
Marvel: The Journey

What happens when a man is allowed to ask for anything he wants and all he replies is - "Nothing!" How would he survive in the Marvel universe without any cheats, without any system, without any... help? While others clamor for cheats, powers, systems, etc. Valexis Haller embraces the chaos with only his peak human intelligence to guide him. Follow along on his story of determination and the will to succeed against all odds. ======= Bonus Chapter Schedule : 100 power stones - 1 bonus chapter 250 power stones - 2 bonus chapters 500 power stones - 3 bonus chapters  1000 power stones - 4 bonus chapters ============= Check out my Patreon if you want to read ahead. patreon.com/aidenusmani ========= Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership over any of the Marvel characters appearing in this novel, which has been created solely as a work of fan fiction. I must clarify that the cover art featured in this publication is the property of its original creators and all associated rights remain with them.

AidenUsmani · Movies
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249 Chs

[A Duodecade Of Nomadic Journey] - Farewell to K'un-L'un - The Departure

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Val slowly regained consciousness, his eyelids fluttering against the harsh assault of light. Distant voices mingled together, barely audible in his dazed state. Gradually, his surroundings came into focus, revealing a bed beneath him.

A low groan escaped Val's parched lips as he mustered the strength to sit upright. His gaze roamed the room, landing on the worried expressions of Lei Kung, the revered elders of the Order, as well as Sihing and Fat Cobra, gathered around his bedside.

Struggling to steady his breathing, Val inquired, "What... What happened? How did I end up here?"

Lei Kung responded, his voice calm yet tinged with concern, "I discovered you lying unconscious outside the door. Fortunately, there doesn't appear to be any injuries."

Sihing breathed a sigh of relief and interjected, "What happened to you, Val?"

Sihing shifted his gaze towards Lei Kung, his frustration evident as he retorted, "Lei Kung claimed to have sent you to the Garden of Immortals, which is utterly preposterous."

Perplexed, Val turned towards Sihing and asked, "Why is that so absurd?"

Sihing turned his attention to Val, letting out a heavy sigh before speaking, "It's understandable that you're unaware, being from outside of K'un-L'un. The Garden of Immortals is a revered garden located in the heart of our city. The entrance to the garden itself appears and vanishes every few months."

His voice filled with conviction, Sihing continued, "Even if one manages to locate the elusive entrance and gain access, they would be confronted with an impenetrable maze, deemed unsolvable. No one, and I mean no one, has successfully entered it."

Sihing paused as he noticed Val's smirk and heard his sudden outburst of laughter, causing confusion to sweep through the room. Some onlookers even began to question Val's mental state.

Perplexed, Sihing inquired, "Why are you laughing? What's so amusing?"

Val's laughter subsided, his smirk still lingering as he locked eyes with Sihing. With confidence resonating in his voice, he retorted, "Master, you're mistaken." Pointing at himself, he declared, "I have indeed ventured into the Garden of Immortals."

The revelation sent waves of disbelief and astonishment rippling through the crowd surrounding the bed. Gasps escaped their lips, unable to fathom the possibility of Val's claim.

Fat Cobra vigorously shook his head, his voice laced with incredulity, "Impossible! The garden's maze is said to be unsolvable. How could you possibly navigate through it?"

Val shrugged nonchalantly, his tone filled with confidence, "The maze isn't truly unsolvable. It's designed to test one's character and patience. I managed to find my way to the exit within a few hours of entering."

Sihing's eyes widened, his hand instinctively reaching to cover his forehead as he exclaimed, "Incredible!"

Curiosity evident in his voice, Fat Cobra inquired, "So, what happened after you reached the exit?"

Val spoke, "After reaching the exit, I found myself immersed in the enchanting embrace of the mystical garden. It was as if I had stepped into a living canvas, an ethereal masterpiece.

The expanse of the garden unfolded before me, a breathtaking tapestry of vibrant colors and captivating scents. Emerald-green grass spread out like a velvety carpet, inviting me to tread upon its softness. A kaleidoscope of flowers blossomed in a riot of hues, their radiant petals painting the landscape with their beauty and filling the air with their intoxicating fragrances.

Toweringly ancient trees stood tall and proud, their branches intertwined like a natural canopy. They formed graceful archways, allowing dappled sunlight to dance upon the meandering pathways below.

