
MHA; The Gomu Gomu Boy

It all started when he noticed something shining in the waters of the beach, and found a strange-looking fruit with a bad taste. Then everything started to take a different turn. The rubber boy had registered his entry into the world of My Hero Academia. ~More Chapters; patreon.com/Ayaka0

Ayaka0 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

The Grandfather

### Chapter Six: The Grandfather

Yahari Kyoujiro gazed out of the car window, watching the clouds lazily drift across the sky. The car wound its way through a lush, green mountain path, the thick canopy of trees above creating a serene tunnel of leaves. Sunlight filtered through the branches, casting dappled patterns on the road. The air was crisp and fresh, filled with the earthy scent of pine and the distant chirping of birds.

As they continued their journey, Yahari's father, Subaru, broke the silence. "We're almost there. He probably heard the car by now."

Suddenly, a flock of birds took flight from the trees, startled by the sound of the approaching vehicle. The scene outside was picturesque: towering trees with trunks covered in moss, a narrow dirt path winding through the forest, and a large, rustic log cabin nestled in a clearing up ahead. The cabin exuded an old-world charm, its wooden structure blending seamlessly with the natural surroundings.

Yahari and his parents stepped out of the car, their feet crunching on the gravel driveway. They walked towards the cabin's front door, each step echoing in the quiet forest. As they reached the door, Subaru knocked on the large, wooden door.

A moment later, the door swung open to reveal a tall man with a long, white beard and a serious expression. He had a broad, muscular frame and carried an axe slung over his shoulder.

"Who goes there?" the man asked, his voice gruff and commanding.

"It's me, Subaru," replied Yahari's father. "Has your eyesight gotten that bad, old man?"

Recognition dawned on the grandfather's face, and his stern demeanor melted away. He dropped the axe to the ground and enveloped his son in a bear hug. "Subaru, you rascal! It's been too long!"

Subaru laughed, patting his father's back. "Work's kept me busy, Dad."

The grandfather then turned his attention to Yahari's mother, his expression softening as he greeted her warmly. "And how is my lovely daughter-in-law?"

"I'm well, thank you," she replied with a smile.

Finally, the grandfather looked at Yahari, his eyes lighting up with joy. "And this must be Yahari. Look at you, you've grown into a fine young man! But wait, you seem lighter than I remember. Are you not eating well?"

Both parents were astonished by the grandfather's keen observation. Subaru cleared his throat and said, "That's actually one of the reasons we came to see you."

The grandfather's brow furrowed with concern as he glanced back at Yahari. "Don't tell me Yahari is seriously ill..."

Subaru quickly reassured him, "No, no, he's fine. It's a bit more complicated than that. We'll explain everything inside."

The grandfather nodded, placing Yahari back on the ground. "Alright then, let's get inside. I'll make us some tea."

"I'll help with that," Yahari's mother offered, following the grandfather inside.

The living room of the cabin was cozy and inviting, furnished with simple yet comfortable pieces. A large, stone fireplace dominated one wall, with a fire crackling merrily within. The wooden floors were adorned with handmade rugs, and the walls were lined with bookshelves filled with old tomes and family photographs. The aroma of fresh tea soon filled the room as everyone settled into their seats.

After pouring tea for everyone, the grandfather took a seat and said, "Alright, let's hear it. Yahari awakened his quirk unexpectedly last week, you say? He noticed it when a car hit him while he was trying to save a cat?"

"Exactly," Subaru confirmed.

The grandfather turned his gaze to Yahari, curiosity and concern evident in his eyes. "A rubber body, you say... Unfortunately, no one in our family has such a quirk. It's a foreign ability. Did anything unusual happen before this quirk appeared?"

Yahari thought back and answered calmly, "I found a strange fruit in the sea, by the shore. It tasted awful."

"A sea fruit?" Yahari's mother asked, puzzled. "Is there even such a thing?"

The room fell silent as they pondered the possibility. Finally, Subaru spoke up, "In any case, Yahari, you should keep this story to yourself. We don't want you becoming a test subject. You're probably the only one who has awakened his quirk at this age. So, keep it a secret. Now, what do you plan to do next?"

"I intend to pass the entrance exam for U.A. Academy," Yahari stated quietly.

The grandfather nodded thoughtfully. "I expected as much. The fact that you jumped to save a cat means you're inclined to save people too."

Subaru was surprised. "U.A. Academy? But he's still weak. How will he get in?"

A serious expression settled on the grandfather's face. "Bring him to me during every school break and on weekends. He has nine months before the exam. I'll make sure he's strong enough by then."

The scene shifted to Yahari bidding farewell to his parents. They would return home while he stayed for two days with his grandfather. Yahari had no idea what kind of training awaited him, but he was determined to find out.

As the car drove away, Yahari stood next to his grandfather, feeling a mix of anticipation and apprehension. The old man placed a firm hand on his shoulder and said, "Yahari, you don't have any time to waste. We'll start your training right now."

Yahari nodded, determination shining in his eyes. The journey ahead was uncertain, but with his grandfather's guidance, he felt ready to face whatever challenges came his way.

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