
Miss Wayne

Hi everyone, my name is Una Wayne. When I was little, I expected to have a lot of family. This wish came true after many twists and turns. I now have an old father, three older brothers, a housekeeper, and a younger brother who will appear at some point and doesn't seem to be easy to get along with. The family is harmonious as father and son, brothers and sisters respect each other, and they are all city vigilante superheroes. I am very touched. ...If I hadn't killed the clown wearing the shell of the boss of the evil force organization This is a translation of the original book. All credit goes to the author. Thank you The novel is completed.

Queen_world_1001 · Movies
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123 Chs

Chapter 112

"From today on, your code name is Dita."


Dita opened her eyes.

She looked at the boy next to her: "Who is he?"

The boy with long blond hair raised his eyes coldly and glanced at him: "A newly recruited member who just graduated from there."

"Graduation?" Dita hung up. He lowered his eyes and said, "It should take a long time to go through that kind of process."


the person in front of me was only seventeen or eighteen years old.

The foreign young man with black hair and blue eyes has an aura that is not easy to mess with at first sight. He has a cold face, wears a black jacket, and carries many visible or invisible guns. He seems to be thinking about something with his eyes lowered.

Hearing her voice, he raised his eyes, her appearance reflected in his blue eyes.

The girl with the same black hair and blue eyes had horrific scars running across her neck. Her delicate little face showed no expression. No matter who she looked at, she looked like she was looking at a dead object, as if she would not be shaken by changes in the outside world.

A girl who looks dead.

Tita: "Do you know sign language?"

The young man brought to them by the adult nodded: "Yes, you can understand it."

"Your code name is Tita?" he asked.

"That's right, how

do I call you?" "Just call me Jason."

Young Gin frowned: "You don't have a code name?"

"It's just a title anyway, doesn't it matter what you call it?" Jason shrugged. Whether it was an illusion or not, Gin always felt that his attitude towards her was not very friendly: "Besides, I will be partnered with Na...Tita next, right? My kid, should you go back and practice for a few more years?"

Qin Jiu's cold green eyes locked onto him instantly.

He slowly sneered: "This is not something you can decide. Cointreau."

Tita stood up and walked out the door, her face expressionless the whole time, as silent as an exquisite doll.

Neither Gin nor Cointreau chased him out.

Jundu raised his eyebrows and asked, "Has she always been like this?"

The blond boy said impatiently, "Ask her yourself if you want to know anything. Just... I'm here to remind you."

"If you want to save your life, don't Go mess with her."

He knew the killer he brought out very well.

Even though he only looks like a fourteen or fifteen-year-old boy now, his strength cannot be ignored. His genius fighting consciousness and fighting skills allowed him to be given a code name at a very young age. He can perform various tasks and take care of a little girl, which is more than enough. of.

What's more, he is taller than the average person. He is already the same height as most adults. He even has higher combat power than others in the organization. He is also merciless when training his partners. Tita's terrifying talent Totally inspired by him.

The unknown Cointreau raised his eyebrows: "I know."

He stood up and walked out of the high-end club. Gin came to the window and watched him walk in the direction where Tita disappeared, with a dark expression.

After a long moment, he sneered.

When Jason came to this world, he unexpectedly discovered that he had an identity.

This identity, which was probably fabricated out of thin air, also had the name of Jason Todd. He had the strength at his peak, so he easily passed the test of the black organization.

The process of entering the organization was a little vague, but the scene was extremely real. Even if he didn't see Yuna at first, every person and object around him was as realistic as if this was a real world.

Jason immediately realized that this was the final journey.

The world in which Yuna died was far more than that, but the world he had experienced left a deep impression on her, so he was selected.

She should have stayed in this world the longest, so she remembers it the most clearly.

So now the last question remains - where is Yuna?

Inheriting Batman's computer technology, Jason easily found Yuna's information in the organization's system.

The codename member of the organization was personally recruited by "that adult". After passing the test, he partnered with Gin and was trained by him, codenamed Dita.

——What a familiar name.

Black Organization, Gin, Dita.

Then could it be that "Osama Dazai" actually appeared before and was someone Yuna knew?

After all, who "Miss Stark" comes from, I'm afraid you can understand it the moment you see Tony Stark.

Jason knew that Yuna played several roles by herself, so she didn't have much psychological fluctuations now, but he didn't know what Bruce would think after knowing this.

In the end, Nana couldn't hide it in the end. With the old bat's brain, I'm afraid she would be able to figure out what happened immediately.

