
Miss Wayne

Hi everyone, my name is Una Wayne. When I was little, I expected to have a lot of family. This wish came true after many twists and turns. I now have an old father, three older brothers, a housekeeper, and a younger brother who will appear at some point and doesn't seem to be easy to get along with. The family is harmonious as father and son, brothers and sisters respect each other, and they are all city vigilante superheroes. I am very touched. ...If I hadn't killed the clown wearing the shell of the boss of the evil force organization This is a translation of the original book. All credit goes to the author. Thank you The novel is completed.

Queen_world_1001 · Movies
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123 Chs

Chapter 9

After waiting like this, it was completely dark.

Anyway, we had just fought with the aliens and everyone was exhausted physically and mentally. We could put other tasks aside and rest while waiting for the little girl to wake up.

If in an ordinary scenario, someone told them that they would wake up a few hours later if they had a broken leg, a cut aorta, or an injury to the back of their head, they would just think that person was joking.

But now it's hard not to believe it.

"Sir, Miss Yuna is awake."

Tony Stark's butler and Steve Rogers' four-fold induction notified them immediately.

The little girl's eyelashes on the hospital bed trembled, and she opened them under the huge pressure of being watched closely by the two people, revealing the beautiful misty blue irises inside because she had just woken up.

Steve quickly put the straw into her mouth.

Yuna: "..."

She was actually not used to being treated like this, but with her mind still blank, she subconsciously drank the water obediently.

They breathed a sigh of relief. Ethan came in and looked at the equipment to make sure everything was fine: "How do you feel?"

Yuna recognized their voices, and her clearer brain gave her the ability to think again, so she blinked. Blink to show you are okay.

She tried her best and even sat up.

In fact, she has experienced more pain than this.

Compared with that experience, the gap between Coy and Penguin is like that.

"What are you doing!" Before the other two people could speak, Ethan began to scold her: "The injury is not fully healed yet, do you really want to get rid of the problem?"

Yuna gestured: "No. If it weren't for the amputated leg, I would I didn't bring it, but it can connect my legs."

She smiled, with a hint of sarcasm in her smile: "My ability has helped me get through countless dead ends."

Steve fell silent. , he always felt that Yuna did not like this ability as she said.

"OK, you can sleep again. Tony, captain, let's go out."

Steve rubbed Yuna's head, comforted her silently, and walked out of the ward. He was considerate and did not want to increase the psychological burden on the little girl.

Besides, there is still a black widow to deal with outside, and the issue of the little girl also needs to be discussed in detail.

After all, her identity is unknown. No matter how much Steve sympathizes with a child, as Captain America, he must be more fully prepared.

Tony refused directly: "I want to watch her."

Ethan said helplessly: "Even if you watch her, she will still be gone. Didn't you just contact Xavier? Come out and prepare first. Let's receive guests later."

"Yuna, you...do you have anything else to ask?"

He looked at the girl, her profile was hidden under her hair, and her eyes were as dark as the deep sea. . She tried sign language again, but it made people feel that the movement was extremely light, and it was like a stone weighing on her heart, so she couldn't breathe.

"My leg...is gone, right?"

The whole room suddenly fell into dead silence.

What she meant was that there was no hope.

Ethan felt his throat was dry, and his words were hoarse: "... Some top biologists are studying topics such as the regeneration of severed limbs, and they even have semi-finished products." "But it can't be put to use now

. She

looked unusually calm and indifferent: "It doesn't matter, I broke my leg myself, and I expected this result. I can accept it."

- "I broke my leg myself."

Both of them were shocked for a moment.

...What happened to her? !

That's...that's attacking a part of one's body! If she was not forced to a certain level, even if there was any other, better way, she would not choose to break her legs to survive!

Tony gritted his teeth: "Okay, now you can tell me who those people who harmed you are, right?"

If he doesn't blast them, his surname will not be Stark!

Yuna raised her eyes, and unexpectedly reached out her hand to poke the other person's forehead, showing an innocent and gentle smile.

Stark: "..."

Anyone who sees this smile will not feel how wronged she has been, but will feel better all of a sudden.

What a hell.

——This girl used this trick again, trying to pass the test in a cute way.

Yuna moved her arms, then pulled away the quilt and looked at her left leg.

Ethan has been temporarily fitted with a prosthetic leg, which makes it look more bearable.

She couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

However, Ethan and Tony here already felt suffocated.

Voiceless, disabled.

Can the world stop putting all its malice on a six-year-old girl? !

