
Miss Wayne

Hi everyone, my name is Una Wayne. When I was little, I expected to have a lot of family. This wish came true after many twists and turns. I now have an old father, three older brothers, a housekeeper, and a younger brother who will appear at some point and doesn't seem to be easy to get along with. The family is harmonious as father and son, brothers and sisters respect each other, and they are all city vigilante superheroes. I am very touched. ...If I hadn't killed the clown wearing the shell of the boss of the evil force organization This is a translation of the original book. All credit goes to the author. Thank you The novel is completed.

Queen_world_1001 · Movies
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123 Chs

Chapter 10

New York is not yet busy in the early morning. The fresh smell of dew is spreading on the tip of the nose, the chirping of birds is not noisy, and the not strong sunshine is pouring into the house along the window, gradually Climbed to the bed.

Just before it touched the black hair, the little girl lying on the bed frowned and slowly opened her eyes.

The sun was shining down on her.

The dark and deep sapphire-like color was shaken like this, but it became as transparent as glass, showing a beautiful color like shallow water.

The skin was too pale and delicate, even slightly glowing.

"..." The little girl seemed to have not recovered yet, her irises moved slightly and she turned towards the window. The sun's rays are very good at waking people up, and her tense body relaxed slightly.

It was quiet.

Before the other party spoke, she gestured: "There's no problem with me. Sir and ladies should be very tired, so don't wake them up."

Just as she was about to say hello to Yuna, she notified her husband's staff at the same time. Zhi Zhi paused. He should have given Stark's order the highest priority, and Yuna's order would be completely overridden by Tony Stark's order, but inexplicably, it also wanted his husband to rest for a while.

After all, it witnessed firsthand how tired Tony had been during this time.

But it still said: "Sorry, Miss Yuna."

The little girl was not surprised.

After all, Tony Stark is the master of this artificial intelligence.

There was still a short time before they arrived, so she tried to lift the quilt and stand up. This time when her eyes touched her left leg, there were no other emotional fluctuations. She was calm and rational to the point of being cold-blooded, and her eyes were blue filled with a sense of advanced machinery.

The prosthesis was not specially made for her, so it was very inconvenient to use. She could stand up, but she couldn't walk. After all, no one who has one leg long and one short—the longer one is equipped with a prosthesis—can walk like a normal person.

However, time did not allow her to take two more steps.

Chaoying quickly opened the door and walked in. It seemed that not many people had slept well at night. Steve Rogers fell down earlier. He came to the treatment room a few hours ago. When he saw that she didn't wake up, he quietly exited.

Yuna turned her head slightly and saw a man in a wheelchair behind him.

In fact, at his age and appearance, it is not an exaggeration to call him "youth".

She had a high initial favorable impression of this young man whose color scheme was similar to her own, who had a gentle and elegant temperament that could not be ignored, and who was still in a peaceful mood even though he was sitting in a wheelchair - he might even be the young man who had taken advantage of her yesterday.

It doesn't mean that she can accept all the friends of Tony Stark and Steve Rogers, but this gentleman has qualities that make her like him.

"Cough." Tony pretended to cough, and drew her eyes to him: "Yesterday - how did you rest yesterday?" "It's

rare that I sleep so well." Knowing that he should be the victim With some kind of mental ability, Yuna did not point it out, but showed a big smile, with her little tiger teeth looming, indicating that she really felt comfortable.

Tony did not relax his vigilance: "Ethan, check her again."

He had reason to believe that even if she had a hole in her stomach, this girl would be able to make this expression and use it the same way as him. Sign language communication.

Steve was a little helpless, but he didn't say anything to stop her. Instead, he watched Yuna sit back on the bed again.

In this way, if she were to fall, he would be able to protect her in time and prevent her from falling.

Yuna was really flattered - not that much.

The Avengers and even Professor X originally wanted her to rest, but she refused directly.

Since I feel that I am almost well and full of energy, why do I still do this kind of time-wasting behavior?

Yuna supported her head with her hands, her eyes swept over everyone in front of her one by one, and finally turned around without leaving a trace on the red-haired lady.

The lady raised her eyebrows slightly, raised her eyes, and met her gaze very quickly.

The little girl smiled at her without any hint of guilt.

The timing of Yuna's appearance several times is quite special, so not only the superheroes, but also SHIELD paid enough attention to it.

However, this time the matter involves Professor .

The most urgent thing at the moment is to figure out what happened to Yuna so that she can gain a better foothold here.

As for the almost terrifying recovery speed, there seems to be a reasonable explanation. After all, there is a possibility that she is a mutant.


Professor X said, "She is not a mutant."

