
Miss Wayne

Hi everyone, my name is Una Wayne. When I was little, I expected to have a lot of family. This wish came true after many twists and turns. I now have an old father, three older brothers, a housekeeper, and a younger brother who will appear at some point and doesn't seem to be easy to get along with. The family is harmonious as father and son, brothers and sisters respect each other, and they are all city vigilante superheroes. I am very touched. ...If I hadn't killed the clown wearing the shell of the boss of the evil force organization This is a translation of the original book. All credit goes to the author. Thank you The novel is completed.

Queen_world_1001 · Movies
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123 Chs

Chapter 12

It is said to be a boxing training gym, but it is actually a secret base of SHIELD. Therefore, when Yuna stepped here, the DNA reacted almost immediately.

Yuna: "..."

Calm down, calm down.

She must exercise restraint, as other people's undercover agents are not her responsibility.

She had just thought that SHIELD was so infiltrated that even senior agents had undercover agents. Now that I think about it, she was still too naive, so SHIELD might as well just call the undercover bureau.

Fortunately, my organization was not so crazy in the past. After all, it can be regarded as a very impressive mafia. With Yuna's efforts, the only undercover agents are unlikely to survive. When they develop more powerfully in the future, there should be even less undercover agents.

Yuna nodded confidently - the black organization will never be as bad as SHIELD!

It only took a moment to think about so much. On the surface, she still didn't find anything, and allowed Steve to take her to a hidden base under the boxing gym.

The underground base is indeed hidden enough.

Because the injury on her left leg was not completely healed, Steve pressed her down on the seat after grinding her for a while, not allowing her to make any more dangerous movements, and then began to guide several A.D. Bureau agent training comes.

Yuna watched attentively from the side.

After Steve taught them all one by one, Yuna raised her hand obediently: "Can I have a sparring partner?"

"Huh?" Steve, who was drinking water, uttered a confused monosyllable.

Yuna's smile was perfect and sweet, but the cold voice she gave out was inconsistent with it: "Greater progress will be made in actual combat." The

blond man said disapprovingly: "No. At least wait until you can -"

"Shi "Tiff," the girl interrupted him, her mechanical voice seemed particularly cold, "please treat me as a person like you." Don't give me

special treatment like a child or a wounded person.

--I do not need.

The man was silent for two seconds, staring at this child who lived extremely soberly, but also had some faint hints of madness in his sobriety.

His chest seemed to be blocked by something, and complex emotions and thoughts entangled him, making him want to say a lot in an instant, but he couldn't say anything.

Steve's eyebrows were slightly raised, and his long eyelashes covered the bottom of his eyes. Then he stood up and returned to the serious face he had during training, and said, "Valen." "

Here." A man was training. The young male agent stopped.

Steve asked: "Can you guarantee that you will go all out in the one-on-one training with Yuna?"

The agent was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but look at the little girl who only reached his thigh: "... Yes."

"No need to train," Yuna said, "I will fight him directly."

She stood up, as if she was not affected by the severed limb at all. The metal limbs moved as freely as her original legs, extremely naturally. Head to the training room.

Warren also looked awe-struck, paused, and then took steps to follow. Steve came to the training room worriedly and looked at them through the glass.

Warren is not a senior agent, and he is also the weakest among the agents he just taught. Steve sighed helplessly in his heart. Hit the mark and go all out. I hope this agent can do both of these things well.

And...he also wanted to know Yuna's true strength. Yuna must have had similar thoughts to him.

The girl's black curly hair was tied into a bun, revealing a face like a porcelain doll, and her body was pitifully thin, but in front of a well-trained agent, these would obviously not be any factors that would make him show mercy. .

They were all equipped with guns, but there were no bullets in them.

In fact, Valen also had a headache as to how to go all out in front of such a doll without hitting the mark.

But obviously the opponent didn't give him a chance to think.

Just as his eyes flashed, a very light weight fell on his back, which made Warren startled. A layer of cold sweat suddenly appeared on his back. With many years of combat experience, he restrained the opponent's legs that wanted to choke his neck.

The little girl was not surprised by this result. She quickly let go of Valen and allowed herself to move underneath. The mechanical legs, which were not well adjusted, did make her move a little inconvenient, but the corresponding ones were extremely tough and had zero pain.

She exerted force suddenly on her waist and abdomen, and at the same time moved her legs, removing the power from his lower limbs at an incredible angle and method, and pushed him to the ground.

Warren reacted very quickly and subconsciously touched the gun. When he raised his eyes, he saw a black muzzle and a pair of blue eyes behind the muzzle that were too calm to look like they were fighting.

He was so shocked that he forgot for a moment that this was a training room and that the other party was just a six-year-old girl who had not recovered from a serious injury.

——He clearly felt a murderous intention.

The murderous intention was extremely concealed. It was twisted into a thread and wrapped around the girl, but he could sense it in every trace - she had murderous intentions towards him.

The little girl showed an unknown smile and mouthed: "You lose."

Before he could think about it further, she stood up on the ground and moved the mechanical legs that were a little crooked due to exertion, just like a normal He walked out of the training room with a calm demeanor.

Steve asked her to sit down, checked the old injuries on her body, and then began to criticize Warren: "You underestimate the enemy too much, your reaction speed is not enough, and your movements are too slow." Warren calmed down his expression, suppressed his shock and said

: "Yes, I understand."

After Warren left, Steve raised his eyebrows: "Another undercover?"

The little girl will not casually have murderous intentions, and even if she does, she will not let others know. She seems to only I have such a bad taste for undercover agents.

"Yeah." Yuna drank water slowly.

Steve skipped the topic: "You haven't told me yet, what did that organization mainly train you for?"

The information Yuna revealed to them only included that she came from another world, her abilities were temporarily unknown, and she had received The cultivation and training of the Mafia|Hand|Party, but things that are too detailed will not be clear for a while.

"Fighting, the use of various thermal weapons, methods of managing organizations, etc." Yuna said: "I mainly learned the abilities that a qualified leader should have, but because the training time is not very long, other I didn't have time to train."

Even so, with her fighting awareness and talent, she is enough to be called an excellent weapon.

Steve nodded to express his understanding: "I will be responsible for your fighting, but the most important thing now is to heal your injuries, understand?"

"I understand."

Yuna took the last sip of water.

In fact, she was a little strange. Obviously Bruce Wayne was a famous and typical playboy, but as his daughter, why could she have such a terrifying, almost omnipotent talent?

…well, except for cooking. This is a flaw.

Maybe it's the genes from my mother.