
Mate Over Time

Hundred years have passed after the large-scale massacre in the Monster Tribe and only two people survived in that very night. A man is born to be an alpha and a hybrid illegitimate child whose fate is unpredictable. A woman who is as warm as the sun dies in the hands of the Alpha's tyrant father, that made him feel miserable which resulted for another large-scale killing spree as an offering for his dead mate. After hundred of years, a woman who looked exactly like the Alpha's dead mate is born with powers that rival the 'Power of Impurity'. And after that very sight, everything turned into a new cycle of a chaotic history and the only thing that can stop this phenomenon is the mystery of this woman's birth. How will the mysterious woman stop the insane alpha who is still indulged to his dead mate? What will be her role in this story as the one and only Saintess?

AshLhie20 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


The next morning.

Everything is so foreign even for the people who lived inside the castle for so long. The gloomy and fierce aura of the surroundings changed into bright and calm that everyone have trouble in understanding the situation. Even Theodore who live in here for all of his life feels like he is not in the castle but different place. And the source of these is none other than Redson, his Alpha.

Redson who finally found his true mate is overjoyed with it. But he knows that being mate with the Saintess is not easy.

If the other maiden in the other tribes and packs are being mated with a werewolf or a beast, it is well-known for the hardship just to win everything to obtain their mate.

But because Ana is the Saintess, he is well aware that he is not alone. And also, the path to be acknowledged is way much more bloody because of the importance of her existence.

But he thought, 'I have time to prove my worth!'. That is why, everything especially his mood drastically changed overnight.

He stopped from his track as he took a whiff of a stronger scent of Ana. It is a sign that she is nearby.

Redson's heart seems to stopped for a moment. He breath in and breath out to keep himself alive and also, to not look like a fool in front of his mate.

He wants to jump on her, hug her, kiss her, and proclaim that she is the most precious existence for him as his mate. But statuses really makes it difficult for him to make a rash decision. Because he knows that once he did it right now, his head will be detached immediately because of the fierce knights beside Ana, that is why he forces himself to be contented in watching her from afar.

"The Beast Lord is acting weird, your holiness." Gabriel whispered in Ana's ears.

Ana just shook her head then patted Gabriel's head. Gabriel blushed and Riegne just chuckled at Ana's other side.

"Just let him be. We are nothing but a guest. We may be holding an important status, we are still in the different territory. We are also here to study the ways of their world down here for us to use it in our own judgement up there." Ana explained poetically.

Gabriel is stunned but recovered quickly with a smile.

"I understand, your holiness. Please forgive my shortsightedness." Gabriel apologized.

"At ease. No one is perfect. We ought to make mistakes." Ana said dismissively.

At that moment, Gabriel realized that in a short period of time of wandering around and observing the territories, Ana, whom he is guarding and protecting since infant is now starting to broadminded as expected to the Saintess.

He felt proud like a father to his child. The ecstasy he felt unfortunately cut off with another man's appearance in front of them.

"I know that this is your place. But... Why are you here?" Gabriel blatantly asked Redson with a fierceness in his voice.

Redson just stared at him. They are like fighting in their own way that Ana and Riegne can do nothing but to wait and watch by the sides.

"I know I am acting suspicious lately. I may be sound unbelievable but... I just want to express how gratified I am with the Saintess's presence here in my humble home. So I apologize in advance if I may look like distateful in your eyes, Mr. Knight." Redson retorted that made Gabriel gasp in surprise.

Riegne chuckled when she saw Gabriel's new expression. He is only used to show his all in front of Ana. But because of Redson's sudden bold response, he unintentionally showed it a person that isn't Ana.

'He finally found his rival.' She thought.

She looked at the back of Ana who is standing slightly in front of her that is also watching the two argue.

Ana's face changed after she smell an unfamiliar scent coming from Redson.

"Why do you smell like teacher and godmother?" She suddenly asked.

Maximilian of Angel Tribe is called 'teacher' by Ana because he is the one who taught her everything she knows. And Florentine of Divine Beings Tribe is called 'godmother' despite of his real gender because Ana thought that he is a female based on how she clothe himself that is a bit feminine than usual.

After hearing her sudden inquiry to Redson, Gabriel and Riegne's eyes grew wide and then turned to Redson who is looking at them unknowingly.

"Huh? What do I smell like?" He asked and then started to smell himself, looking for the smell Ana is telling.

"The Demon Lord also has the same smell when I got near him before at the Human Territory." Ana informed him that made the other two gasped in shock.

"A-are you sure that the four smells the same?" Gabriel asked, stuttering.

"Gabriel! How dare you question the Saintess?!" Riegne asked him in a loud voice.

With this, Gabriel seems to snap out from being daze at that moment. In that way, it can be said that Riegne intentionally raised her voice to prevent Gabriel from doing stupid in front of his 'rival' and to the Saintess.

"I am not mistaken. It's weird though. But... Gabriel has a faint smell of that same smell." She said that Gabriel once again gasped in great shock.

"What did you all used in your bath? Why do you all smell the same?" Ana asked curiously before proceeding to the dining area. But before entering, another shocking news was delivered by her that also Redson brought to a great shock as Gabriel.

"Prinnx also have the same smell too. So please, tell me what you all used. I want to use it in my bath." She said before entering the dining room.

"What a pleasant scent." She mumbled.

Riegne, who is left with the two shook her head.

"This spells trouble." She turned to the two gentlemen who are still in daze.

"Tsk. This really spells great trouble, indeed." She said before following Ana inside.

Whatever it may be, only the people involve can only decipher the meaning of it. And Riegne have no intention of meddling with it. It's just that, she is praying that everything will be okay especially when this shocking news will be heard by Maximilian and Florentine.