The garden was adorned with delicate streams, their crystal-clear waters cascading over smooth stones. These miniature waterfalls created a symphony of soothing sounds that blended harmoniously with the serene atmosphere. Graceful koi fish swam serenely within the pools, their vibrant colors injecting bursts of life and movement into the tranquil scene."

Val's voice carried a sense of wonder as he continued, captivated by the rapt attention of his audience, "At the heart of it all, there stood a majestic tree, its branches reaching towards the heavens with regal grace. This tree bore fruits unlike any I had ever seen—magnificent peaches, imbued with a captivating golden glow."

As Val mentioned the Peaches of Immortality, the onlookers' eyes widened, their mouths watering at the mere thought. Lei Kung, unable to contain his astonishment, exclaimed, "The Peaches of Immortality!"

Lei Kung turned to Val, his voice filled with anticipation, "You... Did you consume the Peaches of Immortality?"

A smile graced Val's face as he nodded, recounting his experience, "Yes, I partook of those peaches adorned with their golden-hued glory. Instantly, my body underwent a transformative process, albeit a painful one, which I endured with unwavering determination. However, soon after, I succumbed to unconsciousness."

Gasps of awe escaped the gathered individuals as they absorbed the full account of Val's extraordinary journey, now viewing him in a different light.

Sihing turned to Lei Kung, a slight smile tugging at the corners of his lips. With a respectful bow, he spoke, "Since Val has successfully obtained the Peaches of Immortality, it seems our agreement has been fulfilled."

Returning the bow, Lei Kung acknowledged, "Indeed, our agreement has been fulfilled."

Sihing turned his gaze towards Val, a mix of admiration and pride shining in his eyes. He spoke with a sense of conviction, "Obtaining the Peaches of Immortality surpasses even the acquisition of Shou-Lao's Chi. You have triumphed, becoming a warrior greater than any legend."

Val bowed respectfully from his seated position on the bed, expressing his gratitude, "Thank you for your unwavering guidance, Masters Sihing and Fat Cobra."

Fat Cobra's hand rested reassuringly on Val's shoulder as he asked, a hint of concern in his voice, "What are your plans now?"

Val pondered for a moment before responding, "I have decided to depart from K'un-L'un."

Sihing and Fat Cobra sighed, their expressions tinged with sadness. Val continued, addressing their understanding, "I am truly grateful for the invaluable help and guidance both of you have bestowed upon me. However, you know that I had never intended to remain here indefinitely."

Sihing nodded, his voice filled with regret, "We had foreseen this day would come."

Fat Cobra asked with a touch of resignation, "When do you plan to leave, then?"

Val replied with determination, "As soon as I can."

Lei Kung interjected, casting a shadow of uncertainty over the conversation, "I'm afraid that might not be possible." All eyes turned towards him as he explained further, "The gate to K'un-L'un only opens every ten years. It has been merely three years since the last opening, meaning you would have to wait seven more years before you can leave K'un-L'un."

Val shook his head, a smirk playing on his lips as he responded, "I don't need to wait that long." His gaze shifted to his hands as he continued, "I believe the Peaches have bestowed upon me a unique ability."

A few weeks later, Val stood before the gate of K'un-L'un, taking in the majestic sights of the city for one last time. As he turned around, a surprised expression crossed his face as he found Orson Randall, donning his Iron Fist costume, standing before him.

Before Val could utter a word, Iron Fist spoke up, his voice filled with anticipation, "I've heard that you're leaving. Can you take me with you?"

A broad smile spread across Val's face as he patted Iron Fist on the shoulder, saying, "Absolutely."

"Prepare yourself," Val cautioned. With closed eyes, Val focused on the barrier of energy surrounding his heart, silently projecting his thoughts, 'Take me away, Yggdrasil.'

A calm sensation enveloped Val's entire being, as if he were being embraced by Yggdrasil itself. In the blink of an eye, the sensation dissipated, and Val opened his eyes to find himself outside the gates of K'un-L'un, amidst the snow-covered landscapes of the Himalayas.

Glancing at Iron Fist, who took in their new surroundings, he couldn't help but comment, "Seems like a convenient ability, doesn't it?"

Val smiled, offering a bow, and rose to his feet. "Farewell, Iron Fist. I wish you the best on your journey."

Iron Fist reciprocated the bow, bidding his own farewell, "And farewell to you, Val." With that, he swiftly departed, disappearing among the trees and snow.

As Val continued his path, a smile played on his lips as he thought, 'Now, onwards to my final destination -The Obelisk.'