
Mirror: Ancient god of Mirrors

The Earth lay in a state of formlessness, devoid of power and life. It was a desolate realm, lacking even the concept of reality. The world existed as an expanse of emptiness, an endless void and space where nothing could dwell. For thousands of years, time flowed swiftly, yet the Earth remained unchanged. It seemed as though it was cursed by time itself, trapped in a stagnant existence akin to an ancient vessel. But then, from the depths of cryostasis, someone awakened. An ancient aura descended upon the Earth, instantly overwhelming everything within its reach. Though there was nothing within the void, it began to split and crack under the weight of this indomitable force. The darkness in the sky churned and swirled in response to the unbearable aura emanating from the mysterious figure. Standing amidst the vastness of outer space, the man gazed upon the planet of blackness. The darkness that enshrouded the Earth was oppressive and stifling. Change was necessary, something needed to shift. This being was short in stature but possessed a muscular build, and had a face concealed by thick darkness. His visage was hidden, for anyone who beheld it would be consumed by the truth of his being. But there was no one to witness it. The universe appeared to be in a state of laxity, with no external force capable of altering this fact. And then, with a sweeping motion of his hands, the void and space were torn asunder. A formidable shockwave rippled through the fabric of existence, dividing the waters that had compressed into a single form. It became evident that this seemingly boundless water had been compressed in such a manner. However, every power has its limits, and it was possible that the waters were truly bottomless. Yet, the man's power concealed that fact. Swirling black tendrils streaked across the expanse, severing the darkness and reducing the endless abyss to a sky pit. The sky pit, a supernatural realm, devoured anything that ventured into its depths, condemning it to eternal loss. As land emerged, celestial bodies materialized out of the blue. The sun, the moon, and other planets revealed themselves. The being did not create them; these celestial entities had been concealed, only to be unveiled by the manifestation of his mighty powers. The sun cast its radiant light upon the newly formed planet. And as the planet took shape, life mysteriously appeared. Plants, animals, and eventually humans came into existence. Once again, the being ventured into outer space. He unleashed his powers, creating a formless energy known as "Mirror," which flooded into the sky pit. The Mirror energy possessed reflective properties, harking back to the days of the gods when the being himself had been an unrivaled, peerless youth. He had the ability to create Mirror energy, and those who absorbed it could reflect their own powers back upon themselves. Mirror was the miracle of the universe. From Mirror energy, he bestowed unique Aspect abilities. Fourteen ranks were meant to be unlocked, but only seven were unlocked by the most individuals. Upon inheriting the Mirror energy, they became Seekers. Their souls were engraved upon reflecting mirrors, rendering them immune to the corruption that could potentially invade their beings.

Peterson_89 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

A Sinister man

Chapter 9— A Sinister Man

Rex and Jake stood, their both expressions already dampened by the truth that was right before them.

The defilement which of course is slowly spreading right within their apartment was devouring... consuming and eroding everything around.

It was as though, this defilement carried a whirlpool of time that caused everything within it's wake to age instantly.

In the next two seconds, Jake's new apartment had turned into a medieval wooden house.

It was looking so ancient and dilapidated, Jake couldn't believe that it was already ruined so soon.

It was all just for Rex, his overwhelming Nexus soul.

For a minute, Jake couldn't help but blame Rex for everything.

The death of his own family was all for Rex's Nexus soul.

The death of Rex's own parents... Was all for one damn Nexus soul.

The worry, the heartache that he was always used to feeling every time Rex gets kidnapped or beaten... was just all for one Nexus soul.

Jake immediately gritted his teeth in anger as he unleashed his aspect abilities, Soul gauge... instantly manifesting lines and runes that became a gargantuan fortress.

"Who are you? Why are you here? Come out this instant!"

Jake screamed, blasting his apartment with the illusionary fortress which howled in powerless rage.

Rex kept staring at Jake's frustrated expression and couldn't help but sigh. This was just because of him.

Rex understood that Jake was never blood related to him, but...

Jake had always treated him as his kid brother and was ready to take his side, no matter who was right or wrong.

Rex shouldn't be saddened if Jake decides to turn against him... because it wouldn't even take long, Jake will become fed up.

"Jake... I'm sorry. It's all because of me." Rex instantly blurted out causing a flood of guilt to wash over Jake.

His only response was a slight ruffle of his silver hair and he resumed screaming at the blacklessness that was insistently spreading out within his apartment.

Suddenly, this strange blackness twisted and vanished within a blink of an eye and what was left behind was a, dilapidated house, but...

