
Marvel: The Journey

What happens when a man is allowed to ask for anything he wants and all he replies is - "Nothing!" How would he survive in the Marvel universe without any cheats, without any system, without any... help? While others clamor for cheats, powers, systems, etc. Valexis Haller embraces the chaos with only his peak human intelligence to guide him. Follow along on his story of determination and the will to succeed against all odds. ======= Bonus Chapter Schedule : 100 power stones - 1 bonus chapter 250 power stones - 2 bonus chapters 500 power stones - 3 bonus chapters  1000 power stones - 4 bonus chapters ============= Check out my Patreon if you want to read ahead. patreon.com/aidenusmani ========= Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership over any of the Marvel characters appearing in this novel, which has been created solely as a work of fan fiction. I must clarify that the cover art featured in this publication is the property of its original creators and all associated rights remain with them.

AidenUsmani · Movies
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249 Chs

[A Duodecade Of Nomadic Journey] - Val's Triumph - A Joyous Feast with the Immortal Weapons

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In the grand hall of Peng Lai City's revered temple, Fat Cobra sat at a table brimming with delectable dishes, eagerly savoring each bite. As he set aside an empty plate amidst a stack of others, a hearty belch escaped his lips. He casually glanced over at Sihing, whose anxious strides filled the main hall.

With a reassuring tone, Fat Cobra exclaimed, "Calm down, Dog Bro! Have faith in our student's abilities. He will come through just fine!"

Sihing spun around, casting a piercing glare at Fat Cobra, who hastily brushed the lingering crumbs off his face. In response, he spoke, "I have faith in his worth, which is why I fear seeing him suffer as you did when you faced Xiang Yao for the first time!"

A somber expression clouded Fat Cobra's face as Sihing's words struck a chord within him. Memories of being discovered on the brink of death, battered and broken, along the riverbank flooded his mind. Shaking his head, Fat Cobra asserted, "He is far from being as naive as I was when I confronted Xiang Yao for the first time. He will not endure the same fate I did!"

Leaning against one of the pillars, Li Hua absentmindedly twirled her blade fan, her voice filled with anticipation. "I simply long to meet him. Where could he be?"

Right on cue, the door emitted a creaking sound, drawing the attention of the trio. Their gazes converged on the figure that materialized before them.

As Val stepped into the main hall of the temple, a wave of relief washed over him. He directed a smile towards Sihing and Fat Cobra, yet his gaze couldn't help but be drawn to Li Hua, prompting a thought, 'Why is she here?' Nevertheless, he quickly shifted his focus back to Sihing and Fat Cobra, bowing respectfully as he expressed, "Masters Sihing and Fat Cobra, I am deeply grateful for your guidance. Through your wisdom and my unwavering diligence, I have emerged triumphant."

Rising to his feet, Val stretched his left hand, revealing the distinct mark of Xiang Yao etched on its back. A smile formed on Li Hua's face as she caught sight of the mark, and Sihing and Fat Cobra burst into delighted laughter. Fat Cobra enthusiastically exclaimed, "Marvelous! Just as I anticipated from my exceptional student!"

Approaching Val, Fat Cobra offered an approving pat on his back and declared, "With your training concluded and your transformation into a formidable warrior, it is time for a joyous feast in celebration!"

Sihing nodded in agreement and joined Fat Cobra in giving Val an approving pat on the back. Meanwhile, Li Hua approached Val, positioning herself in front of him. Her eyes traversed his form from head to toe as she remarked, "That's a brilliant notion! I, too, have been curious about the identity of the individual worthy of K'un-Lun's entrance."

Val's gaze shifted from Li Hua's impressive armor to her captivating face, and a thought crossed his mind, 'Wow! She is so beautiful!' He nodded in response, acknowledging her words.

The trio of Immortal Weapons escorted Val to an opulent restaurant in K'un-Lun, where they celebrated his victory and extended their gratitude. They instructed the restaurant owner to serve a complimentary feast to everyone present, turning the occasion into a joyous celebration in Val's honor. The crowd erupted in cheers, offering their gratitude through bows directed toward the Immortal Weapons.

As the delectable dishes arrived, Val eagerly indulged in the feast. Amidst their shared meal, Fat Cobra inquired about Val's experience battling Xiang Yao, eager to hear the intricate details of the fierce encounter. Val savored each bite while recounting the battle, his words capturing the undivided attention of the three Immortal Weapons.

When Val concluded his account of the intense confrontation, Li Hua lauded his strength and proceeded to bombard him with questions. She delved into inquiries such as the reason behind Lei Kung granting him entry into K'un-Lun and his purpose for journeying to the sacred city, seeking further understanding.


Meanwhile, atop the rooftop of a neighboring building, Lei Kung and Iron Fist stood in silence, observing Val and the Immortal Weapons as they savored their meal and engaged in cheerful conversation.

Iron Fist's gaze fixated on Val, prompting a sigh to escape his lips. He expressed, "I never imagined that this young man would one day sit at the same table as the Immortal Weapons."

Lei Kung wore a knowing smile and responded, "When he arrived in K'un-Lun, devoid of any trace of chi, none of us could have foreseen this transformation. Now, after three years, his chi surpasses even that of the Immortal Weapons. It was this remarkable progress that compelled them to train him so extensively."

Lei Kung turned to Iron Fist, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder, and posed a question, "You're aware of their next move, aren't you?"

Iron Fist nodded, affirming his understanding, and replied, "I am."

Lei Kung inquired further, "In that case, what will you do?"

Iron Fist shifted his gaze towards his hands, clenching them tightly, and resolved, "Whatever is necessary."


Following the conclusion of the grand feast, Sihing's countenance turned markedly serious as he addressed Val, "Now that your training has reached its culmination, it is time to unveil our plan concerning you."

Val's attention heightened at this revelation, observing Sihing's gaze shift towards Fat Cobra and Li Hua, who nodded in agreement. Sihing resumed speaking, "Our plan entails challenging the Iron Fist to a duel and emerging victorious, thereby obtaining Shou-Lao The Undying's chi. This will grant you the status you sought when you embarked on this training journey—a legendary warrior!"