
Miss Wayne

Hi everyone, my name is Una Wayne. When I was little, I expected to have a lot of family. This wish came true after many twists and turns. I now have an old father, three older brothers, a housekeeper, and a younger brother who will appear at some point and doesn't seem to be easy to get along with. The family is harmonious as father and son, brothers and sisters respect each other, and they are all city vigilante superheroes. I am very touched. ...If I hadn't killed the clown wearing the shell of the boss of the evil force organization This is a translation of the original book. All credit goes to the author. Thank you The novel is completed.

Queen_world_1001 · Movies
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123 Chs

Chapter 113

Relying on black technology, Jason successfully abducted his sister to his base.

Tita's eyes swept over the pieces of equipment, her expression unexpectedly calm.

After a few seconds.

The black-haired girl said in sign language: "Can you take me to the upper floor to have a look?"

"Of course." Jason stretched out his hand to her naturally: "Give me your hand, and I will take you up."

The girl with curly black hair had steel-blue eyes. Her eyes were as calm as a pool of stagnant water, and there was no arc on her lips. She didn't even change her breathing, and she obediently held the hand of the young man in front of her.

The next second.

An extremely strong electric current instantly passed through the young man's body, causing him to groan involuntarily.

Behind the blue electric light, the girl's face was cold and calm.

She let go of her hand and watched the young man take two steps back unsteadily, his brows furrowed deeply, obviously feeling very uncomfortable.

The machine beeped.

A bur/lay/ta was pointed at him.

The phone screen lit up at the same time, and there was a line typed on it: "Sorry, only in this way can I talk to you with confidence." Cold sweat appeared on Jason's forehead, but he was still smiling, with

a dangerous and arrogant smile: "No wonder You didn't take action against me at that time... Sure enough, a cautious person like you will definitely be prepared to maximize the success rate. What's the reason for this time?" The

young man let out a "Ha": "It should be your plan to take action now. Outside, right? What kept you from calming down, Tita?"

"..." The steel-blue eyes of the black-haired girl were dead silent, and did not waver in the slightest due to his words, indicating the writing that appeared on the screen of the phone. Show it to him, using English: "The loophole is obvious. I have only seen your equipment in Gotham."


"Do you think I can't see the bat logo on your chest?"

Deadly. The girl typed: "Are you going to tell me next that my father is Batman, the Gotham vigilante?"

Stop joking.

Batman is an urban legend and a mythical existence in Gotham. There has never been anyone like this young man around him. As for blood relationship...she can be sure that she is Bruce Wayne's daughter.

"You are also from Gotham. Who are you?"

The young man said: "Your brother, really."

Tita: "Except for black hair and blue eyes, we have nothing in common."

The young man: "...not a real brother. ."

The black-haired girl's eyes fell on his face, giving him the uncomfortable feeling of being looked over by someone using a tool that could flatten every fold of the soul.

"Based on the condition that you didn't lie, then Bruce Wayne is Batman, I am his daughter, and you are his assistant - or even better, his adopted son. You are from the future." Jason was silent

. : "...How did you push this out?"

The black-haired girl typed calmly: "Gun? Model. And Batman never carries a gun, but your weapons are mainly double guns, so you don't It's Batman. But your equipment has a certain degree of overlap with Batman's, and your skills have his shadow. I've seen him beat people up. Then you must have been taught by him, the identity of a vigilante and the terrifying nature of the enemy. It will make him easily trust anyone, and you must be one of the people he is closest to and trusts. Giving you equipment and guiding your training shows that he needs an assistant." "

And my father is Bruce Wayne. Bruce? Wayne has no son, even an adopted son, but you say you are my adopted brother. Based on your gun model, it is reasonable to speculate that you come from the future. At some point in the future, you will be Bruce Wayne - that is Batman adopted me, and then I got to know me through him."

"As the richest man in Gotham and an idle playboy, it is indeed very reasonable for Bruce Wayne to be Batman." Tita's expression remained calm and indifferent.

Jason suddenly realized: "I also think your reaction was a bit strange when you knew who your father was. Good guy, so you were playing it for me?"


She put down the gun: "You have regained your ability to move a long time ago. Aren't you also acting?"

The young man stood up straight and leaned on the table behind him. Embarrassing at gunpoint.

"I can't subdue you because I made a mistake in my prediction. You can complete your goal next." The information gap is too big and the opponent is too strong. She has tried her best and failure is nothing to worry about.

The black-haired girl found a seat and sat down, seemingly giving up the useless struggle. She already understood that the opponent's force value could completely reduce the dimension and crush everyone here. It was simply impossible to deal with him in such a short time.

From beginning to end, that was all she cared about.

Jason frowned: "You...are you always thinking about how to deal with me?"

Yuna shouldn't be like this. She should not be indifferent to news from her loved ones, as if she had heard rubbish, and there was no need to care at all. But the Yuna he knew clearly valued family members.

There is only one reason for the current situation - the malice Yuna experienced before meeting him.

Tita could tell at a glance what he was thinking. Her eyes were still empty and dead: "Is this important?"

"Besides, you are not here for me." She was so calm that it was scary: "You in the future will only come here for me in the future. And that me I must be more likable than I am now."

Jason raised his eyebrows: "What if I said that the purpose of coming here is to see you in the past?"

"Or," he winked, "we can start again. Get to know each other?"


half an hour later.

After Tita looked at the memory of her encounter with Jason that was kindly provided by Charles in silence, she asked doubtfully: "Why will I be so casual in the future?" Jason: "

...you mean just following random people." Right?"

Tita: "This is the point in time when I return to Gotham, so this world has passed. What happened here?" "Look,

there are blood stains here." The black-haired girl naturally pointed out the traces to He sees.

Jason suddenly asked: "Why are you bigger than when I met you in the future?"

Tita didn't think this was a secret: "Because the failed products of human body experiments and tissue-developed drugs can speed up growth to a certain extent. , the effect varies from person to person, and I am the experimental subject."

The expanding organization needs fresh blood, and waiting for a gifted child to grow up is too much of an investment and takes too long.

They didn't want to wait, so they experimented on them with drugs and forced them to grow up.

So far, she is the only one left in the same group of people as Tita who has done human experiments.

So she looks completely different from the skinny kitten-like child that Jason picked her up. She is taller and more powerful, and can even break someone's neck with her legs.

"Experiment...subject?" Jason asked somewhat awkwardly.

He has figured out why Yuna can easily hunt Cavill. I'm afraid she could already act on a slightly larger body at that time, but her ability wasn't strong enough and obvious enough, so she ignored the changes in her body at the moment of the explosion.

"You should be familiar with it. Human experiments."

"The most important research content of the organization may make you feel more familiar." She made a rare joke.

——As whimsical and audacious as the madmen in Gotham.

——"We are gods and demons. We reverse the flow of time and resurrect the dead."