
MHA: A Talented Hero

In a world where people's abilities and powers determine their place in society, an everyday teenager finds himself reincarnated with a weak Quirk, much like most individuals in this society. Though dissapointed he is not hopeless. With a minimalist System shaped of a strange quirk that allows him to rearrange his own talents, Thaumiel sets out on a path to become an all-powerful genius. Though he is bound to encounter obstacles and setbacks along the way, his determination and perseverance will overcome them. Every adventure involves a journey, and Thaumiel is ready to embrace his. —--------------------------------------------------- This is my first work so to speak and I’m writing it out of a hobby. So try to not take this too seriously and don’t get too attached as it might get dropped at any moment, till then I shall strive for a chapter every day or more if I feel inspired! On a side note: Do not expect too much grammar wise and the Bookcape picture is one taken from the internet.

Sr_Extremis · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

‘Here we go again…’

"It really doesn't make any sense…"

Murmured a boy as he sat in a daze whule tightly holding a pair of building blocks in each of his currently small and slender hands.

Sitting rather quietly by himself amid a multite of other kids around the same age as himself wreacking 'chaos' around the room, the white haired boy stood in contrast while feeling deep confusion and attempting to stay calm, something that wasn't very easy at the moment.

After all, being able to keep calm was quite the task as he found himself to have gone from a 15 years old teen to a 4 years old child.

A conundrum that was more than a simple change of scenarios, and could even be described as a sort of nightmare like situation that escaped all realms known of common sense.

Even more complicated is he inexplicably had the brief memory of the current body 4 years of life shoved inside his head in one go making his mind all the more chaotic.

Still Thaumiel, who surprisingly had the same name in both past and current life, knew he couldn't let himself panic and should do his best to try and figure out the situation.

For starters he tried to recall as much as he could about how he had gotten 'here', yet the process was easier said than done.

As he recalled Thaumiel had just finished his part time job at a convenience store and returned home, he called for a taxi and took a brief nap since the trip would take a while, then…

'Right I remember hearing a loud honking noise… Was there an accident? did I die!?'

Finally with the lacking information a believable hypothesis came up. He had suffered a car accident. Most likely even died because of it.

'But it still doesn't explain how I ended up like this… it also doesn't explain this 'thing' as well.'

He mentally grumbled as he first looked down at his tiny hands in annoyance before looking back up toward the semi-transparent floating gray screen projection that apparentlyonly he could perceive.

Written in a fairly simplistic way he couldn't really pick many stuff and information from it except some stuff that just made him all the more confused.


Name: [Thaumiel Saintclair]


First Quirk: Talent Redistribution

Second Quirk: (Unawakened)

TTP(Transferable Talent Points): 0



'Saintclair? That's different… and quirks where have I heard that word before…'

It took a little bit for him to remember but with some desperate effort his young brain after fumbling for a while finally seemed to come up with an answer or rather a brief memory from his last life.

'Anime! That's right it's that word from that weird tik tok favorite anime!'

And with that discovered a new hypothesis quickly surged in his mind as the cloud of doubt obscuring the situation slowly cleared up.

By the looks of it… he most likely had indeed died while dowsing off on the taxi's backseat due to a car accident.

Then for some unknown reason he now had been stuffed inside the body of a 4 years old with the same name as him. 

In addition, by the looks of it he was no longer still in his previous world, no instead he was now in a weird and not very scientific accurate superpowered fictional, well no longer fictional I suppose, world!

'This… the hell I never actually took time to see that anime! Couldn't I have been sent to an anime where I actually knew the plot?... I guess there is no use complaining though.' 

Trying his best to once again calm his mood he could only sight, it was definitely no easy task to deal with the excited emotions of his current 4 years old self.

Still he forced himself to do so.

Then after putting down the building blocks in his hand Thaumiel started to pay more attention to his surroundings, or to be precise he took a look at the children around him.

'Hoe weird… How in the world can a kid have a neck twice as long as the rest of his body and have no problems walking and moving around or any pains whatsoever? Did the author never see a biology book in his life or something?'

With a simple look at his surroundings he was able to observe the kids around possessed various quirks, some very obvious like the long neck kid being one, while others showed it more subtly such as a little girl who possessed a very small horn hidden between her hair or a kiddo who had hands for feet.

'Okay I guess this does confirm it's a world with superpowers… then what's mine? No better yet who exactly am I?'

With his newfound understanding of the situation trying to find the most logical course of actions to solve his perilous confusion Thaumiel frowned in a manner much unfitting for his current young face.

Closing his eyes he tried hard to focus on the memories that had been stuffed inside his head and then selectively ignored him so as to not affect his thoughts.

Unsurprisingly as he carefully focused and went through it all there wasn't that much information, after all kids better remember stuff during the first few years of their life how much could such a child know?

Still he got a feel for his current identity.

Thaumiel Saintclair.

Born on 11 May at 22:12 with a small melanin deficiency condition giving him distinctive pale skin along with red eyes and white hair. He was currently under the guardianship of his auntie, his father's sister.

Not having yet 'awakened' his quirk although having been diagnosed as suspected of having one, Thaumiel was a relatively withdrawn and antisocial child with surprisingly little personality. 

Of course this trait was mostly due to his current situation. 

His current guardian and auntie, according to his brief memories, was a stoic and relatively unfeeling guardian.

Thus, although she offered great care and took note of all the child's necessities, she was rather lacking when it comes to interactions and bonding.

As for his 'parents'....

According to his memories, this child's parent's whereabouts were unknown and he had never ever seen or as much as heard of them as for as long as he could recall.

'...Seems complicated, but not the worst possible start. Well I guess this is my new life.'

Trying to implement a half full glass of water mentality upon his current situation after more or less understanding the current state of things Thaumiel let out a deep breath before once again reaching for the building blocks he had previously let go.

'Well guess here we go again.'

So have any ideas for the story future? Comment it, I could definetly use some creative aid here.

Sr_Extremiscreators' thoughts