
Marvel: The Journey

What happens when a man is allowed to ask for anything he wants and all he replies is - "Nothing!" How would he survive in the Marvel universe without any cheats, without any system, without any... help? While others clamor for cheats, powers, systems, etc. Valexis Haller embraces the chaos with only his peak human intelligence to guide him. Follow along on his story of determination and the will to succeed against all odds. ======= Bonus Chapter Schedule : 100 power stones - 1 bonus chapter 250 power stones - 2 bonus chapters 500 power stones - 3 bonus chapters  1000 power stones - 4 bonus chapters ============= Check out my Patreon if you want to read ahead. patreon.com/aidenusmani ========= Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership over any of the Marvel characters appearing in this novel, which has been created solely as a work of fan fiction. I must clarify that the cover art featured in this publication is the property of its original creators and all associated rights remain with them.

AidenUsmani · Movies
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247 Chs

[The First Mutant Mayhem] - The Impossible Aspiration - Creating the First Mutant-Inhuman Hybrid

Get access to 15+ extra chapters on pat*reon.

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[ A/N : Hey there, my reading buddies!

I've got some exciting news to share! Thanks to a brilliant idea from one of our own, @Tobirama_uchiha777, we're kicking off a bit of a fun reward system here. Starting next week, we'll be doling out bonus chapters at week's end! Now, before you jump up and down with excitement, let's chat about the ground rules.

If we collect 100 Power Stones – bam! – you get 1 Bonus Chapter!

Round up 500 of these glittering goodies, and what do you get? - 2 Bonus Chapters!

And if we hit the motherload of 1000 Power Stones? You better brace yourselves for a whopping 3 Bonus Chapters!

The count starts afresh each week, and the more Power Stones we accumulate for this fanfic, the more bonus chapters I'll conjure up. So, if you're itching for more chapters, start raining down those Power Stones!

Let's all put our hands together for @Tobirama_uchiha777 for this fantastic idea. Come on, let's hear it for him! Let the Power Stones and the chapters roll! ]

Val slipped into his lab coat, settling himself before the desk situated in his mansion's underground chamber in New York. Drawing in a deep breath, he slowly let it out, whispering a self-motivating mantra, "Alright, it's time to get this done once and for all!"

Grasping a pencil, Val selected a fresh sheet of paper, his gaze landing on his past calculations and findings. He commenced rewriting them, a technique used to reboot his mental processes. This was a trick Val had often relied on in his former life, when experimental roadblocks arose. This technique provided him an opportunity to reassess any overlooked errors from before. Moreover, it frequently ignited sparks of innovation, inspiring fresh ideas as he rewrote his earlier work.

Val's eyes sparkled with newfound clarity, and his pencil danced across the paper with increased fervor as fresh ideas, calculations, and methods unfurled in his mind. However, the flow abruptly came to a halt; the pencil remained suspended over the page, its point hesitating. His brow knitted in confusion as a sudden vacuum engulfed his thoughts. The wealth of calculations and methods that had filled his mind evaporated without warning. He shut his eyes, attempting to remember the vanished calculations, but even the smallest fragment eluded his memory.

Teeth clenched, Val made another attempt at retrieving the elusive thoughts, but to no avail. He tried once more, only to meet with the same result. Val pondered, 'This is impossible! How can I not remember anything from just moments ago? I've never experienced anything like this. In the past, when I hit a wall with my experiments, I'd still manage to retain some fragments of thought. But now, it's just a blank canvas, as if my mind was devoid of any ideas in the first place.'

Val's jaw tightened as he mulled over his predicament, 'This simply can't be! I'm far from an ordinary human now. Having consumed the advanced variant of the super soldier serum, learned to wield Chi, and even ate the Peaches of Immortality, my cognitive abilities have transcended the average human level. My thought processing speed, problem-solving skills, and decision-making capacity have all reached superhuman level. Despite all this, my memory remains a blank slate.'

Val's gaze dropped to the page's headline, sparking a fresh line of thought, 'Could it be due to the magnitude of what I'm trying to achieve?' His eyes lingered over the bold inscription - First Genetically Stable And Fertile Mutant-Inhuman Hybrid. His eyes narrowed with determination, 'This has been my aspiration. It's the one feat which noone has managed to achieve in the Marvel universe, including Reed Richards and even Mister Sinister, who categorically deemed it an impossibility due to the tendency of Inhuman DNA to dominate and destabilize the mutant DNA, eventually leading to death. Yet, I am driven to turn this impossibility into reality. I aspire to rewrite history. I yearn to be the progenitor of the first viable Inhuman-Mutant Hybrid. Though Luna Maximoff and Talogan were presumed to be such hybrids, nobody knows whether they are fertile or not.'

Val drummed his fingers against the desk, contemplating, 'There's no turning back. Nothing can stop me from my path towards hybridization. The mere thought of the powers I could potentially unlock sends a thrill of exhilaration coursing through me. I am confident in my capabilities, and I am prepared to push my limits to see this through.'

Val released a slow, steady breath, and once more immersed himself in his work. Time, as they say, stood still - seconds turned into minutes, minutes merged into hours, hours transformed into days, and days stretched into weeks. All this while, Val remained anchored to his chair.

His beard had overgrown, his hair had grown unruly, and weeks had passed without a glimpse of a shower. Yet, his dedication and focus on his experiment remained unwavering.

Surrounding him were countless crumpled sheets of paper, discarded and tossed into the nearby bin. The bin had long overflowed and it's contents spilling out.

Val's hand idly scratched at his burgeoning beard as he meticulously etched a new batch of formulas onto the page. Yet, upon reaching the page's end, his hand came to an unanticipated halt. With a resigned sigh, Val crumpled the paper, tossing it into the already overfilled bin.

He mulled over his predicament, 'I've lost track of the days, yet this mental block remains unbroken. It's like I'm on the cusp of a breakthrough one moment, only for it to evaporate the next. At times, it feels as though someone's playing a cruel game, dangling the answer just out of my reach, snatching it back just as I'm about to grasp it. Nevertheless, surrender is not an option. Regardless of Shaw's success in launching worldwide nuclear missiles or any other apocalyptic scenario, I won't abandon this seat until I unlock the secret to the mutant-inhuman hybrid transformation.'

Then, with renewed determination, Val plunged back into his work.

What he remained oblivious to, however, was the presence of a woman observing his relentless struggle from a remarkably close proximity, standing right beside him as he grappled with his cognitive barrier. She had been his silent spectator for a span of 15 years, ever since he had strayed from his squad to procure the blood of Erik and Shaw.

This woman, who watched Val's frustrated sighs yet unyielding determination with an appreciative smile, possessed an unusual pair of eyes that glowed an ethereal purple. Her skin bore a unique grey hue, and her red hair was a striking contrast. Her body was elegantly sculpted with enticing curves. Standing with her arms folded, she remained an unnoticed observer of Val's relentless pursuit.

With a knowing smile, she leaned forward, presenting an abundant display of her cleavage to Val. Yet, he remained oblivious to her presence. Observing his singular focus, she murmured, "You're in pursuit of universal truths, you seek enlightenment, you thirst for an epiphany, and yet, here I stand."

Her eyes roved the room, taking in its details, before she softly voiced her decision, "You've proven your worthiness of my assistance." Shifting her gaze back to Val, she leaned in, whispering into his ear, "Herein lies the knowledge you so desperately desire."