
Marvel: The Alternate Spider (Dropped)

THIS IS DROPPED! I want to improve my writing/world building/character development skills so that I can move ahead with the story easily. Sorry for giving you this. But you may still read it point out mistakes and help me. Thank You for reading this story and helping me improve my skills. ---------- What if Peter Parker knew the future? What if he had the chance to save Uncle Ben and change everything about his life? Will he still become "the friendly neighborhood spider-man" or will he become something else entirely? Experience the growth of this alternate spider in an alternate universe. ---------- My first language is not English. This is my first work, although dropped but it still helps me a lot in identifying my failures and weaknesses. So feel free to comment anything and everything about the story. If you do not like the story please tell me why, so that I can improve those aspects in my next chapters.

Crooked_Pool · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Crazy Gerardo Familia-2


You May Skip this chapter if you find it unsettling. But it talks about Peter's ideology and a dilemma he was going to face. Also, he will change after this chapter.


While observing his surroundings, Peter used his stealth abilities to hide. Noiselessly he reached the mansion. The smell of drugs in the surroundings was heavy. Going inside through a window, he could observe almost everything that was happening there with his hyper-senses.

After scouting for some time, he regretted the decision to use radar sense. What he saw there was beyond anything a normal man could even think of doing. He seriously reconsidered if he wanted to leave them alive.

They were sick bastards. No human would do what they did. They raped and tortured children while forcing them to do drugs.

He was shaking and was broken from the inside. He could not even believe what he saw. The last shred of naivety was now gone. He hid in a spot and sat there for almost 2 hours without moving a muscle. Finally, he made a decision.

He cannot leave such bastards living in the world. When some used their abilities to continuously overpower the system and hurt others without any regrets, he would not hesitate to kill them. Now it all made sense what his master once said, "Those who overpower others in ways, that are so wrong that if they came to light, morality itself would want to kill them, they have already accepted death in advance."

He knew, that if he left them alive they will come back with their money and connections. He was on the verge of a breakdown when he though about his 'responsibility'. He knew his responsibility was not only to protect but also to punish. Only protection would not deter others from doing what these people did. Punishment, on the other hand, would set a baseline that others would not dare to cross.

Peter also knew, that where there was light, there was darkness. So he will never be able to get rid of all the crime in NYC itself, forget about the world. But what he wanted now was to set a baseline that none of the criminals would dare to cross.

If being ruthless would scare others from doing such things, he would become the most ruthless man on Earth. Of course, he would still give others a chance to change but for people like this who have ruined and killed for pleasure, death was the answer.

With a blank look on his face, he finally got up and went inside the first room where all this was happening. The man inside was startled and did not think that anyone could enter the room as he had locked it. Peter said nothing just went up to him, punched him off the bed, took a cloth, gagged him, and tied him to a chair. The punch was so hard that his lower jaw was dislocated. This made it difficult for him to breathe or shout.

Peter, then, swiftly covered the child with the bed sheet and used his knowledge of hypnosis and telepathy to make her forget about what had happened to her. He also used his knowledge of pressure points to ease any pain she could be suffering. Further using his chi, he repaired any damage her body could have taken due to all the drug, physical and sexual abuse.

The child was now sleeping peacefully. Peter almost had tears in his eyes thinking about the torture these children were suffering. These kids did nothing wrong, then why did they suffer such abuse. The answer was simple, there was no one to deter others from doing what they did. The Dark Knight was now becoming a truly dark vigilante.

Done with helping the child, he took his sword and slashed at the man's toes. Blood splattered everywhere. His black robe was now drenched in blood.


The man grumbled while being gagged but could not do anything else. He was tied and his jaw was dislocated. Neither could he shout nor he could run away.

Peter, then, took all the drugs he could find in his bag, forced them inside the man's mouth, and gagged him again so nothing would come out. He then made sure that the child would not wake up before sunrise and left. This was because her body was recovering while she slept. He would rescue her with the others later, after killing all these bastards.

He repeated the process 5 more times in 5 different rooms before going into the next room. The next room was the torture chamber. He could not handle himself after seeing anything that happened and just took all the drugs in the room and forced them inside the man. While trying to save the child, he could not even see his face due to all the blood. The child was already unconscious due to all the torture.

He cut the rope which tied the child to the bed and immediately used all his chi to save the child and help him recover. The boy still needed some medical attention but would now be able to survive. He would also wake up in the morning with almost no memories of what happened to him. The same thing happened in the next 2 rooms.

All this was now over. No children were being abused anywhere else in the building. But already angered to the point where he had lost any feeling towards this bunch, Peter decided to clean this building of all the worms. He took out 6 kunai knives and threw them towards a bunch of bastards in the hallway. The knives pierced every gangster's throat.

Out of the 50 people in the building, 6 were dead and 9 were slowly dying due to drug overdose and blood loss. With his precise knife throwing skills, 2 more of these bastards were dead. But one of their colleagues spotted him. Not bothering to hide anymore, Peter ran towards the man. The man fired his gun only to watch his opponent dodge every bullet. How could he possibly know that his opponent's agility, reflexes, and stamina were all at superhuman levels?

What will happen next? Will Peter trully kill hundreds of people and then be guilt ridden due to his activities? Or will he find some other way? Will Izo smack some sense into him or he will have to find his own way?

Find out more in the next chapter!

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