
MCU: The Heavenly Yaksha (A Non-Harem FanFic)

Tom was your normal average unemployed guy, whose life completely changed due to a sudden survey. Watch as he rises as a great man known as The Heavenly Yaksha in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. |-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_| -This is my 3rd book so please be gentle with me. -English is not my first language. -Leave some honest reviews, please. -There will be some random movies added in that won't interfere too much on the MCU plot, so beware. My update schedule will be 5 chapters a week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Tags: -NoHarem -SlightlyStrongMC -SlightRomance -SlowPaced You can visit my Patreon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. www.patreon.com/SlimeSage *Cover is not mine, I just found it in Pinterest.* *I only own my OC*

SlimeSage · Movies
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158 Chs

Ch. 127 - Eternals vs Rip-off Superman

After 24 hours, Doflamingo received another report from the CP0.

It looks like Doflamingo's hunch was correct as Sersi and the others have gathered and decided to stop Tiamut's awakening. However, they would have to face Ikaris for that, which is the reason why they all gathered together.

This time though, Doflamingo is a hundred percent confident that Ikaris wouldn't win as Gilgamesh is alive and well.

Just so you know, Gilgamesh could bitch-slap those Deviants, something that even Ikaris couldn't do. Which shows how strong Gilgamesh is when it comes to strength.

"Now, should I interfere or not? If I interfere and stop Tiamut's awakening along with them, then I would gain a bunch of Eternal friends, which is no doubt, valuable. However, there's a chance that Arishem might see me as a threat and I'm not confident in facing a Celestial yet, unless I master the Ring of Authority." Doflamingo started making plans by himself.

It took several minutes before he finally decided.

"Fuck it. There will be a day when me and the Celestials would someday become enemies, so there's no point in delaying the inevitable." After sealing the decision, Doflamingo opened a portal and arrived exactly at the location where Tiamut's awakening will transpire.

Doflamingo's senses went all time high and covered up the entire island. Thanks to the Ring of Power, his Observation Haki was already at its peak as Doflamingo could see almost 15 seconds into the future, which is so overpowered.

This ability will be very crucial in tough fights and will definitely help you flip the tables if you're at the disadvantage.

Back to the Island. After covering the entire island with his Observation Haki, Doflamingo could see every nook and cranny of the island, even the smallest fly cannot escape under his senses.

'I wonder if my Observation Haki continued to improve, I might even be able to see the atoms and such.' Doflamingo placed his finger under his chin and wandered in amusement.

It didn't take a few minutes before he sensed a large spaceship arriving near the island.

At the same time, Ikaris has been following the spaceship, so he also arrived at the same time.

"I'll interfere later. Might as well get popcorn to enjoy the show." Doflamingo said while sitting on the nearby rock.


"You can't stop me." Barging inside the ship, Ikaris was met with Thena and Gilgamesh, who has been clearly waiting and expecting his arrival.

"Not unless we try." Thena answered with a smirk before conjuring a sword and a round shield with her cosmic energy, which is the energy that all eternals can use and what makes them come to life.

"Tiamut's awakening is inevitable." Ikaris replied back before launching a laser beam towards Thena.

Thena used the shield to deflect the beams, redirecting them towards the walls of the spaceship, slightly scarring them on the process.

Meanwhile, Gilgamesh managed to sneak behind Ikaris and gave him a bitch-slap.


Ikaris's entire body was blown away in the air, however Ikaris is capable of flying so he didn't collide in the walls and managed to stabilize himself in the air.

"That's cheating." Gilgamesh muttered and prepared another slap when Ikaris's laser beams were released on him.

"Those are deadly." Gilgamesh muttered again as Thena arrived in front of him, using the shield to deflect Ikaris's laser beams.

"Get behind him again and I'll fight him off. You're strong but you're slow, so you can't fight him one on one." Thena said to him and Gilgamesh couldn't agree more. He is indeed stronger than Ikaris however, Ikaris is not only capable of flying but Gilgamesh and slow while Ikaris is very fast, especially in the air.

"Raaarrgghh!" After the laser beams dissipated, Thena immediately launched her own counter attack by jumping in the air and tried slashing Ikaris with her sword.


However, Ikaris's reaction time was fast, so he managed to dodge the sword, making the sword stab the walls instead.

"Hah!" Already expecting this, Thena changed the structure of her shield and changed it to a long sword, which she immediately tried to stab Ikaris with.

Fortunately, Ikaris wasn't expecting this so he got only a little time to dodge, stabbing him on his shoulder.

