
Miss Wayne

Hi everyone, my name is Una Wayne. When I was little, I expected to have a lot of family. This wish came true after many twists and turns. I now have an old father, three older brothers, a housekeeper, and a younger brother who will appear at some point and doesn't seem to be easy to get along with. The family is harmonious as father and son, brothers and sisters respect each other, and they are all city vigilante superheroes. I am very touched. ...If I hadn't killed the clown wearing the shell of the boss of the evil force organization This is a translation of the original book. All credit goes to the author. Thank you The novel is completed.

Queen_world_1001 · Movies
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123 Chs

Chapter 11

Pinellia novel

Chapter 11 Equipment

Turn off the lights small medium large

Previous chapter: Chapter 10 UndercoverNext chapter: Chapter 12 Fighting

◎Mechanical Legs & Sound Maker◎


Natasha curled her lips, but her eyes were somewhat scrutinizing, without affirmation or refutation, and she said with unclear meaning: "You can't talk nonsense, Yuna."

Yuna lowered her eyes, raised her eyebrows slightly, and looked calm, as if she didn't care whether what she said would be believed by others.

She knows.

They will definitely check it out.

Natasha looked at the six-year-old girl again. It's really terrifying to have this kind of vision and control over people's hearts at this age.

You can't treat her like a child.

If her purpose is not pure, she will definitely be a difficult enemy in the future.

Steve is not as comfortable as Natasha. His eyebrows turned slightly cold: "Undercover?"

- Undercover.

The matter involves the Avengers. Fury will not send some fringe people to do these things. They must all be trustworthy. And even these people have undercover agents... If what Yuna said is true, then SHIELD can never be trusted again.

Stark: "It's interesting. That brat Fury doesn't even know that SHIELD has been poked into pieces."

"Aren't you afraid that I just said it casually - or framed you?"

This reaction of theirs made me sad. Yuna was a little surprised.

Although she was sure that these people would definitely check whether what she said was true or false, as long as anything happened in reality, it would be impossible not to leave traces, and they would definitely find clues.

But this kind of subconscious belief, even if the original suspicion exists, is still not quite right. You know, she has no evidence at all.

The ability of "undercover radar" is more like a kind of intuition. Unfortunately, during that time, it can only add to her sins.

But it also let her know that this intuition may not be 100% correct, but so far, it has never gone wrong.

"There is nothing trustworthy about SHIELD." Stark answered the question, pulling her back from her distraction, and raised her chin at Steve and Natasha, "One of them just woke up. A World War II veteran and spiritual leader who is monitored by SHIELD in various ways all day long."

"One is a top agent of SHIELD and an intelligence expert. Her mind can be twisted to the point of walking hundreds of times around Manhattan. Do you think she will do anything? Do you know?"

- So that's it.

Yuna kept a small notebook of information.

Although she is smart, she cannot discern too much when the amount of information is not equal.

"I will figure this out," Steve frowned, "SHIELD - there must be no undercover agents."

Yuna didn't know much about his relationship with SHIELD, but she could guess it from his reaction. There is a story. Before Natasha spoke, she coughed lightly, attracting Steve's attention: "Don't alert the enemy." She

raised her lips, her gaze was like a wiped sharp blade, hidden by her eyelashes. , and can't hold back the light.

"Can you take me to SHIELD?"

She nodded her eyes.

"I can help you find the undercover agent. All you need is for me to see him."

"What are the conditions?"

Natasha asked with interest, without saying yes or no.

"Be my teacher."

Yuna answered honestly.

This answer is somewhat surprising.

"You all have your own strengths and are very strong." Yuna said with sincere eyes, "I want to learn from you."

This will be a deal that satisfies both parties.

Of course, the premise is that Yuna can tell whether an agent is an undercover agent as she said.

"Let me believe your words, but you need to answer me a question." Natasha got to the point.

Yuna understood what the female agent in front of her had discovered. Being able to ask her questions meant that the other party actually didn't need her answer at all. Instead, she already had the answer in her mind and wanted to confirm it again, or in other words, it was just a psychological tactic.

"Of course, what does sister want me to answer?"

Natasha leaned down, almost face to face with her, locked her eyes with hers, not giving a chance to dodge: "Which organization did you receive training from?" "

... ..."

Yuna's heart sank.

Natasha really saw this, and she went straight to the point without beating around the bush, blocking the way she wanted to deny it. Because Yuna is smart, she knows that denying it now will not help.

Even the words used are particularly interesting: "which organization", "training".

Yuna suppressed a smile, "Even if I tell the name of the organization, will sister believe it?" "

Of course I will believe it." Natasha smiled brightly, with no clue at all: "After all, This is what Stark's savior said."

He is indeed a top agent of SHIELD.

"Okay," the little girl said with her bright blue eyes. "The name of the organization is "Black Clothes." Sister, you can go check it out."

She told the truth.

Natasha could naturally sense that it was true, but it was precisely because of this that Yuna's attitude was particularly interesting.

She liked this little girl so much. Her IQ was online and she was smart. She didn't have any bad intentions - this could still be seen with her eyesight - and she had a mountain of secrets.

Stark finally couldn't bear to organize their mutual testing, and felt that his head began to hurt: "Stop, what's the point of you beating around the bush like this?"

