
Marvel: The Alternate Spider (Dropped)

THIS IS DROPPED! I want to improve my writing/world building/character development skills so that I can move ahead with the story easily. Sorry for giving you this. But you may still read it point out mistakes and help me. Thank You for reading this story and helping me improve my skills. ---------- What if Peter Parker knew the future? What if he had the chance to save Uncle Ben and change everything about his life? Will he still become "the friendly neighborhood spider-man" or will he become something else entirely? Experience the growth of this alternate spider in an alternate universe. ---------- My first language is not English. This is my first work, although dropped but it still helps me a lot in identifying my failures and weaknesses. So feel free to comment anything and everything about the story. If you do not like the story please tell me why, so that I can improve those aspects in my next chapters.

Crooked_Pool · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Ringmaster, Blacksmith, Don Rigoletto and the Maggia

After stabbing the man in the hallway, Peter continued forward. Eventually, he saw 2 men guarding a conference room. With his senses, he knew that the core members of the gang were inside that room. In his must-kill list, these people were at the top.

Then he took out 2 kunai knives and threw them at the guards. One of them pierced a guard's neck. The other? It was deflected. Peter was surprised to see a man with such a reaction speed. Possibly, he was one of the strongest men here.

The other guard who deflected the kunai knife saw a black dressed ninja covered in blood. He did not say anything and started firing his gun at him.

The sound of gunshots must have already alerted the men inside. The Dark Knight had to hurry up otherwise those bastards might run away.

He took out his sword (katana) and dashed toward the guard. The guard tried to dodge but failed miserably. He felt a sharp pain in his right arm only to see that his whole right hand was cut separate from the body. He immediately shouted for help but was then stabbed in the heart.

Drenched in blood, Peter used his senses to observe what was happening inside. All the core members had their guns out and were aiming at the door. Even a slight mistake would cost him his life. Deciding to use the body of one guard as a diversion and the other as a human shield, he pushed the gate open.

*boom* *boom* *boom* *boom* *boom*

Hundreds of SMG shots were fired in just 2 minutes. When the men inside were out of bullets, they realized that they had been tricked. Then Peter slowly entered the room throwing a vibe so negative that even they shuddered. However, they did not panic as if they knew someone was there to save them from any situation.

Sizing Peter up, their leader Gerardo finally spoke, "Gentleman, why did you disturb our meeting. If you had anything important, you could have contacted us after this. With your skills, the family would have tried its best to accommodate you and your demands."

Peter knew that everyone in this room was human. Thanks to his heightened senses, he could hear their heartbeat, feel the warmth of their body, could hear their breathing patterns. Everything pointed out that they were normal but of course psychopathic humans. What was abnormal in the room were the glasses that their leader wore. He could feel that those glasses were trying to influence his mind, they were trying to hypnotize him.

These glasses were probably made with some advanced technology, with which this Gerardo was influencing others to do his bidding. He now knew why there was not a single registered case against this man. He must have hypnotized all of the victims/complainants.

But due to Peter's training with Izo, he was already a master of hypnosis. And because of his control over all his senses, he was immune to hypnotism. Most hypnotism techniques or illusions would affect the eyesight and then the mind. Closing his eyes and using his other senses, Peter was not even slightly affected by those weird glasses.

Without speaking anything, he started throwing kunai knives at everyone in the room except for the leader. He, of course, needed more information from the leader about all the rival gangs, their other hideouts, and their connections within the system.

In 2 minutes all of these bastards were dead. Gerardo tried to run but was caught immediately. Although he was only slightly better than others, the reason he could rise the ladder of the criminal world was because of his glasses. Taking the glasses for research, Peter started tortur-interrogating the man.

After an hour of intense interrogation, he got to know that 'Gerardo' was just an alias. His real name was Maynard Tiboldt, aka the ringmaster. His father came to the States as a refugee from Germany after hiding his true name. His family was a strong Nazi supporter and had accidentally acquired the "nullatron", a machine designed by unknown scientists in Nazi-occupied lands whom the Red Skull had murdered.

Red Skull had then used the nullatron to take hypnotic control of Captain America, Sub-Mariner, and the original Human Torch, all of whom were eventually freed from its control. Tiboldt's father had managed to obtain the plans for the nullatron during the war, and they had been inherited by Maynard.

He then studied electronics and at the age of 22 designed his version of the device. Due to his hatred towards the Allied powers, he did not use the device for any good. Even his closest allies/friends did not know about the device. He used it in secret to reach the position he was in.

From his initial days, he had the support of another drug lord - the "Blacksmith". He did not know much about this Blacksmith, only that this mystery man was responsible for importing more than 25 percent of the drugs circulating on the east coast. There were speculations that he was very influential and had numerous high-ranking connections.

Peter also got to know about the Maggia and Don Rigoletto from Maynard. The Maggia was a crime dynasty from Europe which controlled almost all of the world's crime. They divided the work between families and worked like clans. They had branches all over the world and had their hands buried deep in world politics and economy. Their main branch in Italy did not interfere in the disputes between families and other branches. They were allowed to do anything and they would even kill each other to rule, but the only 2 rules they had to follow were that of bloodline and loyalty. Only the purest Maggia bloodline would become the family patriarch and the Patriarch had to report the working of his family to the main branch every year.

Unsurprisingly Don Rigoletto from the Don family of the Maggia was the current kingpin of New York. He was the face of crime in New York and was the most powerful cartel leader.

With this information in his hands, Peter felt like the mission was worth it. Although he did not even know how they looked or where to find them, he now had a target. With nothing else to do, he forced the ringmaster to confess all the crimes he ever committed and all his connections(without letting him mention anything about the nullatron) on a tape recorder.

Listening to all the crimes he committed and all his connections, Peter felt a headache. Then, he immediately used his sword to kill him.

Maynard aka the ringmaster is an original character from the comics. He had the "nullatron" and used it to commit small crimes and later went on to become a very good manipulator.

Also, the story behind nullatron is true.

Don Rigoletto was the previous kingpin. Yes, the maggia is also an original family from the comics.

We all know about the "blacksmith" Hint- Punisher fans, he is coming very soon.

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