
Miss Wayne

Hi everyone, my name is Una Wayne. When I was little, I expected to have a lot of family. This wish came true after many twists and turns. I now have an old father, three older brothers, a housekeeper, and a younger brother who will appear at some point and doesn't seem to be easy to get along with. The family is harmonious as father and son, brothers and sisters respect each other, and they are all city vigilante superheroes. I am very touched. ...If I hadn't killed the clown wearing the shell of the boss of the evil force organization This is a translation of the original book. All credit goes to the author. Thank you The novel is completed.

Queen_world_1001 · Movies
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123 Chs

Chapter 49

Jason...is he asking who she is?

The girl whose vitals were grasped opened her lips, but felt the palm tightening.

Tears suddenly fell from his eyes.

The brother she had waited for so long was asking who she was.

The young man pursed his lips and frowned.

His mind was in turmoil.

He has met the so-called "sister" countless times.

If he was still a little-known low-level street kid, so many people wouldn't pay attention to him. But since he showed his prominence, destroyed the forces in the port, and was adopted by Gotham's richest man Bruce Wayne, those who stopped at him have been swarming with scrutiny and prying eyes.

He was very tired every day.

Not only is the body spinning, there is also mental confusion and fatigue.

When he saw his "sister" for the first time after that, the girl smiled sweetly and had a face as beautiful as a delicate flower. She would sweetly call him brother and tell him how wronged she was and how much she had suffered over the years. bitter.

He just listened to her quietly. When she talked about those sufferings, he couldn't help but wonder if his Nana, if she was really missing and still alive in the world, would have experienced an even more unacceptable experience.

When the girl's mouth is dry, he will pull his thoughts back from his rare wandering thoughts, and then send this so-called sister - the only news he has been waiting for for so many years - to jail.

The girl cried and asked him why he was so heartless that even his own sister could suspect this. He replied: "You are not her."

You are not worthy or qualified to be compared with her.

The feeling they gave him was completely different.

Every time someone claiming to be his sister came to see him, he had his hopes up, and then those hopes were quickly dashed as soon as they opened their mouths - sometimes even upon meeting them for the first time.

His sister was a poor little girl who couldn't speak, and the secret was revealed when they pretended to be smart and called him "brother."

Those forces and people who tried to control him by creating a fake Una Wayne were all tortured by him with all his cruel methods. His temper and character became more and more extreme uncontrollably.

Batman was worried about him, but he was not willing to listen to Batman's teachings, let alone be controlled by him.

His almost collapsed mental state made it impossible for him to listen to anyone's words.

This state lasted until he was killed by the Joker in the warehouse, and then escaped from the coffin by force.

He was almost suffocated to death inside. In order to get out, the fingertips of both of his hands were bruised to pieces.

And not long after he regained consciousness, this kind of "recognition of relatives" that made him extremely irritable came again.

The brunette felt familiar to him.

But it was this familiarity that made him completely afraid to deal with her like a good brother who had been completely deceived in order to find out who was behind them when he faced the previous fakes.

She didn't speak after seeing him. His eyes were very similar to those in her memory. Except for being in a wheelchair, everything else was perfect.

He was afraid that this was also fake and a counterfeit.

So he took the first step.

But he received no resistance as expected, no knife hidden behind him, and no killers lurking around.

Only hot tears fell on the back of his hands, hotter than the blazing flames in the warehouse.

Heartache suddenly spread in Jason's heart.

The blue eyes he had dreamed of countless times were stained with tears and became increasingly blurry. There was no unnecessary expression on the girl's face, it even seemed empty, but her tears fell down like broken beads.

But he didn't use any force at all -

even the hand that touched her was subconsciously the one that was least stained with blood, his less dominant left hand.

He didn't even notice it, and he moved his hand away almost in a panic.

A circle of extremely dazzling and terrifying marks appeared on the girl's neck. Her skin is really very delicate. Just rough, gloved palms can leave red marks on it. What is more eye-catching is not the red marks, but the extremely long ones that seem to form a circle. scar.