"Okay, that's enou-!" Just when Ikaris was about to get serious, he suddenly felt pain in his cheek and before he knew it, he was already deep within the walls.

"Well that was easy. It's just like swatting a mosquito." Gilgamesh patted his hands and said.

"You just insulted him." Thena looked speechless when she heard Gilgamesh's words.

"Really? I did? I didn't mean it as an insult though." Gilgamesh answered as Ikaris was already out of the walls and this time, his face shows how he is feeling right now.



Ikaris's laser beams suddenly got faster and before Gilgamesh could react, he was hit on the chest.

"Gilgamesh!" Thena worriedly called out to him however, Ikaris was already on her. Grabbing her on the neck, Ikaris used his flight ability to drag Thena and pierced through the walls until they were finally out of the spaceship, being basked by the sun.

Ikaris kept on flying high and high until he reached past the clouds.

"I'm sorry." Ikaris muttered to her while Thena was left defenceless as Ikaris released his grip over her.

He's not sure whether she could survive or not but he doesn't care, this'll give him enough time to stop the others from making a mistake.


Meanwhile, back on the island, Doflamingo was chilling on the rock when he suddenly saw how Ikaris flew high up in the air with Thena on his hold.

He also saw how he just casually dropped her off before flying on the island, probably about to confront Sersi and the rest of the Eternals.

However, Doflamingo's focus was on Thena who is about to fall on the sea.

Deciding that this might be the right time for him to become a knight in shining armor, Doflamingo opened a portal in the direction where Thena was falling.

As she passed through the portal, Thena suddenly felt a hand holding her by her armor.

"What?" Earlier while she was falling, Thena was almost close to accepting her faith when she suddenly felt a sudden change in the environment, especially when she felt a hand in her armor.

"W-who are you!" As she looked at her benefactor, she saw a beautiful looking blonde haired guy, who was looking at her in an unknown emotion.

Although he is handsome to her eyes, Thena isn't someone who is basing someone's personality through their appearance. Just like the old quote, 'Don't Judge The Book By It's Cover.'

"My name is Doffy. You are?" Doflamingo introduced himself first before asking her back.

"Thena. Can you put me down now?" Thena felt like she was being humiliated by being held through her armor.

"Oh, okay." Doflamingo dropped her as Thena stood by herself when they both suddenly heard a booming sound coming from the sky.

"Hm?" When Thena and Doflamingo turned their attention to the sound, something or someone suddenly fell from the sky and landed on the ground in front of them, forming a cloud of dust.

After the dust settled, it reveals Gilgamesh who has jumped off from the spaceship and landed on the island.

"Thena! Are you okay?" After landing, Gilgamesh immediately asked Thena in concern.

"I'm fine, I was saved by Doflamingo." Thena answered while gesturing Doflamingo with her head.


"Ikaris, you need to stop! There's no point in this!" Sersi shouted in worry as Ikaris surprisingly managed to defeat Makkari, despite ther speed gap.

"You don't understand, Sersi. Ajax has been thinking of disobeying our creators. Which is why I killed her. I don't want to do the same to you, so you're the one who needs to stop." Ikaris answered as Sersi was once again reminded by her mentor's death and the one who killed her was none other than her ex-husband.

It pains her just by thinking about it.

"This wasn't the mission given to us." Phastos answered, he has already formed her own family on this planet and he won't let anyone, even his own creator, destroy what he has built.

"I'm sorry. But you can't change me." Ikaris said before starting the fight between them.

At first, Phastos and Ikaris both fought using their own specialties. Thanks to Phastos's intelligence and battle IQ, he managed to put Ikaris on hold.

"You lost, Ikaris. Surrender, you could still help us." Phastos arrived in front of him and said, trying to convince him.

"Let me go, Phastos." Ikaris's face was shuddering in anger as Phastos slowly backed off.

"Stay put, Ikaris. Don't do anything that you will regret." Seeing that Ikaris was slowly losing himself by his own anger, Sersi tried to calm him down.

"I Said Let Me Go!" With a loud growl, Ikaris's eyes glowed intensely, before firing a set of laser beams that blew Phastos away, making him stop in the middle of the sea and fall off, slowly sinking into the waters.

"Phastos, no! Sprite, try to get him!" Sersi yelled in shock and pain.

"I'm almost done." Druig, who has been focusing on putting Tiamut to sleep, was almost done, so he announced however, this announcement became his doom.

"I'm sorry Druig." Sprite got close to him as she apologized.

"Sorry? Sorry for what?" Just when Druig was confused, he suddenly felt a sharp stinging pain on his abdomen.




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