
Mate Over Time

Hundred years have passed after the large-scale massacre in the Monster Tribe and only two people survived in that very night. A man is born to be an alpha and a hybrid illegitimate child whose fate is unpredictable. A woman who is as warm as the sun dies in the hands of the Alpha's tyrant father, that made him feel miserable which resulted for another large-scale killing spree as an offering for his dead mate. After hundred of years, a woman who looked exactly like the Alpha's dead mate is born with powers that rival the 'Power of Impurity'. And after that very sight, everything turned into a new cycle of a chaotic history and the only thing that can stop this phenomenon is the mystery of this woman's birth. How will the mysterious woman stop the insane alpha who is still indulged to his dead mate? What will be her role in this story as the one and only Saintess?

AshLhie20 · Fantasy
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16 Chs



This is a mistake. Am I mistaken? Where did it go wrong? When? How? Why?

It sucks to admit that I, Redson Meyer who have fought for five decades straight for vengeance and with the intention to die have made a mistake. And on top of that, I messed with the people from the Realm of the Angels and Divine Beings. And to the Saintess, most importantly.

Am I wrong to hope that my beloved Raiz is still alive? Am I wrong to look at the woman who looks her alike? Or am I mistaken to Raiz herself?

I met Raiz as the most beautiful and popular girl in our school. She is the kindest and smartest person in there that everyone sought after her wherever she go. She is the ideal woman for all the men I know. But that is not what I saw.

The vanilla scent she emits is a sign that she is my... Mate.

She too, knows this. But because she is way too popular for the boys and I for the girls, we were forced to hide from the eyes of the people.

But because she is the future Luna of our pack, the pack members made their move to protect us and to reveal us at the same time.

We became the hot topic and couple in that very year.

After that, I proposed to her.

But at the day of our wedding... The massacre happened that caused her fall.

But because of a book I read, I foolishly believed that... The Saintess is Raiz.

I prepared the foods that she like. Knowing that maybe... Just maybe, she will recognize me. But being recognized changed into a surprise when I learned the origins of the delicacies I served.

Why's that? Simple.

Raiz isn't a beast to begin with.

Beasts and demons may be considered almost the nearest breeds among the five because of our nature. But every tribes have their taboos in terms of food, except the humans.

Angels or Divines can eat the Beast foods, but not the demon's. The Beasts can eat the Divines and Demon's, but not the Angel's. The Demon's can eat the Beast's and Divine's occasionally, but not the Angel's.

The complete opposite of our nature's and environment made it more specific when it comes to these do's and don'ts. Because an improper or unintentional intake of those foods from those tribes will lead us to our deaths.

I also tried to eat the taboo foods to die but... No one can give me the materials because Angels rarely trade with us. And for the past one hundred years, there is an auction before for the materials from the Angel Tribe, but nothing among them are food. Because Angel's are known to rarely eat food, because their 'food' is different from the usual everyone knows.

I, myself has the blood of the Demon and Beast. That's why my 'allergy' towards that certain food origin will make my death even faster than normal.

"Alpha." I turned and saw Theodore standing at my side. He looked both nervous and worried. Nervous for the outcome of my foolishness and worry... For me?

"Theodore, what are you still doing here?" I asked him coldly before grabbing the wine glass with champagne in it.

"I am waiting for you, of course." He replied without changing even the smallest detail of his face.

"Hmp. If I am that naïve like before, I will believe you. But... I am not a kid anymore who is crying for losing someone unworthy aside my mother and brothers." All I can feel is hate. Hate not for Raiz but to myself who is way too weak that I was victimized so easily by a wicked woman. That I spend almost all of my life fighting and attempting to kill myself just to follow her to the Underworld. I am a fool to the fact that Raiz is no one but a fake Luna of mine.


"Send the best hunters and investigate the whole true background of Raiz Sapphire Agnes... If that is really her name. And give it to me in the shortest period of time as possible!" I cannot tell the difference of right and wrong anymore before. But now that I have the power and manpower, I will set everything right.

"What about Prinnx? The head of the Hunters?" Theodore asked.

"You cannot obviously dispatched him, because he is under the protection of the Saintess herself. Because of a certain guy who messed with the man who only lurks in my shadow." I replied, indirectly hitting his conscience.

I knew it. I knew it all along. What Prinnx is always doing, and what Theodore is doing to him even though I am staying in seclusion for the past fifty years. I am not that blind to not see Prinnx's effort and sacrifice. But because of his mother's sins, all I can do is to turn a blind eye in every things Theodore is doing to him. But its a different story now that the Saintess noticed Prinnx himself.


"Whatever you want to say, dismiss it immediately. I don't want to hear any hypocrisy coming out from your mouth. Just do what I commanded, that's all you can do now." I stood up and went out the dining room to go back to my study. When I smelled a whiff of a scent that I think I cannot describe easily. With that scent, my heart began thumping like it want to come out from my chest. I lean at the nearest wall and listen to my heart inside my body.

This is way too stronger than Raiz's. This is too strong to be called fake!

I followed the scent. The scent of orchid, chrysanthemum, lotus and plum blossom. The mixture of it is way too intoxicating for me to bear. And way too suffocating for me to ignore now.

I need to know who is she!

The scent brought me outside the Saintess's room. No one is guarding it.

I opened the door and saw the four scent of intoxicating and beautiful flowers surrounding the sleeping Saintess. It made me froze from my position. I do not know what to do.

My true Luna... Is the Saintess?

Sorry for the late updates... I'll make it up to you for sure~~

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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