
Miss Wayne

Hi everyone, my name is Una Wayne. When I was little, I expected to have a lot of family. This wish came true after many twists and turns. I now have an old father, three older brothers, a housekeeper, and a younger brother who will appear at some point and doesn't seem to be easy to get along with. The family is harmonious as father and son, brothers and sisters respect each other, and they are all city vigilante superheroes. I am very touched. ...If I hadn't killed the clown wearing the shell of the boss of the evil force organization This is a translation of the original book. All credit goes to the author. Thank you The novel is completed.

Queen_world_1001 · Movies
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123 Chs

Chapter 114

"Don't look at me like that." Tita calmly typed on her phone: "I don't need it." "


"This expression all the time is very unpleasant. ."

The young man narrowed his eyes slightly.

Dita's pupils shrank, and her blue eyes reflected the ruthless attack of the black-haired young man.

She instantly reacted and ducked sideways, and the fist that was caught in the strong wind brushed through the hair next to her ear, leaving a slight stinging sensation.

Tita quickly folded her arms in front of her body, and sure enough, a sharp attack fell on her the next moment.

Except for not using thermal weapons, he didn't hold back at all.

Her eyes fell on the young man's face, with a sharp cold light in her steel-blue eyes. When the opponent attacked for the third time, she used her strength to adjust her position and strength. She instantly reversed the passive situation and kneeled him fiercely. Hit the temple.

——Ruthless enough.

Jason chuckled and blocked her attack.

Tita didn't care, or rather, she once again used her thighs to clamp the young man's neck, and then used her strength to carry him backwards.

Jason let go of the gun he was wearing, and the butt of the gun clattered to the ground. He easily stabilized his body and skillfully broke free from the restraint. He even switched positions in an instant and pressed Tita to the ground.

The young man raised his eyebrows: "Who did you learn this kind of fighting from? I can even guess what your next move will be with my eyes closed."

The black-haired girl slowly raised her lips: "Then let you become familiar with this kind of fighting. Style man, have you ever used this in front of you?"


The young man was caught off guard by his overlapping legs and was pinned to the cold floor, and the back of his head came into close contact with the base.

Jason: "..."


This feeling is all too familiar.

More than an hour later.

Jason handed Tita the medical kit.

The black-haired girl applied medicine to her face expressionlessly.

The young man touched the back of his head and found a hand of blood: "..." Grass.

The two people were sitting side by side, their bodies covered in bruises and bruises, looking neat and embarrassed.

Tita's body was rubbing and black gas was coming out.

The young man withdrew his strength. This fight was more like a coaching battle, but he was merciless when he beat people. As the one who was often beaten, she felt pain everywhere on her body.

But fortunately - Dita's face looked a little better - although she didn't succeed many times, her attacks were more ruthless, and Cointreau was definitely no better off than her.

Moreover, if you didn't greet her in the face when you came up, she would naturally greet her back :).

What's hateful is that the young man seems to be particularly talented in fighting and fighting, and his recovery power is ridiculously high. It even made her think that he might want to fight again.

Tita: "..."

Suddenly I lost my last hope for a home that I didn't have much expectations for.

If this is the case for a younger sister who is not yet familiar with her, is her family a model of fatherly kindness, sonship, filial piety, brotherly friendship, and respectfulness?

Tita turned around expressionlessly and visited Jason's base by herself, as if she no longer wanted to see the other person's face.

"..." Jason smiled: "Okay, but one thing I want to confirm is, are you sure you want to continue here?"

The young man clicked on the countless buttons under the monitor beside him. The picture changed instantly, and it could be clearly identified that it was countless surveillance pictures.

Tita tilted her head: "You hacked into all the surveillance equipment in this city?" "

Of course - you can do it in the future to this extent." He put on the red hood, put on his coat, and picked up the gun at hand. : "You should recognize this group of people from the surveillance? This is a big deal. Do you want to do it?"

"Are we just the two of us?"

"Of course." He leaned forward: "Are you scared?"

The young man's posture was relaxed. , there is a natural frivolity in his movements due to his extremely powerful strength.

"..." The black-haired girl looked at him for a few seconds, then slowly raised the corners of her lips.

"So, do you want to compete?" She tapped the monitor screen with her fingertips: "Just compare the time and the number of heads. How about it? The loser has to agree to any request of the other person." "

Okay. I completely agree."

Dai The hooded black-haired girl stood quietly in the shadows, taking out her mobile phone and editing something.

"Jintreau's purpose is temporarily unknown. His target is only me. -Dita"

"Got it. -GIN"

She turned off the screen and pulled down her hood. The black gloves prevented her from being exposed to anything. Leave your fingerprints everywhere.

She waited patiently. This man seemed to have merged with the darkness, with only the tight muscles holding momentum, and the weapons hidden in the coat were heavy and cold.

Soon, the sound of several cars driving was heard.

3, 2,

1—— "Boom——!!!"

The air wave caused by the explosion suddenly raised her long hair, the golden and red fireworks seemed to burn the sky, gunshots began to sound, and the smell of gunpowder smoke had already spread.

The girl in black didn't move yet. She just turned her head slightly to identify the messy footsteps and the frightened shouts of those people after being attacked, so as to locate her prey.

Without any fancy skills or movements, she came to the battlefield quietly like a dexterous snake, and in an instant, one person after another lost the possibility of survival.

Tita killed these people without any unnecessary emotions in her heart.

It's just mad dogs belonging to the darkness biting each other. Any unnecessary emotions are irresponsible to oneself and completely unnecessary.

The muzzle of the gun moved down, she pulled the trigger, and watched as the bullet flew out and penetrated the other man's chest -

no. etc.

Prey decreased.

If she didn't do it, who did it?

Lurking in the shadows, no one notices him if he doesn't take action. Once he takes action, he'll be killed in one blow. It took him so long to even notice his presence. This fighting style really feels familiar, doesn't it?

It seems that Cointreau is not the only one who came here.

Tita didn't expose it, she continued her killing as if she hadn't found anything, until only the last prey was left on the scene.

She was as expressionless as ever, ready to pull the trigger.

"He hasn't killed anyone yet, he was tricked into it."

A hoarse and deep voice suddenly sounded.

Tita turned her head and looked over. A black, coffin-like figure stood quietly not far away. She had been looking at her like this for who knows how long.

And the prey she had saved until the end was shaking uncontrollably and her eyes were wandering. Although she had been frightened and lost the ability to resist anymore.

"Some people don't need to be killed, Tita."

Even though her gun was still pointed at the remaining person, the man who said this still sounded rational and calm, as if he had no intention of taking the next step.

But she knew that as long as the other party wanted to, he could easily subdue her.

The girl with black hair and blue eyes smiled.

She mouthed to the person who stopped her, "But I'm competing. If I kill this person, it counts as one head, right?" "

If you want to stop me, just saying this is not enough."

She pulled the trigger without hesitation.


The gun rang out, and at the same time, a black afterimage hit the gun body, instantly deflecting the trajectory and flying past the prey's cheek.

-That's a batarang.

Tita's gun fell from her hand and fell to the ground, and she took a few steps forward, pulled the batarang off the wall, and put it in her hand to examine it carefully.

This thing is indeed genuine, exactly the same as the one she secretly picked up.

It's a pity that the girl was killed in the winter.

Now she is Tita and just Tita.

"Why, you can't control Gotham, and you want to interfere in other worlds?" The black-haired girl threw the batarang at his feet: "Or are you finally retiring in the future?" "

Not yet, but it should be soon. Alright."

Batman took off his helmet.

Tita was slightly startled.

A male face that looked very similar to hers appeared in front of her.