
Marvel: The Alternate Spider (Dropped)

THIS IS DROPPED! I want to improve my writing/world building/character development skills so that I can move ahead with the story easily. Sorry for giving you this. But you may still read it point out mistakes and help me. Thank You for reading this story and helping me improve my skills. ---------- What if Peter Parker knew the future? What if he had the chance to save Uncle Ben and change everything about his life? Will he still become "the friendly neighborhood spider-man" or will he become something else entirely? Experience the growth of this alternate spider in an alternate universe. ---------- My first language is not English. This is my first work, although dropped but it still helps me a lot in identifying my failures and weaknesses. So feel free to comment anything and everything about the story. If you do not like the story please tell me why, so that I can improve those aspects in my next chapters.

Crooked_Pool · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Love and Protection

After killing the leader and all the other core members, Peter thought about what to do next. He could not burn the whole area down. There was a warehouse full of trafficked children in the compound. He realized that his previous planning lacked experience and did not take into account the possible contingencies.

After planning everything, he sprung into action again. What was the plan? To create enough panic that it would attract the attention of the authorities. Before continuing further, he called the police through Maynard's phone and informed them about the shootings, drugs, and child trafficking.

Next, taking out the revolver that he 'borrowed' from some drug peddlers, Peter started his shooting practice.

*boom* *boom* *boom*

The noise of SMGs and the revolver had already alerted the remaining members of the syndicate. In the next 2 hours, he improved his shooting skills to the level of a trained special ops soldier, with the help of the memories he got earlier. He had already killed more than 80 members and injured 50 of them.

By the time he left, the NYPD, DEA, FBI, and people from every other major department had arrived. They were struggling to eliminate/arrest the remaining members. Seeing how every cartel member in the base would prefer getting shot instead of surrendering, Peter felt that his decision to kill most of them was right, else the police would have suffered massive casualties.

When everything was finally over, the authorities were shocked to see more than 100 dead bodies of the gang members. Some were shot, some were stabbed, some were pierced through a strange knife that usually ninjas in a movie carried, and some were even punched to death. Seeing blood everywhere, most of the common patrol officers vomited.

Inside the warehouses, they found millions of dollars worth of drugs and more than 200 trafficked children. They even found some children inside the mansion.

With such evidence and the dead bodies of various cartel members, the case could not be suppressed. The next day all the major news channels were covering the event.


April 1, 2006

It was afternoon when Peter came out of his room. Although his aunt and uncle were concerned, seeing him rest once in a while relieved them. Of course, they did not know that their little 'Petey' was out there yesterday killing criminals.

Coming downstairs for lunch, he heard the news, "Million dollar drug bust in Queens, Hundreds of trafficked children rescued" and "Hundreds of cartel members killed. Is it the work of rival gangs? Are the testimonies of arrested members true that it was a lone ninja? Are the authorities trying to fool us?"

Ben saw Peter and called May, "Honey, see your little 'Petey' is finally up." Seeing the exhaustion in his nephew's eyes, he said gently," Hey lazy bum, do not make this a habit, okay? Studying is fine but take care of your health. Rest for a day or two, else your aunt might even forbid you from taking part in those conferences." Peter nodded and started eating his lunch.

After everything that happened last night, the only thing that kept him sane was the love his family and friends showered on him. So, he decided that he would spend time with his friends and try to live as a normal teenager for a week before taking up any major mission. Small clean-ups were fine but a mission of this scale was very different.

Of course, he did not want to become an emotionless 'punisher'. He wanted to be the friendly and deadly Dark Knight.

Curious about what his uncle thought, Peter asked, "Uncle, what do you think about the news? Is it really true that a vigilante ninja is going on a rampage?"

While watching the news, his uncle advised, " I am telling you Peter, do not get involved with drugs or anything or you would become like the idiots who think they saw a ninja killing hundreds of their 'friends'." He further complained about the authenticity of this claim, and the failure of the government and the police.

He even told his nephew that a person with power should not kill, saying, "I do not like these vigilantes even if they really existed. We have a law and everyone should follow it. The courts could have punished these people, outright killing them is wrong."

Peter did not say anything. He did not tell him that there were people, about the law, people with power that could even control the court. He just nodded and ate his lunch. In this lifetime, his goal was not to follow his uncle's ideology but to protect him and the others he loved.

He spent the rest of the afternoon bickering with his aunt who was lecturing him about taking care of his health. In front of his caring aunt, he could not even argue that he was always in peak human condition. He would just get smacked and lectured again.

In the evening he met with his group of friends and went to a movie. MJ noticed that Peter was behaving a little differently. Thinking that he might have gotten a nerd girlfriend from his scholarship program, she flirted with him aggressively to bring him back to her. When he told her that he was just stressed about an upcoming project and she sighed in relief, causing everyone to laugh at her imagination.

This was what Peter craved- love and care from family and friends. But to protect and cherish this feeling, he had to be strong enough to deter others from ruining it.