
Miss Wayne

Hi everyone, my name is Una Wayne. When I was little, I expected to have a lot of family. This wish came true after many twists and turns. I now have an old father, three older brothers, a housekeeper, and a younger brother who will appear at some point and doesn't seem to be easy to get along with. The family is harmonious as father and son, brothers and sisters respect each other, and they are all city vigilante superheroes. I am very touched. ...If I hadn't killed the clown wearing the shell of the boss of the evil force organization This is a translation of the original book. All credit goes to the author. Thank you The novel is completed.

Queen_world_1001 · Movies
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123 Chs

Chapter 115

The man with black hair and blue eyes is more stable and mature than she remembered. He looks like he has experienced a lot of things, but he doesn't feel like a bat now. He doesn't look like Bruce.

What does he look like?

Tita felt something cold scratch her cheek. She stared blankly at the man approaching step by step, and reacted belatedly. Even though she felt that she didn't care, when she saw the man he had found with her own eyes, At that time, she still could not suppress the emotions that suddenly surged in her heart.

"I'm sorry, Nana." The calloused hands wiped away her tears. The vigilante still wearing armor felt cold to the touch, but people could clearly feel his approach.

"I'm sorry for not finding you sooner."

He had said this apology many times, but each time it had a completely different meaning.


The girl with black hair and blue eyes froze in place. After a while, she lowered her eyelashes, trembling slightly, and her eyes had returned to a concealed calm.

She said expressionlessly: "...I already know about this...Father. Please come back, if there is nothing else. I am fine here." The

black bat looked at her, then stretched out his hand, and touched Tita He pressed her head amid the sudden tense muscles.


He said.

Tita was startled again.

When he raised his eyes again, there was no one in front of him.

"..." She lowered her head imperceptibly, clenched her fists, then loosened them, and returned to the car while maintaining a calm appearance.

Even if... she asked for it, it was still very disappointing to leave so easily...

She put her head on the steering wheel and closed her eyes tiredly.

This is a bad emotion, she thought.

This is the sensitive and fragile mood swing that only those peaceful, happy and carefree little princesses are entitled to have.

Tita returned to normal state after a few seconds, took out her communicator and looked at the email sent by Gin. She received a mission with Gin a week ago and it has not been cancelled. She will join Gin and execute it tonight.

The mission was kept highly confidential. Even Gin didn't know what it would be before it was carried out.

Tita had no intention of exploring. She simply replied that she received it and returned to Cointreau's safe house. As expected, no one was there. After all, he was obviously with Batman, and there must be special channels to pass news between each other. Since Batman said he would not disturb her again, Cointreau should not be around at this time.

Tita found the equipment she was familiar with, replenished weapons and ammunition, and took care of some innocuous minor injuries, arriving at the agreed place on time at 6:30.

The blond young man was waiting there.

His hair is as long as his waist and is of very good quality, looking extremely beautiful in the dusk sunlight. It's just that his whole temperament is too cold, and his green eyes are as sharp as knives, turning the color that should have been as warm as the sun into cold gold.

The black top hat, black coat and black gloves, as well as the eye-catching appearance and appearance, made Dita wonder every time why he could escape unscathed when committing crimes.

Doesn't this say "I'm not a criminal, I have a problem" written all over my face?

However, Tita, who was deeply influenced by the organization and her partners and wore all black, did not say anything, but looked directly into Gin's eyes.

Gin said tacitly: "Assassination mission. Detailed information will be sent to your mobile phone in five minutes. It should be noted that the target of the mission is secretly protected by the FBI. They should have sent out elites. In addition, it seems that the local American mafia They are also staring at him."

Tita: "It seems? The information is inaccurate?"

Gin clicked his tongue: "The intelligence officer responsible for this information died a few days ago, and was caught by the FBI. Just in case, One, I blew up his intelligence room."

Tita: "..." Oh.

She looked through the detailed information and mission requirements in the email, and after reading it, she calmly began to formulate a mission plan.

Her mission plan will be compared with Gin's, and then the two of them will revise it to form the final plan. Gin recognizes her ability, so he will not underestimate her consideration. On the contrary, he will specifically ask her for her opinion - after all, besides Gin, her mentor is also that adult.

The mission seemed clear and simple.

"I can start."

Tita assigned the mission plan to the various groups below and ensured confidentiality. The members who received the mission could not deduce their purpose from the missions of other organization members, let alone guess who they were responsible for. Which part of the mission is it? In this case, even if any link is interrupted by the authorities, they can still handle it with ease.

Everything went on in an orderly manner until the mission was successful and Gin's assassination was over. Tita could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, but at this time, a sharp "didi" sound suddenly sounded in the small space where she was staying.

Tita instantly realized what it was.

Gin's message appeared on the phone screen at the same time: [There is an ambush, this is a trap! ]

--That's too late.

Tita found herself at peace.

She waited for death almost indifferently, and several images flashed in her mind - a

huge explosion enveloped her, and her body was wiped out. But because of her ability, she came to this world again, so in the eyes of others, Tita Wine was invincible or resurrected from the dead.

With such a big explosion and such a close distance, it was impossible for anyone to survive. Obviously, Boss also knows this. But after testing Tita, he found that she really didn't remember anything. After that memory seemed to be blank, he began to feel jealous and fearful, so he directly promoted her to the next leader, that is, the quasi-leader. It is true that he wants to trap her, and it is also true that he wants to keep her for research.

It seems difficult to evaluate whether her life was easy or not after that.

When these pictures appear in the mind, it is difficult to tell whether they are illusions or reality.

But soon Tita no longer had this trouble.

——Someone took her and rushed outside.

Her field of vision was suddenly blocked by the dark cloak. She couldn't see anything else, and naturally she couldn't see the explosion. She could only feel that the cold armor was very harsh, and when it led her to avoid the impact of the explosion, she used too much force, which made her feel uncomfortable. She felt a little uncomfortable.

The armor made of unknown materials perfectly isolated the heat wave outside. Tita was protected under her body with almost no damage, and none of the shrapnel or exploding earth and rocks fell on her.

But -

she felt the cloak in her hand being slowly soaked.

That's blood. Not her blood.

Tita began to push the dark bat, with some difficulty controlling the sky not to face down to cause secondary damage, and put the unconscious person on her back.

A person is very heavy, a suit on the ground is even heavier, and a person in a coma is invincibly heavy. If it weren't for the repeated training day after day, she might really have put into practice the fleeting inspiration of leaving people here to fend for themselves.

...never mind.

Tita's mood suddenly became strangely and dimly bright*, and she let out a shallow breath.

Ignoring the mission for now, I don't think it will be easy to come to Gin's place, but overall I can handle it.

But his father seemed clumsy, and he seemed to be a paranoid type who didn't easily trust others, so he had no choice but to take him to the safe house he secretly prepared.