Jason put these thoughts aside for the time being and began to make preparations to take Yuna to his side. Even if none of this is true, it is absolutely impossible for him to watch everything happen again, not to mention that the Nana he is familiar with will come to this body at some point.

The timelines between them have always been different, and I don't know when Yuna will come over.

Through his excellent strength and layout, Jason successfully obtained Yuna from the boss of the black organization. After all, the boss of the black organization is also a wise man. Jason can take care of his lair by himself. When dealing with such a person, it is better not to easily become enemies - besides, his request is not excessive, it is just custody of Tita. .

One Dita can make him work for the black organization, why not?

As for what the boss of the black organization thinks of him in his heart, and what kind of person he regards him as, that is not something Jason would care about.

"You don't seem happy."

Jason followed Tita.

The girl with black hair and blue eyes didn't expect to be able to get rid of him, but she didn't want to talk to him and walked towards her safe house.

Jason, who was almost never ignored by Nana: "..."

This feeling of disparity is really uncomfortable.

The Red Hood, who was feared in the Gotham underground world, paused and prepared to learn from a certain Gotham humanoid self-propelled cannon, trying to make himself not look so vicious.

Tita paused.

Her blue eyes were dead and empty, completely different from the eyes Jason was familiar with.

She just looked at him coldly and expressionlessly: "Suddenly, you parachuted into the organization and named me as your partner. What do you want to do?"

It turns out that you came out alone to lure him into taking the bait?

Jason raised an eyebrow.

"Well... I think we can calm down and talk." The black-haired young man raised his hand to show that he was harmless. A red dot appeared on his forehead, and a sniper was ambushing him nearby.

"You can talk now."

His lovely sister showed no mercy.

Jason: "..." Tsk, that's hard to do.

Jason began to seriously consider the possibility of beating up the people around him who were secretly wary of him, and then abducting Yuna directly.

"I put anesthetic drugs in the tea you drank. Give up this idea. You can't run away."

Jason blinked.

Oh, by the way, Yuna doesn't know now, because the criminals in Gotham are so genius that he can even tolerate laughing gas, let alone ordinary anesthetics and drugs.

There was no need for pain at all, he could get through it with willpower - as long as these anesthetics were not specially made by the madmen in Gotham.

Jason felt it. The weakening effect of the medicine given to him by Nana was probably that he was a little sleepy at the moment. It would take a few more seconds to kill all the people around him.

"Okay, I don't think you want to kill me, but you want to pry open my mouth and ask for some information?" The young man with a strand of white hair on his forehead looked calm and calm, not panicking at all: "Then I'm sorry, I only pay attention to you because you look like my sister - but you may not believe this reason so easily."

Tita glanced at his black hair and blue eyes.

Tita thought again about her black hair and blue eyes.

Tita was silent.

The young man kept up his efforts: "And the old bat, your father, should be here soon. Then you can see if what I said is true or false." "


The girl said calmly. For the first time, there was a different color in the blue eyes.

She paused with this gesture for a long time, and then retracted her hand as if she had come to her senses. I don't know which action signaled something to the people around her, but the red spot on Jason's forehead disappeared.

She probably still didn't believe him.

But Jason believed that everything before was just a threat. Yuna had been smart since she was a child and would not act recklessly. She naturally knew why the boss did not choose to deal with him, but placed him by her side.

Since there was no flaw in being targeted by a sniper, she took advantage of the opportunity to see what he wanted to do.

Jason followed Tita back to her safe house.

He narrowed his eyes, and the observation skills he had trained since childhood quickly gave him some unpleasant information.

For example, this safe house has traces of its use by two people.

As a killer, he can share the safe house used to save his life... It seems that the relationship between Gin and his sister is not generally good.

What are the rules in this world? By the way, it seems that the relationship between partners is generally the strongest, especially those who have been cultivated since childhood.

"This is Gin's stronghold. As my guardian and partner, he is responsible for taking care of and training me." Tita said in sign language: "You can't stay here for too long. After a little repair, take me to your place." Since

and Gin has broken off contact, and Tita has no intention of continuing to use the other person's safe house.

She raised her blue eyes: "When that adult made this decision, he should have prepared a stronghold for you."

"Indeed." Jason looked at the place: "But I don't need the one he prepared. "

I always like to build my own base."

A base, not a stronghold or a safe house.

"The location is just below the police station -" the young man said in an understatement: "Except for you and me, no one else knows about it. I can be sure of its confidentiality and security - of course, as well as the supply of equipment." "

You should have read my information, don't you want to know where the black technologies on my body come from?"

The young man threw out his trump card.

Tita: "..."

Damn it, my heart is moved.