The red mark was nothing compared to this scar. Anyone who has been injured can see that if the injury was more dangerous, the life in front of him may never appear in the world.

...It is impossible for other people to know that Yuna has such a scar on her neck.

And she was looking at him, crying expressionlessly.

This reaction is also wrong.


Jason bit his back molars fiercely, and sharp and indistinguishable emotions rushed straight to Tianling Gai, as if his confused and confused head was knocked awake all of a sudden.

Yuna, Yuna.

He asked almost tremblingly: "Yuna...is that you?"

After saying this, he felt that he was too stupid.

His actions just now blocked everything he wanted to say.

The young man looked at the red marks on her neck and her cheeks stained with blood from the dirt on her body, and in a panic wiped the tears and blood on her face with the back of his clean hands.

However, the more he wiped it, the dirt became dirtier. Finally, he stopped and felt that his throat seemed to be burning, and his brain felt a sharp sting.

He needed to calm down.

Right now.

Everything happened so suddenly, and so many things happened these days, Jason couldn't even accept the news for a while. He even temporarily forgot about the Joker and Batman, and the original purpose of his appearance.

He turned around in a hurry and wanted to leave, but the girl behind him suddenly grabbed his sleeve.

The black-haired girl was still sitting in a wheelchair. The moment she saw him seeming to want to leave, she pulled him with a strong force, causing her whole body to lean forward and get out of the wheelchair, almost kneeling on the ground.

She brought up a very light wind and fell straight down.

Tim, who was watching, had his pupils narrowed and his muscles tensed; the man who had been paying attention to this scene from afar in Metropolis stood up directly.

In other words, if he hadn't discovered Jason's identity, he would have appeared long before the other party's hand stopped on the girl's neck, just shy of taking her life.

Their fears did not materialize.

Jason, who had extremely strong reflexes, responded instantly. He turned around almost at that moment and gently brought the girl into his arms, holding her up to prevent her from sliding down.

Before he could think of anything else, he heard a very low, very low voice with an undetectable trembling cry, a mixture of the sweetness of a girl and the hoarseness of an old woman: "Brother." "...

Brother, can you, don't you, leave... me again?"

Jason paused.

Wet tears dripped on his clothes. He hugged the already grown girl, and more clearly felt her imbalance after losing a leg -

and clearly heard what she said. .

He seemed to look at the girl again.

Her hands clutched his clothes tightly, as if she was afraid that he would leave forever again next moment, just like when she came back, she found that he was dead.

She was supposed to have a happy life, she was supposed to be pampered and loved by many people, and she was supposed to be protected by him from childhood to adulthood. However, what appeared in front of him was a flower that was almost broken.

The young man suddenly quickly and carefully put Yuna into a coma, picked her up in a hug, turned around, and stopped again: "Don't follow. Go back and tell Bat not to try to trick her again."

Tim stopped. He stopped and said, "You are not qualified to say this in your current state." "

Then do you believe that I, in this state, can prevent you from walking back?"

The anger all over his body suddenly erupted, twisted and dark. A heavy and terrifying aura filled the entire space.

Tim's expression was cold. Even though he knew that the other party really wanted to do this, he didn't show any timidity: "Then where are you going to take her? Are you sure it's safe there and won't be found by your enemies?" "And don't forget

, You just tried to kill her."

"I changed my mind."

I would never want to hurt her.

Tim frowned.

He was ready to attack.

But Red Hood threw away the windbreaker she was wearing and wrapped her tightly in his arms: "She will return to Wayne Manor intact tomorrow. If you don't leave now, I'm sure she will be fine, and you will be the one who gets into trouble. "

[Let him go. ] Batman, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said: [He won't let anything happen to Yuna. ]

"..." Tim lowered his eyes, a flash of darkness quickly flashed through them, and then disappeared.

"I hope you can keep your word."

He closed the communication, glanced at Yuna who had fallen asleep, and his tone was unusually calm.