Yuna had expected this result. After all, she knew that she was from another world, so how could she be related to a special group in this world?

What's more, she has seen a lot of psychopaths with all kinds of weird superpowers walking around Gotham.

After Professor X's words came out, things were about to go in another direction.

If you weren't a mutant, this would actually be a bit difficult to handle.

If Yuna is a mutant, Professor X can still block it. After all, as the principal of X Academy and the leader of the mutants, Charles Xavier has a consensus with S.H.I.E.L.D.

But now that Yuna is not a mutant, the academy is no longer qualified to manage her seriously and can only hand it over to SHIELD.

——Giving a six-year-old child to S.H.I.E.L.D., are you kidding me?

The red-haired female agent sat on the sofa with a relaxed posture, but no one doubted her strength: "We won't hurt you, can you tell me everything you know?"

Tony answered: "You don't want to tell me. ——"

Steve interrupted him: "Natasha is right, we won't hurt you."

Tony frowned in displeasure, but he didn't say anything else.

Yuna looked at their tacit cooperation, her expression remained calm and clueless, and she said thoughtfully in sign language: "I seem to have the ability to change spaces. Every time I wake up, I will go to a different place. It was the same when I was seriously injured. As for other aspects, I'm not very clear about it."

Half-truths and half- lies are a good way to lie, but facing such a female agent who is obviously not simple, Yuna chose to tell the truth .

She is indeed unclear about her abilities, and her abilities can indeed allow her to come here from another world. This is also equivalent to space operation, isn't it?

Natasha raised her lips and locked her green eyes on Yuna, making her feel as if she was being targeted by a dangerous and charming reptile.

"Captain," the red-haired lady suggested, "Yuna has not done anything that violates the law or disturbs public order. Maybe we can keep her with us and take care of her, right?" All the superheroes have this intention,

but However, it is obviously more appropriate for Natasha to negotiate with SHIELD. After all, she is originally from SHIELD.

Yuna knew that, despite this, it would not be easy to gain their trust, but she had already passed the stage where she would feel uncomfortable if others were wary of her.

Surviving and improving herself in order to live a better life are the only things she considers now.

Yuna's identity has been registered with SHIELD, and she needs to go through the process again.

Although she could already perform simple activities with her strong willpower, her injuries were still not fully healed, so she was placed under strict supervision and rested for two days.

Because of the particularity of Yuna's ability - especially when she hasn't even figured out what her ability is yet - she was not taken to SHIELD, but came here in person by SHIELD agents. Gone the program.

Although Stark didn't really like his villa being entered by S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, Yuna had no better place to go at the moment, so he agreed.

The agents sent by SHIELD look very capable.

There were only two people here this time. They had a clear division of labor and a tacit understanding of cooperation. They didn't change their expressions even when Stark sat aside and supervised the work. And Yuna also acted very well-behaved throughout the whole process, not even showing the kind of abnormally rational and vigilant eyes that Stark and the others had seen.

In another room, Steve and Natasha were watching a video together. The video was intercepted by Stark and was not transmitted to SHIELD. It was the surveillance video that was fortunately saved in the cave.

As he watched, Steve lost his expression, and his long eyelashes covered the bottom of his eyes. Natasha's sitting posture, which originally seemed a little careless, gradually changed. She straightened up, a flash of light flashing in her eyes.

The two looked at each other, Steve turned off the video and went to the living room with Natasha.

The agents just finished their work, packed up their things and left, and said "Hello Captain" when they saw Steve.

The little girl looked at their backs for a few seconds until the people disappeared from her sight, then lowered her eyes and raised a slightly interested smile that she might not even realize.

"What's so interesting about them?" Tony stuffed her with a pack of hamburgers. "What do you want to eat for lunch?"

Steve hurriedly came over and stopped him from feeding her casually.

Natasha ignored the two older boys and moved closer to Yuna without hesitation.

Because Yuna was in a wheelchair, she put herself at the same level as her, looked in the direction the agents left, and asked softly as if in a whisper: "What did Yuna find?"

- If she were another Wayne, now It's time to have a beautiful woman in your arms.

Yuna laughed and asked a seemingly irrelevant question: "Sister, are you a SHIELD agent?" "

Of course. I am also an Avenger. Why do you ask that?"

Natasha cooperated. she said.

Steve and Tony also looked at them.

"What's wrong, Yuna?"

The little girl raised her eyes and looked at the three people in the room - perhaps plus an artificial intelligence - after all, it also had the important task of translating. Most of these people were trustworthy, and it didn't matter if they weren't, she didn't care now.

"I have no evidence."

Her blue eyes should be smiling, but they were so calm and rational that they didn't look like a child.

"But one of those two agents is an undercover agent."