about them now, are filled with care for a weak and defenseless abandoned street child.

Even if Batman holds the title of the world's best detective, initial goodwill and impression are always very important.

What's more, Nana always likes to act soft and harmless subconsciously.

And he never questioned how powerful his sister was.

Now that she has entered Wayne Manor, it is only a matter of time before she discovers the secrets hidden in Wayne Manor.

When exchanging information with Old Bat, he faintly noticed something strange. Many of Yuna's behaviors and actions should not be what Batman described - although it may be due to changes brought about by time and experience, there are also some of her little habits that directly made Jason believe that this girl found out Some secrets.

As for what role she played when she returned after nine years, whether she was an enemy or a friend...

"Old Bat won't know about this, and I also promised to let you go back today," he calmed down after thinking about it a thousand times. Jason said, "It's still the same as before, I don't care what you do, just take good care of yourself."

- It means that she can have sex as she wants, he doesn't care and will help cover it up, as long as she doesn't get hurt.

He could ask these questions directly only after making sure that there were no monitors on him.

——In order to guard against Old Bat's method, he searched his whole body, and also found several non-Bat brand locators.

Gin from the black organization would not do such a thing, and that subtle familiarity allowed him to guess who put it there with his feet.

After waking up, he went through his thoughts and came to the conclusion that Yuna was connected to the black organization.

The speed at which this connection was established was so abnormal that it even made Jason suspect that his guess was wrong.

But if there is no necessary connection between them, how did Yuna put the locator on him?

There is also the matter of disappearing from the world for nine years, but suddenly reappearing.

Jason didn't believe Batman had any doubt in his heart.

…But what's the use of doubting anymore.

It didn't matter whether the old bat had doubts or not. He only knew that no matter what the girl in front of him went through or how she came back to him nine years later, she was still his sister.

So, what is the truth and why should we care?


he will never become a just vigilante who never even kills criminals.

Yuna, who read this information from his behavior, was silent for a moment, and finally sighed softly.

"You are still the same as before, brother."


bsp;Almost blindly trusting the child he picked up.

Jason raised his eyebrows, choosing to suppress the subtle emotions in his heart, and said, "I thought you could speak, but I didn't expect it to be...a product of technology?" "

Yeah." Yuna said, "You can't keep silent, then. "Brother, I deliberately let them hear it."

This paved the way for her future plans.

And after so many years, she really wanted to call Jason "brother". It seems that there is no chance to use my original voice, but it is still possible to use technology to replace it.

"You do know that they are monitoring you." The young man sneered, but most of this malice was directed at the Bat family.

If Yuna hadn't been here today, he could have fought Tim directly.

Just thinking that not long after his death, Batman found a new Robin to replace him, Jason couldn't suppress the boiling anger in his heart.

...But if Yuna knew this reason, she would definitely say that he was jealous and tsundere behind his back.


Yuna: "Pfft."

Jason narrowed his eyes: "Huh?"

Yuna was obedient for a second: "." "

... Just be careful yourself," Jason warned, "The old bat has money, don't save it for him, spend it as you like, be good Make up for these 15 years of grievances."

"If you have anything to do, come here to see me." Jason frowned, and a strong anger flashed in his blue eyes: "If the old Bat or the new Robin wants to interrogate or If you are imprisoned...I will kill them."

Yuna: "..."

Jason didn't look like he was joking.

He really has a deep grudge against bats.

So... Jason, who has been thinking about things related to her after regaining consciousness, may not have received the latest information that "The Joker is dead".

Yuna can also guess something about the content of his conversation with Batman. Bat must have used the Joker to test him. However, due to the unequal information between the two parties and the fact that people in the Bat family generally don't talk well, in the end, in Jason's mind, the Joker The dead information may become this:

Not only did the old bat fail to kill the clown, but he also made insinuations to test whether I would kill him.

As for the rumor that the Joker is dead, it is either a trick devised by the Joker or false news released by someone.

…The real situation could even be worse than this.

Yuna thought about it and chose to tell him what everyone already knew: "The Joker is indeed dead. He was killed by the leader of the black organization [Q]." "


"She saved me People." Yuna casually picked up a script for herself to make it easier to pick out "Yona Wayne" later, and said: "We have a good relationship, and she helped me a lot."

A non-human being taught others how to hide and even Changing heartbeats is completely normal, isn't it?

Jason was deceived by her so much when he was a boy that he didn't believe her words even three-thirds of the time, but the news about the Joker must be true. Yuna would not lie to him about this.

"Then Q will be in trouble." Jason concluded with a sneer, with mocking eyes: "Batman is watching her." "

But why did the black organization change its leader?"

Jason didn't have a good impression of Gin. After all, when I was Robin, I reminded him just to repay the favor.

"Maybe she is." Yuna said calmly, her expression as usual.

Jason was thoughtful and seemed to have thought of something. But he didn't say anything. Instead, he stood up and said, "...Want to come out and take a look?"

"Okay." Yuna nodded readily and coquettishly expressed that she wanted Jason to carry her out.

Jason: "..."

He wanted to hypnotize him that the girl in front of him was his sister, but after all, they hadn't seen each other for nine years, and the once familiar appearance suddenly became almost unrecognizable. And...he's not very good at holding girls.

...It would be better to say that I almost never hugged him.

He doesn't even have the basic skill of approaching a girl.

Yuna? Jiaojiao? Wayne: "Can't you? QAQ."

Jason gritted his teeth: "...Yes."

He carefully picked her up and walked out steadily, while also expressing the questions in his heart.

When he said it, he felt like he was spitting out blood and flesh and it hurt.

"How did you get here these past few years?"

The little girl who originally had a "I'm squeamish" look on her face paused and said briskly as if nothing had happened: "My life is not that bad. There are many people who like me, and there is a person who is as rich as Bruce and lets me spend money as I please."

"The national idols are chasing after me and telling me to go to bed early and get up early."

Her micro-expression showed that she was not lying, but Jay Sen knew the girl from nine years ago very well, knew how good she was at fooling people, and even more understood that in her heart, the suffering she had suffered could not even be considered suffering, and was not worth mentioning compared to the ideal in her eyes.

She never felt that she was a miserable person and did not need anyone's pity or sympathy.

Jason just felt that the things she had experienced in the past nine years were far from as bright and warm as what she said.

She suffered a lot in places he didn't see. very many.

Perhaps those sufferings were beyond his imagination.