Tony stood up and said, "I'll go outside and you can have a good rest."

If he stayed any longer, he would go crazy.

Yuna may not have noticed how oppressive and dull the aura surrounding her now was.


The sound of a sharp weapon entering flesh made Tony pause.

Ethan's exclamation came to his ears.

He turned his head and saw a dazed expression on the girl's face. She lowered her head and stared at her pierced heart.

Blood spattered on the white wall, and the thing that penetrated her chest was as invisible and soundless as air.

She began to tremble violently, as if she had foreseen something. Her eyes were quickly covered by fear, and even her belief in never giving up was smeared with despair.

The piercing alarm sound of the instrument brought Tony back to his sanity. He looked at this scene with splitting eyes. He stretched out his hand to support the shaky girl. The next moment, he saw - her limbs were moving

in a way that he absolutely could not. The speed of reaction was ripped off.

It's like a wild beast biting its prey, cruel and bloody.

Tony Stark will never forget this scene.


In the evening, Charles Xavier received Tony's call and immediately planned to leave for Tony's villa.

Fortunately, he was not far from the battlefield at the time. Even if it took time to appease the frightened people and organize the new mutants who would take the lead in this war, he would not be rude by making the other party wait too long.

He also knew a thing or two about Yuna, after all, it was really not a secret. So he speeded up as much as possible and rushed to his destination.

The moment he arrived, something strange made his eyebrows jump, and a bad premonition came to his mind. He immediately activated his abilities as quickly as possible, using an absolutely powerful method to prevent the stranger's mental collapse.

With Quicksilver's speed, Xavier saw blood all over the room as soon as he entered the door.

"Oh my God, what happened here?" Quicksilver froze.

"Tony, Ethan, calm down first. Something is wrong with her, but she shouldn't be hurt now," Professor "This is more like a power riot than an invisible enemy."

Because of the movement in the room, Natasha and Steve were also present, making the originally spacious treatment room seem a bit cramped. They all tensed their bodies, staring at the mutilated human body on the bed without blinking, and even assumed an attack stance the moment Xavier appeared.

After Xavier explained aloud, he moved his gaze to the center of the storm and used gentle mental power to comfort him.

Sure enough, the trembling on her body gradually subsided, and even the gap in her heart and torn limbs recovered in an instant. If the blood on the wall hadn't confirmed that all of this had happened, people would have thought that the tragedy just now was all an illusion.

Xavier put her into a deep sleep and said, "Let's go out and talk."

The door to the treatment room was closed.

Tony's remaining palpitations had not disappeared, and his tone was not very good after such a sudden change: "What happened to her?"

He and Charles Xavier knew each other before becoming Iron Man, so Professor X, who knew his temper, was also unambiguous. : "It has something to do with her ability. Her mental stimulation causes her ability to riot, so I can use telepathy to stop the riot."

Mental stimulation.

Even if you say you don't care, no normal person would be indifferent to what happened to you.

Xavier understands this feeling, but this is clearly not the case.

He continued: "However, what I felt was different from what I imagined." "

Although she was silent about losing a leg, her reaction was calm and rational. She had already considered the consequences and was more willing to bear the consequences. Afterwards, you can prepare for and plan your next life without losing your temper."

At this age, this alone was enough to make Xavier like her.

"Her emotions were more inclined to... fear and despair."

The will to survive and the belief to overcome everything suffered a near-fatal and inescapable blow.

"Everything we just saw should have really happened."

Xavier said this, and even he felt cold.

How do you lose your humanity and treat your own kind like this? How many such scum are there in the world?

Even though he has seen a lot, Professor X, who has always been tolerant and gentle, still cannot accept it.

"Everyone has worked hard. It won't be too late to discuss this matter tomorrow. I will join you. It's already very late, so let's go and rest first."

Steve wanted to go back to his apartment, but now this In this situation, it was obviously better to wait close by, so I agreed. Natasha was ready to get to know Yuna well and had no objections.

Natasha agreed, and Hawkeye nodded, feeling very sorry for the child, and there was a fire in her heart with no place to vent.

Tony Stark took a deep breath, trembling and rubbing the bright red on his fingertips: "Old Jia, arrange a place for them. In addition, everything will be postponed tomorrow."

"Okay, sir."

Elegant British accent Ring at the right time.

Jar projected a floor plan in the air, planning each person's room, and also gave guests a simple understanding of the structure of the villa: "I wish you all a sweet dream."