Tony Stark hated this kind of behavior very much, and this was what he usually did. One of the reasons why he is not very polite to the top military officials and politicians.

"A black organization, right, Jar?"

"Sir, no corresponding organization was found."

"Some organizations have hidden information very deep, and the possibility of paper documents is not ruled out."

Seeing that this continues, they will Having a headache about a new organization with unknown strength, Yuna said: "This organization is not in this world."

She sorted out her thoughts: "This matter is very complicated-"

At this moment, Natasha winked at her. He glanced at his left eye and said, "I will take time to teach you, sweetheart. Of course, I will also go back and work hard for others."

- This is exactly what Yuna wants.

After ***

explained the matter, the dizzying trial finally came to an end, and Yuna felt that she was in an extremely dazed state of mind.

The culprit, Miss Romanov, even smiled and made love to her.

The trip to SHIELD was scheduled for next week. During this period, Natasha and Steve both had missions and had a certain relationship with SHIELD. They decided to take the opportunity to find out the problem.

So Yuna stayed in Stark's laboratory.

She lived here after Stark Tower was converted into Avengers Tower.

Tony is very satisfied with this assistant, who is not only smart and teachable, but also extremely cute and considerate - although her cuteness and considerateness are all to make him happy so that he can learn more.

She is a person whose goals have always been extremely clear.

A battle armor is difficult to make, but a mechanical leg is not that difficult. Tony actually thinks that this leg is not very good, but it is only the first generation. When the suit upgrades and his technology is upgraded, he will definitely make this leg better than the little girl's original leg.

In addition, he also slightly modified the choker she had been wearing around her neck.

The little girl played with it curiously: "Toni... click..."

Her eyes lit up slightly: "I can... pull and pull... although it's a bit click..." "

... ..." Tony showed an unbearable look, and took the choker back and reformed it.

A few days later, in the early morning, Steve found a small figure appearing at Avengers Tower earlier than himself.

She was trying to go downstairs.

When Steve saw her, she had already left the stairs and reached the first floor, so she... ran? ? ?

Steve: "?" What's going on?

Even going downstairs alone was enough to shock him.

The next moment, he noticed that the other person's left leg was a metal-colored machine. It was not painted and looked particularly cold.

"Yuna!" He quickly caught up with the little girl and smelled the smell of blood. It was obvious that the metal had injured the wound again due to the violent movement: "Your legs are not fully healed yet. How could you..."

" It's okay," an equally cold voice answered him, with a little noise, like a machine talking without any emotion, "I don't like the feeling of being unable to move, and I want to regain my mobility as soon as possible."

She paused and stopped, seeming to think that this amount of information was a bit too much, and explained: "Tony made both the metal mechanical legs and the sound generator for me, and the sound generator is hidden in the choker."

Because of this, if the timbre If it were normal, no one would notice anything strange.

But Steve was no stranger. She didn't even open her mouth when she "said."

Steve, shocked: "..."

The little girl continued to say in silence: "These two auxiliary tools are not perfect at present, they are just experimental products. They are installed on me first just to let me adapt and run in in advance."

Captain America's four times reaction power Steve quickly came back to his senses: "That can't be done like this. I can smell the smell of blood. Did you just come down the stairs by yourself? Come upstairs with me and take a rest."

Yuna said coldly: "No ."

Steve: "..."

Yuna: "I need to continue to adjust."

Steve: "..." My son's rebellion breaks my heart.

During this period, he almost figured out Yuna's thinking, so he also changed his thinking: "I will go to the boxing gym soon, will you join me? There will be fighting demonstrations and sparring." Dim

The blue eyes suddenly lit up, and even the smile became sweeter. Only the mechanical voice was still a bit cold: "Steve is the best and sweetest!"

No, it's not me who is sweet, it's the fighting demonstration.

Steve retorted helplessly and amusedly in his heart.

However, he knew that the little girl's schedule was very full. In the past few days, she was either staying up late in the laboratory or studying abilities at X Academy. He and Natasha happened to have tasks, so they would seize the opportunity to teach a little bit this time.

Seeing that Steve had taken over Yuna, Tony didn't stop her from running out.

The reason is a long story, but this girl is simply a little lunatic. The day before yesterday, she fell headlong into the laboratory, almost causing Tony's cardiac arrest, so he ordered her to go back to rest.

As a result, that night - he happened to have banned the housekeeper - he wanted to go to the kitchen to get a glass of water, but when he turned on the light, he saw a little girl with two big dark circles under her eyes, making coffee slowly and stiffly, and she was shocked to see him. He couldn't react, and he said hello with a stiff face, like an escaped zombie.

——Almost gave Tony a second cardiac arrest. Palm cannon warning.

After turning on the ban, he found out that this guy was secretly staying up late to read the skill book. Because the room was not lighted, he even read it secretly in the toilet. He was doing whatever he could.

To sum up, he really wished that Yuna would go out and do something else, so as not to harm his heart again.

The author has something to say:

A certain Death primary school student directly calls an expert.

The setting of the undercover radar was inspired by my feelings about the magical buffs of the winery and S.H.I.E.L.D., and it was born out of a sudden whim. It has no logical basis. It is purely for fun, so please don't go into it too deeply.