
Men-beast bastard

So my idea is simple. Get Sett from LOL and slap him in to one piece. Enjoy

Gaspart · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
24 Chs


Sett's eyes widened as he absorbed the revelation.

Donquixote Doflamingo, a scion of the World Noble family. The family chose to forsake their exalted positions in the Tenryubito and started living with commoners.

The implications of such a decision were staggering, for the World Nobles held immense political power and were considered untouchable by ordinary folk.

"As you can imagine, when the ordinary folks get to know that those things were stripped from hey privilege, they decide to kill them. The Doflamingo survived. And from what I know, he even offered his father head in hopes of getting permission to return to the red line but returned empty-handed." The Stone's words hung in the air, revealing the harsh reality.

"It seems that Doflamingo's motivations extend beyond personal gain. I don't know his true motives, but it's good money" Stone admitted that this deal is a gamble. Gamble that he is ready to take. Sett's brow furrowed in contemplation as he mulled over the Stone's words. To work alongside him meant entering into a pact with uncertainty.

Yet, Sett couldn't deny the allure of the opportunity that lay before him. The Heavenly Tribute was a prize that could change his life forever.

Sett shook off his reservations with a heavy sigh and turned to face the Stone again. "You speak the truth, Stone. We may not know Doflamingo's true motivations, but the promise of substantial wealth is hard to ignore. If he is willing to pay a hefty sum for my skills, I shall lend him my strength."

The Stone nodded, a faint glimmer of concern flickering in his eyes. "I understand your pragmatism, Sett. But tread cautiously. Doflamingo is a master manipulator, but on the other hand, I don't believe he can allow himself to look bad in the underground by breaking his deal."

"You are right. It's hard enough to steal the tribute, not talking about double-crossing me." Sett commented. "Alright, I'll take it. Contact him like usual."

Stone nodded, his expression grave yet determined. "Very well, Sett. I will make the necessary arrangements and establish contact with Doflamingo."


As the moon cast its ethereal glow over the vast ocean, Sett stood on the cliff overlooking the shimmering waves. The plan to rob the Heavenly Tribute convoy had been carefully crafted, with every detail meticulously thought out.

The night was still and serene, a perfect cloak for his stealthy approach. He had spent countless hours studying the patterns and schedules of the Heavenly Tribute convoy, mapping out their movements with meticulous precision. Now, the time had come to put his plan into action.

Sett made his way down the cliffside, moving with the grace and agility of a predator stalking its prey. The night air whispered through his hair as he slipped into the shadows, his presence masked by the darkness. His mind was focused, and his senses heightened as he navigated the treacherous terrain toward the port.

As he reached the edge of the port, Sett's eyes scanned the area, searching for any signs of guards or potential obstacles. The coast appeared clear, but he knew better than to let his guard down.

Sett approached the massive ship that housed the Heavenly Tribute convoy, his footsteps barely audible against the wooden planks beneath him. His heart raced with adrenaline as he reached the side of the ship, searching for a way to gain entry. With a swift and calculated move, he found a hidden hatch, leading him into the depths of the vessel.

The ship's interior was shrouded in darkness, the only light filtering through narrow cracks and keyholes. Sett relied on his keen senses and honed instincts to navigate the labyrinthine corridors. His steps were silent as a ghost. He moved with the precision and stealth of a trained assassin, avoiding potential pitfalls that could compromise his mission.

As he crept deeper into the ship, Sett could hear the faint murmurs and whispers of the crew members. He knew that time was of the essence, for any delay could result in the discovery of his presence. His heart pounded in his chest, each beat echoing with the weight of the task at hand.

His goal was to replace the Internal Log Pose of the Sabaody Archipelago, a vital navigational tool used by the convoy. With his own modified Log Pose in hand, Sett swiftly located the device and expertly swapped it with his counterfeit, one that would lead them astray.

As he completed the task, a sense of satisfaction washed over Sett. He knew that this small act would have significant repercussions. The convoy, now relying on faulty navigation, would be thrown off course, buying valuable time for Doflamingo's crew to execute their plans.

Sett concealed himself in a hidden nook on the ship, patiently awaiting the moment the convoy set sail. As the ship began to move, Sett's senses sharpened, scanning the crew members, studying their every move, and searching for any signs of danger or individuals who posed a threat.

He observed their body language, interactions, and how they carried themselves. His Observation Haki used to detect the slightest nuances that could reveal a person's true intentions.

Among the crew, Sett noticed a few individuals who stood out from the rest. In contrast to the World Government agents who only radiated the aura of confidence without the unce of strength, their demeanor exuded confidence and a certain air of ruthlessness. They were battle-hardened.

Sett recognized them as the hidden guards of the convoy.

As he continued his observations, Sett's keen senses picked up on subtle clues, the flicker of a hidden weapon, the tightening of a fist. He saw through their facades, sensing the underlying currents of aggression and violence that flowed within them. These were the ones he needed to watch closely, for their actions could disrupt the delicate balance of the upcoming battle.

With each passing moment, his anticipation grew. The stage was set, the players were in position, and Sett was ready to move. The battle would soon begin.