
MHA; The Gomu Gomu Boy

It all started when he noticed something shining in the waters of the beach, and found a strange-looking fruit with a bad taste. Then everything started to take a different turn. The rubber boy had registered his entry into the world of My Hero Academia. ~More Chapters; patreon.com/Ayaka0

Ayaka0 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

What Will You Do Now?

### Chapter Five: What Will You Do Now?

The final bell rang, signaling the end of the last class of the day. Yahari Kyoujiro packed his bag and was ready to head home as usual. As he walked towards the classroom door, Hina called out, "Do you want to walk together?"

Without breaking his stride, Yahari replied, "Have we ever done that before?"

Hina quickly caught up with him and began walking by his side, saying, "That's why I'm asking for the first time."

"I'm not sure I want to accompany someone as popular as you among the boys."

His cold way of speaking made Hina feel a bit annoyed, but her demeanor remained calm as she responded, "Are you saying my presence is unwanted?"

"Not exactly."

"Then it's fine."

Silence enveloped the hallway. The soft sounds of their footsteps echoed through the corridor, mingling with the distant chatter of other students. The sun was setting, casting a warm glow through the windows and creating long shadows on the floor. The air was filled with a mix of excitement and exhaustion as students wrapped up their day.

Hina broke the silence, "Rumors spread quickly about a third-year student awakening his quirk today. Some are buying it, but most say it's impossible. What kind of quirk is it?"

Yahari looked at his palm and said calmly, "My body feels incredibly light and flexible, as if I have no bones. In short, I feel like I'm made of rubber."

Intrigued, Hina reached out and pulled one of Yahari's fingers, stretching it about a foot. "You're right; it does seem like your body is entirely rubbery."

As his finger snapped back to its normal length, Yahari continued walking, "I wish I had a different quirk. What am I supposed to do with stretchy limbs? This won't get me anywhere."

Hina placed a hand on her chin thoughtfully, "The impressive thing is that both your parents are quirkless. How did you get a quirk then? Could it be the genes from your grandparents?"

"I don't care either way. With this quirk, I'll be nothing more than a punching bag for those with real talents."

Surprised, Hina asked, "Real talents? Yahari, you can't be thinking of..."

Yahari looked at Hina seriously, his tone calm, "Do you think I'm unfit for it?"

Hina was momentarily taken aback, then a bright smile spread across her face, her white teeth shining, her silky blue hair and ocean-blue eyes sparkling as she looked up, "No, I think you're perfectly fit for it. It's good that you're considering going to such a place. But..."


Hina stopped walking and looked down, "Going to U.A. High means we won't be in the same high school. This is the end of the road, isn't it?"

Yahari remained silent for a few seconds, then smiled. When Hina asked why he was smiling, he said, "There's nothing you need to worry about. I'll come back to you as soon as I become a professional hero. Can you wait until then?"

A smile reappeared on Hina's face, "Then I have no choice but to wait."

They exchanged smiles and left the school. On the sidewalk, Yahari said, "I didn't think you'd be bothered by being away from me. I thought I'd be the only one upset in this situation."

"I'm not sure if it will be bothersome or not, but I can feel that I don't want it to happen. What will you do now? How do you plan to pass the entrance exam? You know the U.A. Academy entrance exam is about nine months away, but it's also a tough one. I'm not confident you'll be able to pass it with your current level."

Yahari raised his head to the sky, "You're right, I don't really know, but I need to work on developing this quirk. It's the only way."

As Yahari walked home, the streets grew quieter, with the setting sun casting long shadows over the suburban landscape. The gentle rustle of leaves in the evening breeze and the distant sounds of children playing added a tranquil backdrop to his contemplative mood.

Upon arriving home, Yahari opened the door and stepped inside. The familiar scent of dinner cooking filled the air, and he could hear the muffled sounds of his parents talking in the living room. He removed his shoes and walked towards the living room, where his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kyoujiro, were seated.

His father, a man with black hair and matching eyes, wearing glasses, looked up from his newspaper. His mother, with her pink hair and blue eyes, was setting the table for dinner. They both turned their attention to Yahari as he entered.

"Welcome home, Yahari," his mother greeted with a warm smile.

Yahari took a deep breath and said, "Mom, Dad, I need to tell you something."

The sudden seriousness in his voice made his parents exchange worried glances. "What is it, son?" his father asked, putting down the newspaper.

Yahari looked at them both, feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement, "Today, I discovered I have a quirk."

His parents' eyes widened in shock. His mother dropped the plate she was holding, and his father's glasses slipped down his nose as he stared at Yahari in disbelief.

"A quirk?" his mother finally managed to say. "But how? Neither of us has a quirk. This is...unexpected."

His father regained his composure and said, "Tell us everything, Yahari."

Yahari explained the events of the day, from the incident with the car to his confrontation with Raizo and the realization of his newfound abilities. His parents listened intently, their expressions a mixture of awe and concern.

When Yahari finished, his father said thoughtfully, "This is indeed surprising. We never imagined you'd awaken a quirk, especially at this age. But we need to understand this better."

His mother nodded, "Yes, we should consult someone who might have more insight into this."

His father then said, "Yahari, we'll take you to visit your grandfather this weekend. He lives in the countryside, and he might be able to help us understand more about your quirk."

Yahari nodded, feeling a sense of relief that his parents were taking this seriously and willing to help him navigate this new chapter of his life. "Okay, I'll be ready."

As the family settled down for dinner, Yahari's mind buzzed with thoughts about the future. He knew that developing his quirk would be a challenge, but with the support of his family and his determination, he felt ready to face whatever lay ahead.

Thus ended the day, with Yahari looking forward to the weekend trip to his grandfather's place, hoping it would provide the answers he needed.

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