There was a sinister looking man standing just in front of the door with a wry smile on his face.

His stature... his height... his looks.

He was very young, absolutely twenty or twenty-one, twenty-two years... thereabout.

His raven black hair was neatly trimmed which matched the handsome and polished alabaster skinned look on his face.

He was the Supreme Druid.

The very one who's soul has been defiled. The very one who needed Rex's Nexus soul for his cleansing.

Jake shivered seeing the young man.

Jake was stunned to realize that he was older than him and this young lad was already a Supreme Druid while he was at his peak in the Legion realm which means... he should be breaking through the Enlister Realm very soon.

"I need the boy."

The young man said with a slight chuckle.

Rex immediately gulped.

Jake was stubborn. He wouldn't just release Rex because he was asked to. Never!

The Supreme Druid smiled and said with an enigmatic attitude.

"Before I strike, let me introduce myself. My name is Sunny. From Valerie. But I recently got my green card to dwell within Texas. So, how's that?"

"How old are you?"

Sunny smiled.

"Twenty-one years! Are you surprised? Don't be. You must have understood what had happened to your home... That's my version of the Time storm. I had taken it to the nearby future where even the current century became an ancient age. I can also freeze time that it can ends up giving you all the time in the world to practice, to train... grow your strength and surprise the universe. I am currently the youngest Supreme Druid."

Jake let out a sigh.

That was true. One that controls the influence of time, would obviously have all the time in the world. It had taken Jake ten years to increase from the Mage Realm and become a peak Legion.

These two energy levels seem versatile and therefore, difficult to complete it's cycle. But ten years had been all he needed... still, it was never enough.

"I need the boy. If you refuse, you leave me no choice but to attack."

Jake exhales softly.

Rex was his family, even though not related by blood. He cannot just hand him over.

So, angrily a mountainous shield was formed from mirror energy who's prowess howled with impunity, but when he blasted forward, all Sunny needed to do was to release two fingers.

And instantly, a terrifying might shattered this materialized mountain.

A chill slowly crawled through their spine in an instant when Sunny vanished from their vision only for a swirling darkness to emerge.

This time around, it held nothing back.

Jake and Rex screamed when a mighty whirlpool surrounded them, causing wind and stone to rain down at them, forming the shapes of countless weapons.

Two large asteroids flew towards Jake and Rex... Jake could only manage one of it so he became worried that Rex might die in the exchange.

But suddenly, Jake's eyes widened when Rex blasted these asteroids with an unreserved ease.

Meanwhile, to Rex, the System was already giving him out his daily tasks.

These tasks were generated considering the surrounding area of the host and since they were trapped within falling rocks that forms weapons, it's tasks changed too.

In that blacklessness, Rex and Jake didn't know how many days had passed. It was as though the Supreme Druid was controlling time at a super fast speed meanwhile, it felt like only a minute had only passed. Rex could no longer count how many daily tasks that he had taken from the system and it caused him to worry.

He was stuck within a Time storm, not exactly knowing what day it is and eventually, it would become too late to find a solution.

Now, they need to get out of it.

Meanwhile, within that period.... Jake was wondering if Rex had awakened his powers.

But, no... his powers had actually been rudely awakened... but somehow, it was controlled. So, exactly how did Rex become powerful?

There was no answer to his questions.

He could neither ask Rex for fear that they would both be killed if not careful.

"Jake, what do we do to get out of this?"

Jake was already rendered speechless. What would he come up with? Which idea did he think he'd give that would work anyways? Nothing!

Besides, his ideas can never surpass the powers of a Supreme Druid.

Supreme Druids we're said to possess unique aspects.

When Sunny had been a Seeker, he got an aspect that was related to time.

He was able to make time come to a standstill for a while. He was able to lure one into a time prison.

Then, when he became a Mage, his aspect improved giving him the privilege to spread this time around that causes him to erode space with it.

Then in the Legion realm, he was blessed with the Time storm that could confuse the mental state of anyone trapped within.

The Enlister Realm gave him the ability to create a terrifying whirlpool with the time storm.

The Hercules Realm gave him palpable visions on how to perfectly perceive the present, future and the past.

The Envoy realm instantly gave him the ability to peer through time, the future, the present and the past. He was able to go into one of it and lastly, the Supreme Druid realm allowed him to alter the universe with his time aspect.

All aspect ability can be improved within each realms. But Sunny's own was considered the most deadliest of them all and Jake couldn't think of a way to counter a time aspect.

The only way out now was...

To escape it.